Bai Jue smiled mysteriously—what kind of method to break the situation is fake and does not exist. I just took the time to read the general history of the Shenzhou Empire for an afternoon. It is a hardcover collection of [-] yuan. Although it is very detailed, there is no record of the various twists and turns here. In all likelihood, you ordered the historian not to record it.

"This matter is not only related to my vassal palace, but also to the foundation of the Shenzhou Empire, please make it clear!" Li Shiming said, and was about to stand up and bow down.

"Wait, don't get excited, maybe I'm just bragging?" Bai Jue hurriedly stopped, and said awkwardly: "You just trust me, a person with unknown background? What if I'm fooling you?"

"Is sir lying to me?" she asked.

"No, it's not like I'm making money by lying to you."

"That's it." Li Shiming nodded lightly, and there was only trust in his calm eyes: "Shiming is willing to believe in sir."

"I don't even believe in myself." Bai Jue sighed: "We have only met for half an hour. If you really believe me, you are a fake. I know you are lying to me again, but I am still very touched."

"Shiming isn't..." Li Shiming stopped talking, it really didn't look like herself.

Why such an urgent explanation?Why does my mood fluctuate when I look at him?Why is there a unique sense of familiarity with this strange and weird man?It's like, we met in the distant past and the future... Who are you?

The past determines the present, and the present also influences the past in some way.

When meeting Bai Jue, the deeper the bond, the weaker the influence of the law of causality, the past and the future are no longer single, just like a fish swimming in the river of time, it can advance and retreat, and even the powerful can jump out of the river of time, See through your past and future.

But Bai Jue himself is completely standing on the bank of the river of time, independent of cause and effect, and occasionally steps into the river of time, advancing and retreating with swimming fish.

Of course he didn't know it himself, so he didn't care much, he just thought that Li Shiming was joking, because he was more handsome and it was okay to get a higher initial favorability from his previous rescue behavior, but when it comes to trust, that's okay. Not far.

"Don't look at me so sadly, I said it's okay?" Under Li Shiming's gaze, Bai Jue begged for mercy: "In fact, under the current situation, no matter how anxious we are, it is useless, unless you Let the first emperor speak out about his current predicament, otherwise Yingzheng's abdication will be a fait accompli, and neither you nor I can do anything about it...Even if you plan ahead, you can only consider after his abdication."

"Let Your Majesty speak up..." Li Shiming shook his head lightly: "If even Your Majesty can't do anything, we will naturally..."

"That's not necessarily the case." Bai Jue suddenly said in a deep voice, "If you can tell Ying Zheng what the problem is, I can solve it!"

——There must be some kind of connection between Yingzheng's sudden abdication and the source of the distortion of the singularity. When I find the source of the distortion, I can't beat its dog's head and let you make trouble, let you make trouble, let you make trouble! CNM!I was forced to work overtime!

Bai Jue's words were full of murderous intent, and that attitude caused Li Shiming to misunderstand something subtly.

"Sir, you are very concerned about Shihuang's affairs." Li Shiming said softly.

"It's not bad." Bai Jue's attitude towards Qin Shihuang was neither bad nor bad, but the era he was in was also a gift from him, and it was not a bad thing: "In all fairness, I admire his achievements. Of course, it is also obligatory, as for me to work for him, forget it."

"It's too difficult to get His Majesty to speak up... My sister also asked, but she found nothing in the end." Li Shiming didn't hold out much hope: "So, is there any way to plan ahead? The collapse of the empire began with civil strife. No one can stop him from grabbing power and ascending to the throne."

"Yang Guang." Bai Jue tapped his fingers on the table: "To tell the truth, I don't know this person well. It's unlikely to stop him."

In fact, in the history of the Shenzhou Empire, although there are records of this person, there are not many records. As for the imperial power struggle between him and Li Shiming, it has never been mentioned, because Li Shiming's method of ascending the throne is too tough , Within a hundred years, the entire Shenzhou Empire was shrouded in her rule, until she returned to the principle of civilization and reincarnated, this way of dominating armed rule was lifted.

As far as Li Shiming is concerned, she didn't kill many people, and she didn't cause civil strife, and there was no massacre of the nine clans. However, her tyranny and bloodshed are highlighted in the history books. But in reality, in the era of her rule Under the current situation, the national strength of the Chinese Empire has not weakened at all. It was not until the technological revolution and the intensified conflicts among various countries that led to the First World War that the Chinese Empire ushered in its first decline.

The Shenzhou Empire, which has lost its heroic spirits, is like a lion without its fangs. With the expansion of the fissures in the demon world and the intensification of wars, the world pattern has changed drastically.

The majestic emperor of China was threatened to cede land and pay compensation by the heroic spirit of Koryo who protects the country in a tiny place. The entire [-]th century is simply a history of humiliation for a hundred years.

With the advent of this recession, Li Shiming was reincarnated in the royal family, and became the throne at the age of eighteen, beheaded the heroes of Goryeo to protect the country on the Yalu River, and then abolished the imperial examinations, implemented the compulsory education law of the Holy Academy, and abolished the military ban , breaking the gate control of martial arts, the martial arts of the world belong to the country, gold and iron horses enter the rivers and lakes, start industries, absorb Western culture, no longer close the country, do business with Zhou, and forcefully pull up the declining Chinese Empire, and build a country with martial arts, you can also learn Yi Changji.

Her actions may be bloody, cruel, or tyrannical, but she has never been sorry for the Divine Empire, she is a true emperor.

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Bai Jue couldn't connect her with Tang Huang in the later generations, but she was her.

"I don't know Yang Guang." He said calmly, "But I know you...His Royal Highness Princess Qin."

"Sir, do you understand me?" Li Shiming asked puzzled.

"Do you want to know how to stabilize the situation in the Chinese Empire after the first emperor abdicates?" Bai Jue asked, "Do you want to maintain the stability of the country and the prosperity of the empire?"

"Of course I want to..." Li Shiming said without hesitation: "Please teach me, sir."

"There is only one way." Bai Jue said: "Princess Qin, no, Li go, ascend the throne and become emperor."


ps: There are no pictures today, because

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was night, and the palaces of princes and princes were still brightly lit.

Sitting in the courtyard, Li Shiming looked at the undulating pool water in the courtyard, the willow leaves swaying in the wind, and the light and darkness of the reflected candlelight alternated in his eyes.

Princess Qin wore a black dress, the long skirt could cover her knees, and her ivory-white calves were like fine porcelain. The status of women in the Shenzhou Empire was the same as that in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Women's power and status were very high. It doesn't matter what three obediences and four virtues, and there is no need to be restrained in dressing Too much, she can be regarded as a progressive woman in this era, but she absolutely dare not wear this outfit, nearly [-]% of her skin is exposed.

She stretched out her fingers and gently picked off a willow leaf, staring at the moon reflected in the water in a daze, feeling sad to herself.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice came from the other end of the courtyard.

Li Xiuning took off her battle robe and iron armor, showing her original appearance as a woman. It is hard to imagine that Princess Pingyang Zhao, who ruled the army with iron and blood, has such a feminine side. Lose the gentleness of Xiaojiabiyu and the nobility of a royal princess.

"Sister..." Li Shiming raised his eyes, looking at his relatives whom he hadn't seen for a long time: "I'm just thinking about some trivial things."

"This is not like you." Li Xiuning took a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, "When will trivial things fall into the eyes of my little princess? If you are worried about government affairs, people's livelihood, or worry about rhythm and martial arts, It's normal."

"In my sister's eyes, am I such a freak?" Li Shiming looked away unhappily: "I'm also a girl, so there must be some troubles that belong to the cardamom years."

Li Xiuning was taken aback for a moment, with a shocked expression, incoherent and at a loss.

"You... Are you looking for the young master of which family? I will offer incense to the father immediately! No, I want to prepare a dowry for you... It's not right, I have to propose marriage first, and it's not right... I have to see the other party's house first How about the room, if it doesn't work, it's okay to let him marry in... Hurry up, tell me!"

"You are too nervous." Li Shiming pressed the center of his brows and frowned: "I didn't say it was a relationship trouble."

Hearing this, Li Xiuning made an expression of 'you don't need to explain, I understand': "I understand, I understand, the troubles of girls are not for outsiders, but my sister is not an outsider, I am your own sister, give it to me quickly." Let me tell you, I will give you a staff officer."

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