-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I was stabbed in the heart by the sword fairy sister thirteen times in one night, and you still want to pierce my heart with your slow hidden weapon?nonexistent!give up!

Bai Jue was full of contempt, as if by divine help, he easily grabbed the hidden weapon whose speed was close to the speed of sound!

He didn't even know how he did it.

But Bai Jue was not unprepared, he couldn't see the Yaksha man's movements, but he saw the flow of the man's true energy, even though he was covered by a black robe, he could still see it very clearly...Compared to the lightning-fast man Sister Jianxian's sword energy, the true energy flow of this Yasha mask is as slow as a turtle, and when he makes a move, Bai Jue is fully prepared to dodge.

Then he felt that the speed of this hidden weapon was too slow, there was no need to dodge at all, and he subconsciously grabbed it in his hand, not blocking it, but grabbing it. In the dark, he had a kind of cognition-how could a hidden weapon of this level hurt him? to me!

After that, he easily completed the difficult challenge, and even broke through the speed limit of the human body.

No matter how stupid Bai Jue was, he was aware of the change in himself, and he murmured: "Sister Jianxian is really not simple, this is the first day I have been reborn... I am afraid that it is not a one-in-a-million martial art Wizard, will you be able to comprehend the palm technique that fell from the sky in a few days?"

On the one hand, Moubai secretly wondered about his own changes, but on the other hand, he remembered the screams.

"Impossible!" Yasha mask blurted out, his voice was a bit sharp.

He originally thought that for a person like Bai Jue who doesn't have any internal strength, not to mention his unique hidden weapon technique of flying flowers in the dark night, even one is enough to kill him, not to mention that the hidden weapon is poisonous. , as long as it penetrates into the human body, the poisonous needle inside the nail will protrude out, and the poison will melt into the blood, and the opponent will definitely not survive a stick of incense!

But this person actually caught it!Catch it with your hands!It's like catching chickens, one catches one!Still six catches per second!You? How did you do it!

Yasha mask resisted the urge to shout 'you cheated', took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "This kid is weird... I can't see that he has internal strength, but he must have some skills to catch hidden weapons."

Li Shiming originally wanted to save people with a sword, but Bai Jue was still safe and sound, which made her a little curious. At the same time, she silently thought that the sudden appearance of this young man was an opportunity. If she negotiated with this group of people step by step, she would surely Falling into a passive state, his appearance broke the balance, at least he could buy himself enough time to find out who was behind this group of people.

Li Shiming looked straight ahead—taking advantage of the chaos, beheaded a few of them, or smashed their formation, and rushed to the school.

But this group of men in black are not vegetarians, they are silently guarding against Li Shiming... not allowing her to break through.

Seeing that the scene was about to fall into a stalemate, Bai Jue, the restless person, finally spoke up. He dropped his hidden weapon and said with an unhappy face: "What do you mean, why do you want to attack the crowd? You are very immoral! You scare me It’s time to lose money!”

The Yasha mask almost didn't scold her mother directly, and an old slot got stuck in his throat and couldn't get up and down——damn is there someone like you!How dare you blackmail me at such a time!Me? That's not to scare you, but to kill you!

But... planning is the most important thing, and you can't be messed up by this kind of madness. That adult's request must be fulfilled!

The man held back his discomfort, cupped his hands and said, "This little brother..."

"Who is your brother, lose money quickly, or I will report you to the government..." Bai Jue put on an attitude of touching porcelain.

"Government? Hehe..." Yasha mask smiled disdainfully: "Even if you go to the six gates to sue us, it's useless, little brother, after hearing my advice, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, you leave now, what can we do?" Nothing happened, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, I will report you to the government..." Bai Jue's smile gradually became vicious: "Conspiracy against elementary school students, starting from three years, the maximum penalty is death."

"You——! You spitting blood!" Yasha mask said angrily. He is just a kidnapper, not a lolicon!The latter should be dragged out Tan Jiji played to death!

"In fact, there is no difference. What is the difference between kidnapping a little girl and abduction?" Bai Jue put his hands on his chest and smiled proudly: "What kind of benevolence and morality are you talking about when dealing with you? I just slandered you. Why don't you shoot me?"

— Hold back, hold back!After completing the task, slowly concoct him!

Yasha man covered his forehead: "Enough! We don't care who you are, get out of here now!"

"Don't leave." Bai Jue sat on the roof: "Are you still scaring me? Lose your money now! Otherwise, I won't leave!"

Yasha mask stomped his feet, took out a money bag from behind, took out his salary for this month and threw it at Bai Jue: "Take the money and get out!"

"You throw coins!" Bai Jue stretched out his hand to catch them, opened the purse to look, and curled his lips: "Poor ghost, it's only a hundred taels...the black dragon creditors are richer than you, he is a bandit leader anyway, you This dog leg is not professional at all."

"You have so much money to go out on a mission!" Yasha's masked eyes burst into flames: "Have you said enough? Get lost!"

"Okay, okay." Bai Juan turned around, took a step, took a step carefully, took a step back, and then sat down: "Okay, I'm leaving."

"You lied to ghosts!" The thread in the Yaksha mask's head was stretched to the limit.

"That's right." Bai Jue nodded seriously, "I'm just kidding you."

He gave a disdainful smile, weighed the purse in his hand, and smiled proudly: "A person like me will not bow down for five buckets of rice, nor will I give up fighting for a mere money. I am a righteous man who regards money as dung." They specialize in fighting injustice, robbing the rich and giving to the poor! You want to sell my conscience for just a hundred taels? It’s too cheap... At least give me a million!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Jue put the money bag in his pocket, with a face of nobility that was not stained by money.

Her Royal Highness Li Shiming, the cold and lonely princess, couldn't help but look away in shame.

——You put the money down anyway, why put it in your pocket?Did you say money is dung?Do you stuff dung in your pockets?

After Bai Jue's repeated, repeated ridicules, the rational nerve of the Yaksha mask finally broke... Batta——!

Unable to contain his anger any longer, he roared, "Give me back the money!"

——Are you asking for money instead of killing me?Is this man so greedy for money?

Bai Jue felt the wonder of the world, so he hooked his fingers and took the money bag out of his pocket again: "Did you see the one hundred taels of silver?" He sank into his dantian, held the money bag tightly, and threw it into the sky. When I went out, I only heard a whoosh, and the purse disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds: "I won't give it to you if I throw it away."

The courtyard fell into a terrible silence for three seconds, and then a hysterical roar resounded through the sky.

"I? Kill you!"

The full force of the acquired Ninth Level cultivation base exploded, the man in the Yaksha mask stomped heavily on the ground, and the black robe was completely shattered. Under the anger, his explosion was no less than half a step of innate cultivation base, and the iron fist he raised was full of strength, weighing more than a thousand jun , enough to kill a tiger with bare hands.

And what Bai Jue needed was the moment when he lost his mind and broke the formation. He raised the corners of his lips and looked at Li Shiming. He opened and closed his lips and teeth, but his voice didn't come out, but he knew that this smart girl must understand .

— Fuck you!

Li Shiming suppressed all unnecessary expressions, and condensed half a step of her innate true energy on the blade. Her slender figure melted into the wind, and she took a step forward. Suddenly, no one even saw her extreme sword drawing skills clearly.

No one noticed that the sword in her hand was not a sword, but a knife, Dingtang knife.

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