"On the night of the burial of the princes and kings, the first emperor controlled the dragon's veins and controlled the sword of the emperor. The cloud and smoke of a hundred thousand miles were like a dragon, the purple air came from the east, and the sword swayed to the sky. He made an appointment to fight Attila, the whip of God, in front of the Yanmen Pass."

"In the first battle, the world was shocked, and the army avoided its edge, and the blue sky was stained with blood. After three days of fierce fighting, the blood was victorious and returned."

"Hanging Attila's head at the Yanmen Gate for ten days, the Huns panicked when they saw it, and retreated without fighting."

The first emperor was able to defeat Attila not only because of his strength as a heroic spirit, but also because of the blessing of the dragon veins of the earth. Fighting in the local area naturally occupies the right time, place and people. Compared with war weapons that only know how to constantly conquer, how can they be defeated? reason.

With this battle, the trajectory of history changed again. Once Attila died, the magnificent empire he built would be wiped out overnight. Not because of his terrifying strength, this empire would have perished long ago... relying on conquest and The country established by plundering, the final outcome is nothing more than this.

As the blood feud was avenged, Li Xiuning became more and more convinced of the first emperor. As the eldest daughter, she had the right to inherit the position of vassal king, but she was unwilling to inherit it. She only regarded herself as Princess Pingyang Zhao and joined the army.

Li Shiming stayed at home without much movement, but some people knew that the second lady was the most difficult one.

After talking about the princes and kings, I went to the Duke of Zhen.

Zhen Guogong is the title of Yang Jian, he has already died, so it is hereditary to his son Yang Guang.

Yang Jian is the No. [-] strong man. His strength lies not only in his temperament and talent, but also in his having a good wife. His wife Dugu Jialuo is definitely the number one virtuous housewife throughout the ages. There is no flaw, and the love between the two has been passed down as a good story in later generations.

Yang Jian has followed the first emperor from a long time ago. Although he has the appearance of the emperor, but in history he relied on his wife's words. There is nothing to add to his worship, and this ambition to be emperor is completely buried in his heart, and he can't bring it up at all. An Anxin became a township prince, and honestly took care of his life.

When they were young, they fought all over the world, their eldest son died young, their second daughter Yang Juner married a general, and then they got their son Yang Guang when they got old. They had nothing to do with them here, and they took a box and went to Wenmingzhi's subordinates to be heroic spirits.

Speaking of Yang Guang, he is definitely outstanding in talent, literary and martial arts, and full of talents. It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that he is an all-around compound talent. He is young and promising. He has already made considerable achievements in political, economic and military affairs when he was only in his twenties. He perfected the imperial examination system, and participated in the government as an adult when he was an adult. One-third of the people in the entire court were his party members or his supporters.

He is very smart and ambitious, but he never reveals anything... He clearly knows that as long as the emperor of the ages is still sitting on the dragon chair, he will never have a chance, so now he can be a Duke of the Town with peace of mind. Do things, and perform your duties honestly.

But... In case the first emperor gets tired of sitting on the dragon chair and decides to establish a crown prince, Yang Guang is definitely the first choice. He is very good at dormant and very humble. He never exposes himself until he is likely to touch the throne. Regarding his ambition, he never questioned the fact that he was definitely the number one candidate.

But reality loves to slap faces, even Yang Guang, the chosen one, is no exception.

The fact that Shihuang summoned Li Xiuning quickly spread. It is unknown whether the conversation between the two was wiretapped or rumored, but it is true that Shihuang intended to make Li Xiuning the crown prince. , was also confirmed in today's morning court.

Shi Huang just acquiesced without saying a word, which was enough to leave other people's daydreams.

The government, which has been peaceful for more than a hundred years, is finally about to usher in the deadlock that the feudal system can never escape - the battle for the crown prince.

A powerful empire always declines due to internal strife and then external factors... Many far-sighted courtiers can't help but start to worry. You must know that the Qin Dynasty established by the first emperor was also very prosperous and unified the world, but why did it decline in the end? ?Isn't it also because of the struggle for the throne?

Is the Shenzhou Empire going to repeat the same mistakes?

The courtiers of the neutral faction never wanted the first emperor to abdicate. What they pursued was stability and stability. If the first emperor really wanted to appoint someone as the crown prince, they could only be forced to accept it. But the saddest thing was this ambiguous situation. manner.

This is clearly an opportunity for people to make trouble!

Regardless of what Princess Pingyangzhao thinks, how could Yang Guang, Lord of the Town, swallow this breath.

He will definitely attack the palaces of princes and princes... Maybe he can't do it on the surface, but there are as many ways as he wants secretly.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So that's it. In other words, there is no other person who will attack you except Yang Guang. He wants to use you to threaten Ning Xiu... Her Royal Highness Princess Pingyang Zhao gave up the fight for imperial power." Bai Jue Sitting on a chair, holding a cup of fragrant tea, he said calmly: "It's really a development that is nothing new. This Duke of Zhen probably lost his mind."

"This is just Shi Ming's conjecture." Li Shiming said softly: "Actually speaking, most of those attackers are nameless and buried in history. If they want to live in the light again, they must change dynasties, at least The people sitting on the dragon chair today cannot be His Majesty the First Emperor, even if they are caught, they will not confess the mastermind behind them, this is not just for loyalty, but for future generations."

"That's why they willingly came to die. Maybe they also understand that the final end may be to be pushed out to take the place of the dead." Bai Jue sighed: "I really don't know what is so good about being an emperor. One dies earlier than the other, and they will be bald. , why is there someone rushing to do it?"

"No one can escape the desire for power. Yang Guang is so eager to seize the imperial power, but the more he can't give it to him." Li Shiming saw it very thoroughly. The courage of the lord, but he is not a prince after all, he may remain humble before he ascends the throne, but once he ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, his desire for power will inflate his heart."

Bai Jue nodded unconsciously. The Sui Dynasty in history is the best proof. With Yang Guang's talent, he had a chance to be on par with Emperor Qin and Han Wu. Unfortunately, a Grand Canal ruined everyone's character and lost the world. People's hearts, even in this prosperous age, can't stand his toss.

"But in today's era, if he doesn't take the throne, there seems to be no other suitable candidate." Bai Jue pointed out, and then said: "Princess Pingyang Zhao is the older sister of Princess Qin, you should know her very well, even if she is sealed As the crown prince, she can't sit firmly on the throne, and..."

"Elder sister doesn't want to be emperor either. She would rather charge into battle with gold and iron horses than sit on a dragon chair and overlook all living beings in the world." Li Shiming looked at the white mist rising from the fragrant tea: "She is not good at fighting for power, let alone since her father's After the death of the king and his elder brother, the lineage of princes and kings has no political influence in the court, only the military still has countless retainers."

"Isn't it good? Politicians have dirty hearts, let them go to the tiger's skin." Bai Jue spread his hands: "Since ancient times, once military commanders get involved in politics, they are often inseparable from such crap as seizing power. .”

"The Prince's House doesn't want to get involved in this matter, it's just..." Li Shiming frowned, "I don't understand why Your Majesty made such a decision. Why did you choose your sister to be the crown prince..."

"Perhaps, His Majesty the First Emperor has lost his mind." Bai Jue said casually.

"That's His Majesty the First Emperor." Li Shiming pressed his brows together: "There must be some deep meaning."

"Hey." Bai Jue shook his head and laughed: "My child, you must have done a lot of reading comprehension. How can there be so much meaning?"

"Read, understand?"

"It's like writing an article. Sometimes some original authors don't have that meaning, but they are forcibly misinterpreted by later generations, and they still have to write papers with hundreds or thousands of words to forcibly prove that the original author had such meaning. If some The writer is still alive in this world, I'm afraid I can't help but call the person who wrote the question over and give him a beating."

Bai Jue talked eloquently: "What's wrong with Shihuang? When Shihuang said 'I'm going to eat', does it mean that she is not going to eat, but to drink water? Some things are not so complicated, but the world likes to misunderstand , A good sentence, after careful consideration and calm analysis of the show operation, abruptly come to a different conclusion, can it not make people want to curse the mother's mental retardation?"

Li Shiming thought about it carefully, it seems that it makes sense...

The girl pondered: "Sir, are you saying that cleverness is mistaken by cleverness? His Majesty the First Emperor was just a whim? But the crown prince is only related to the fate of the Chinese Empire, and even ordinary emperors would not be so hasty, let alone His Majesty. emperor……"

"So..." Bai Jue interrupted her, and said, "Emperor Qiangu is not that godly. His manpower is exhausted. The former Qin State can be overthrown. Why can't the present Shenzhou Empire make the same mistake? Wrestling in the same place Isn’t it common sense? Indeed, with Ying Zheng’s wisdom, he won’t do anything reckless. Considering the current situation, he wants to abdicate, and it’s urgent.”

"Urgent... abdicate?" Li Shiming's face changed slightly: "Could it be that His Majesty wants to..."

"Death is also a possibility, maybe the current Yingzheng is in danger." Bai Jue picked up his teacup, took a sip, and said slowly: "That's why we want to appoint a prince, at least hope to stabilize the situation, even if Li Xiuning is not suitable , he can only do this... As for why he didn't choose Yang Guang, Princess Qin, you can see the essence of Lord Zhen Guo, and Shihuang can also see it... If you let him take the position, even a big tailwind can be squandered by him Turn over."

"Your Majesty is exhausted? It shouldn't be..." Li Shiming bit her lips: "But if it is not the case, it cannot be explained. Maybe it is some other disaster? There are too many variables, and it is impossible to think clearly..." She looked at Bai Jue, a little emotional fluctuation appeared on his cold face: "Mr. hit the point with a few words, Shi Ming admires, I wonder if Mr. has a way to break the situation?"

"His Royal Highness, be safe and don't be impatient."

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