"Sister..." Li Shiming asked suspiciously, "Have you ever been in love?"

Puchi... Li Xiuning's light words caused [-] points of real damage. Her face froze, and she said distressedly: "No, although I don't have any, but I have read several romance novels! There are quite a few novelists!"

"Those stories about wits and beauties, demons and goblins, idiots and resentful women are often empty papers in reality, without any reference value." Li Shiming's eyes were subtle, and he sighed: "I didn't expect you, sister, to have such a pure girlish heart. Shi Ming was very surprised."

"What's wrong with the girl's heart! Your sister and I are only nineteen years old!" Li Xiuning raised her chest, and the mature weapon shook in Li Shiming's eyes for more than three seconds: "I'm still very young!"

At that moment, Li Shiming's eyes dimmed suddenly, and a little sinister appeared in the depths of his pupils, and he murmured: "But they are only two years older than me... obviously they are sisters, why are they so poorly developed? Chest wraps are often used in the army, why is it so big!"

There was a dark desire in the girl's eyes to cut off these two scumbags to drink with.

Li Xiuning's keen sixth sense sensed the deep malice in her sister's eyes: "Shi Ming, your eyes are suddenly so scary."

"It's just an illusion." Li Shiming looked away, tightened his belt subconsciously, and silently brainwashed himself with a mental victory method——Although my breasts are not as big as yours, my waist is slender and my legs are longer than yours. Whiter than you, younger than you, in terms of overall strength, I am above you!

"You girl..." Li Xiuning sat opposite Shi Ming, looking at her only relative, she couldn't help smiling: "I'm so strong on weekdays, and when I encounter trouble, I always worry about it alone, and occasionally rely on me once in a while." That's fine, although my sister is stupid, she doesn't know anything except marching, fighting and practicing martial arts, but as long as you ask me, I will do everything...what you want, I will do everything I can to give you..."

Hearing this, Li Shiming's restless heart suddenly calmed down: "Sister...then give me your breasts."

"Eh?" Li Xiuning was taken aback, then put her hands on her chest and shook her head again and again: "I can't give this, I really can't, and if I can, I don't want it either. Every time I wrap my chest cloth around, I feel breathless. Putting on an armor is very laborious, I really envy you, your shoulders will not be sore, and your center of gravity will not shift with the movement, which is a pain in the army."

"You are showing off." Li Shiming got up and walked to the pool, sat on the ground, dipped her feet in the cool water, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said, "Love... what is it like?" What kind of feeling?"

"..." Li Xiuning was silent - don't you think it's cruel to ask your sister who has been single for nineteen years?

She hesitated: "Maybe, maybe, maybe... it's a wonderful feeling, right?"

"I used to think so too." Li Shiming whispered: "In the past life, I could get a lot easily. As the daughter of a vassal king, I have a high status, and my talents are outstanding. Wu Lue, I have the arrogance to be as talented and learned as Lord Zhen Guogong, but everything is too easy."

She looked at the pool of water: "Just like this pool of water, you can get it with your hands... So I desperately thought about what the meaning of my existence is, what I really want, and what my true self looks like, but I also have to think about it." There is no answer, because this world is cruel and benevolent, it allows me to exist, but it does not allow me to pursue my own existence value."

A little blush appeared on Li Shiming's cold cheeks: "Then, I can't be Li Shiming, I can only live as a woman... I want to find a love that will make my life worthwhile, just like Dugu Jialuo Generally speaking, it was just an excuse for consolation, and I went to Tianlefang to learn rhythm, singing and dancing."

"Did you take Tianlefang as a blind date..." Li Xiuning was astonished.

"Yes, but in the end they are all a group of disappointing idiots. Even if they are Jiangnan talents or famous generals, they are all vulgar people without exception." But I couldn't get a scoop... At that time, I knew that the love I pursued was only a blur, because no one could understand me, and I couldn't understand anyone. What I wanted was not love, but love. Those who understand are bosom friends."

She closed her eyes: "If anyone can understand the sound of my piano, who can understand my inner struggle desire, who can understand the value of my existence, I will no longer be alone... This is something that even my relatives can't give me. .”

Li Xiuning is silent, she and Li Shiming are sisters and relatives, they talk about everything, she thinks that she is the person who understands Li Shiming best in the world, but even she herself can't understand her sister Sometimes she behaves, at least when she is in a daze, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

Understanding is different from understanding. Relatives will tolerate everything about you, but they cannot deeply understand everything about you. Even if this kind of unconditional tolerance and forgiveness can heal the body and mind, it cannot give Li Shiming the recognition and praise he needs.

She is lonely.

"Sorry." Li Xiuning said softly, "Shi Ming, I..."

"It's okay, I've already found it." Li Shiming looked back and smiled, and that faint smile was overwhelming: "My bosom friend, in this world, someone who understands me better than myself..."

Li Xiuning looked at Li Shiming who was bathed in the moonlight. In a dim moment, she seemed to see two wings growing from the girl's back, and she could fly into the night sky with a light shake, picking up the laurel crown of the bright moon... It was only a moment When she regained her gaze, Li Shiming had already put her hands into the pool, scooped up a handful of pool water, and the bright moon was reflected in the crystal clear water in her palms.

She said: "I want that bright moon, not this moon in the water..."

She said: "I don't want to hesitate and hesitate any longer. This may be my only chance..."

Li Xiuning said with difficulty and dryly: "Shi Ming, do you want...to become emperor?"

"Sister, will you help me?" Li Shiming looked back and said softly: "If you don't want the position, then give it to me... Once His Majesty the First Emperor abdicates, the society will be in turmoil, political parties will fight for power, and civil wars will break out at any time. Yu Bo, the city of Chang'an must be sealed off with thunder, so that everything ends before it begins... I can't do it with my own strength, I need my sister's army, I need six thousand personal guards from the princes and palaces to block Chang'an... Is the order in the hands of my sister?"

"It was left by my father..." Li Xiuning deeply felt that her younger sister suddenly became so strange at this moment.

"Father didn't say that it can't be used, and it's time to use it." Li Shiming didn't hesitate at all, and didn't hesitate at all: "Even if the city is full of blood, and half of the civil and military forces turn against each other, as long as the state is safe, this will be a good time." The Shenzhou Empire will not fall..."

"But... but..." Li Xiuning thought that if troops were used in Chang'an City, it would very likely become a battlefield. What would happen to the civilians? Even if they succeeded, who would be able to bear the infamy of future generations?

"If you are too kind, we won't be able to fight against Yang Guang, and he is even more ruthless than us." Li Shiming raised the corners of his lips slightly: "But maybe I should thank him, if it wasn't for the gift he gave today. Li, I can't see him, and I can't make up my mind..."

Li Xiuning swallowed all her words, she knew that no one could shake Shi Ming's decision.

"I'm willing to give you whatever you want, because I'm your older sister, but..." Li Xiuning gritted her teeth, she had seriously betrayed her belief: "This is the last time, Shi Ming... you A capricious last time."

"Well... Please entrust your life to me, sister." Li Shiming said quietly: "This is the last time..."


Ye Chang'an.Walking in the imperial city, Bai Jue was in a happy mood, not only because he was about to meet Sister Sword Fairy, but also because he had already found the main quest, and even met important plot characters, reaching the friendly level of favorability.

"Aha, this singularity is in sight." Bai Jue smiled proudly: "I have already seen the dawn of victory."

"What dawn?" A cold and clear voice came from behind.

"Sister Jianxian, why do you like to jump out from behind every time? Are you the dean or the principal?" Bai Jue turned around helplessly, looking at the ethereal figure on the tower behind him, he couldn't help complaining: "If you stand that high, people will peep up your skirt!"

"There is no one else here except you." Sister Jianxian said lightly.

"I'm not peeping. I look upright. My heart and deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice." Bai Jue said confidently: "Are you going to pierce my heart today? I'm ready, and resistance is the right thing to do." It’s useless, right? Come on! Stab me! Please be gentle and thank you!”

Sister Jianxian shook her head: "The sword energy has already penetrated the meridians in your body, the first step has been completed, next, it's time for you to learn the first sword."

"The first sword, it's called... Common Sword!"



Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five

"The common people's sword uses quenched iron as the tip and [-]-metal steel as the blade; it uses qi to decide the outcome, and uses strength to fight for life and death; it only holds the courage of a man, and it is no different from a fighting cock. Neck collar, cuts the liver and lungs. Once the life is exhausted, it is useless to the country and not beneficial to the people. This sword is of extremely low standards. It can be wielded by anyone with courage, so it is called Common people's sword." Sister Sword Immortal said softly.

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