Li Shiming's sword came out of its sheath and returned to its sheath, but in just a short breath, she had already stepped through the formation formed by the men in black, and the sword's edge also cut off five arms... The men in black let out a muffled groan, and they half knelt On the ground, looking at his broken arm in horror.

None of them are weak, they are all masters at the eighth level of acquired nature and the ninth level of acquired nature. Although they have not yet stepped into Xiantian, they still have eight or ninety years of internal strength cultivation, but even so, they are still defeated by one move... Xiantian and Xiantian The day after tomorrow is like the difference between cloud and mud, even if it is only a half-step innate, it is much better than the day after tomorrow.

The blood flowed in the courtyard, and also stained the clear pool on one side used to wash ink red, which made Li Shiming slightly frown, as it would be troublesome to clean it afterwards.

She looked at the sleeping children in the school and breathed a sigh of relief, then she looked up the roof, trying to see how Bai Jue was doing.

At this time, the sky thought of a thunderbolt from the clear sky. The blue thunder light was so dazzling that several people had to close their eyes. At the same time, there were screams mixed with the ear-piercing thunder... Three seconds later, a charred black object in the shape of a human Being thrown from the roof, Bai Jue also jumped down, clapped his hands, looked around, and was happy: "It's done, the speed is pretty fast."

"This is?" Li Shiming didn't mind Bai Jue's familiarity, she looked at the charred humanoid object.

"The one wearing the mask just now, he is so stupid, if you fly a kite with me at a distance, maybe I will make him a fool, but unfortunately he is really too aggressive, he actually played close combat with me... No matter how strong a martial arts master is He can't stand the high-voltage current, no, he has already been educated by the current to be a man." Bai Jue said with a smile: "In the future, he should pick up his conscience and be a good man."

Li Shiming was noncommittal, she stared at the other men in black, and said indifferently: "When you go back, remember to tell your master not to try to attack the princes and palaces, otherwise he can't afford the price...I won't take your lives, but You can't take this severed arm away, this is the price you should pay." She waved her long sleeves, unwilling to say another word: "Go away!"

The people in black staggered and disappeared into the courtyard. This time, they didn't have the energy to fly over the walls, but left through the small door. They couldn't help but shake their heads: "This group of people is really unprofessional."

"They were originally not specially trained dead men, nor disciples, nor worshipers, but a group of nameless people... Either they are mixed blood of Hu people, or exiles who lost their surnames, or were recruited in the martial arts. Zongmen Green Forest." Li Shiming whispered: "Either it is for profit, or for repayment, or to regain the glory of our family, no matter which one it is... The current Shenzhou Empire cannot give them these things."

Bai Jue was slightly taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Your Excellency, you don't need to know." Li Shiming shook his head lightly: "I don't know is a blessing, if you know too much, you will be involved."

"Do you think I can stay out of it now?" Bai Jue shook his head: "I can't escape." He looked at Li Shiming, and the more he looked at him, the more familiar he looked: "Besides, I always feel that there is a great destiny between us. , There is also a tacit understanding...Speaking of which, you are a royal princess?"

Li Shiming nodded: "My father is a vassal king canonized by the first emperor. Although he has no royal blood relatives, he also has the title of princess, and the title is Qin."

"His Royal Highness Princess Qin?" Bai Jue rubbed his chin. Is there such a number one person in history? He tentatively asked, "Dare to ask His Highness's name?"

"You are kind to me, so you don't need to use an honorific title." Princess Qin showed a faint smile: "Just call me Shi Ming."

"Shiming..." Bai Jue fell into deep thought, and then his brain roared—Oh my god, Tang Emperor Li Shiming!The second emperor of the Shenzhou Empire!The main mission is finally here!


ps1: It's snowing everywhere today, remember to wear more clothes... Southerners don't need it, you can't see it anyway.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Tang Emperor Li Shiming was an extremely controversial emperor in the history of the Shenzhou Empire.

It is rumored that after the abdication of the first emperor, she ascended the throne with thunderous means. Any opponents were either dead or demoted, and the number of courtiers in the court decreased by one third in just one day. one.

She is not a heroic spirit, at least not before she ascended the throne. Unlike the bloodline of a heroic spirit who was reincarnated innately, she is the proof of a heroic spirit who was recognized by the principles of civilization the day after tomorrow. Ascension to the throne can be said to be a very incredible thing in that era.

In today's prosperous era, even if the first emperor's ruling party is stable, all kinds of open and secret struggles and cliques are indispensable in the court. In any country and any era, these are unavoidable ills. Rather, the more It is the prosperous age of the founding of the country, the more there are such problems.

After all, political power in peaceful and prosperous times is far stronger than in troubled times... In troubled times, even if you are a thousand-year-old family with four generations and three lords, you should bow your head obediently before a reckless overlord with military power in your hands.

The first emperor has ruled the country for a hundred years, and he has a laissez-faire attitude towards all kinds of struggles. The premise is that it will not affect her implementation of state affairs, don't kill people, don't make life difficult for the people, and don't just focus on fighting for power and profit instead of doing practical things. If you meet the above conditions, do whatever you want No matter how much you struggle, the sky won't fall with me here.

It is precisely because of the first emperor's laissez-faire attitude that there are so many talented people in the court today, and anyone who is picked out at will is a famous person. In the past, the capable advisers, famous generals and scholars in the Sui and Tang Dynasties were almost all stuffed in their brains. Come in...what Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Fang Xuanling, Wei Chigong, Yang Su, Han Qinhu...Wen Chengwu, those who are both civil and military are also very impressive, and anyone who is pulled out is a capable minister and founding marshal.

The Sui and Tang Dynasties had too many capable men and soldiers in the history of the Celestial Dynasty. Although the Sui Dynasty had only two generations of emperors, it has been a prosperous age since the founding of the country. Unfortunately, the times have changed, and too many people have been lost for nothing... But in the history of the Shenzhou Empire, The First Emperor strongly overwhelmed Yang Jian and Li Yuan, the two founding emperors who had the appearance of emperors, and also included all the civilian and military generals under his command to expand the territory of the empire. (Go back and read the Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties to know how many fierce people there are)

But now that the first emperor founded the country for a hundred years, he had to face a problem, and that was the crown prince.

The First Emperor has no heirs, no concubines, and no queen, and he made up his mind to remain single until the end of time. After the loyal ministers of the court mentioned the various disadvantages of being single, they were kicked out from the early There is almost no need to consider the hereditary system,

In the past hundred years, there has not been any battle for the crown prince, because the first emperor seems to be able to live for a long time, and as time goes by, most people know it well and don't bring up this issue. An Anxin quarrels and quarrels, which does not involve imperial power The contention, but also peacefully.

But Bai Jue remembered that there was a record in the history of the Shenzhou Empire that he had read - the abdication of the First Emperor was very hasty, without any preparation, and he left as soon as he said it. It can be said that he was very, very willful. All the ministers were dumbfounded when the imperial power was vacant, and then... an imperial power struggle was inevitable, and the participants were naturally the central figures of several major forces in the court.

Sui and Tang Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties... Although the two founding emperors, Li Yuan and Yang Jian, have passed away, isn't there still a next generation?

Prince Li Yuan has one son and two daughters in total. Li Jiancheng and his father traveled east and west together. He has made great achievements in battle and has the strength of character to inherit the throne. Unfortunately, he was really unlucky. He blocked Attila's arrow for his father Li Yuan and spilled blood In a foreign land, it would be cool to say it's cold... Li Yuan saw his son was gone, his eyes were red, he rushed over to find Attila desperately, but naturally he also lost half his life.

After returning to Chang'an, I came to say to the first emperor, "Fucking the Huns...", and then died, and entered the principles of civilization to become a heroic spirit.

Attila was recognized by the principles of civilization at that time, he was the pinnacle hero and the lord of a country. He lived for two centuries, straddled the Eurasian continent, established a magnificent empire, and conquered Constantinople , Expedition to Orleans, Gaul, defeated Italy, and destroyed Western Rome.

The entire Hunnic Empire flourished for a time, from the Aral Sea in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Danube River in the south, and the Baltic Sea in the north. join the war.

However, because Attila fought and plundered too frequently, it caused many assassinations and assassinations. Heroic spirits from many countries attacked him more than once, which also forced him to slow down his steps to conquer the world. This stagnation is For more than a hundred years, after he eliminated all threats, he continued to set off a frenzy of war, striding towards the east with iron hooves, directly pressing down on the territory of the Shenzhou Empire, which was in its prime.

Speaking of which, the death of Li Yuan and his son is really wronged. They originally bullied the barbarians in the grassland to play, saying it was a war, but in fact it was just a necessary show of force, to deter the barbarians from causing trouble. Occasionally, when they meet a powerful tribe, they can fight. It's just that the probability of this is very small, and Li Jiancheng is just following his father's experience points, rubbing his political experience, and gaining knowledge by the way.

Originally, it was just a low-level dungeon to gain experience, but it turned out that I was lucky enough to encounter a high-intensity boss invasion. The strength of the army is not weak, but the local fighters are high-spirited, and they have not lost a battle until Attila himself went to the front line, brazenly crushing everything with the strength of the peak heroic spirit.

This is still a jb... Li Yuan wanted to run away, but Attila had already drawn his bow and released the treasure on him.


Then the son is gone!Then I went crazy too...

Aside from this nonsensical way of explaining, but looking at the essence, in fact, the father and son are also fighting to protect the territory of the empire. Man, it can be said that life is great and death is glorious.

It is recorded in the history books that the princes and their sons, Xi Wang, led [-] personal guards and [-] defenders. The father and son fought together with the Huns vanguard army with [-] iron hooves in the northern wild grassland. The grass was stained with blood for [-] miles, and they won the bloody battle; The leader of the Huns, Attila, led the army to attack and took advantage of his exhaustion to attack at night. In order to protect the safety of the princes and kings, the king of Xi sacrificed his life for benevolence. He scolded the Huns angrily and died.

Once Li Yuan and Li Jiancheng left, only two daughters, Li Xiuning and Li Shiming, were left in the princes' mansion.

Li Xiuning and Li Shiming watched their father and elder brother being buried with their own eyes. Under the gaze of countless people, the two daughters held on, not a single tear was shed. Li Xiuning knew that she couldn't cry, and she had to hold on The entire palace of the princes, so she couldn't cry; but Li Shiming didn't shed tears, just watched her relatives being sent to the mausoleum, and the generals and civil officials of Shenzhou Jiangshan buried them, and the coffins were covered with dragon flags and family emblems.

Shihuang touched the head of Li Shiming, who was only twelve years old at the time, and said, "I will ask for it back for them."

Historical records——

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