"Zhuang Zhou's theory of swords?" Bai Jue asked in a daze, "Isn't this the theory of governing the country? Is it really swordsmanship?"

"Why not? There are no three kinds of swordsmanship in the world. The first is common people's swords, which can be used by anyone, but not necessarily everyone can use them well. Even common people's swords have different levels." Sister Jianxian said lightly: "When a man sees humiliation, he draws his sword and stands up to fight. This is not considered brave. There are great brave men in the world, who will not be surprised when they come to him suddenly, and who will not be angry when they are attacked for no reason. This means that the people they hold are very great, and their ambitions are very far-reaching. also."

"Enough is enough, I'm not here to listen to classical Chinese..." Bai Jue rubbed his brows: "In short, this first sword is still about sword intent, not sword skills?"

"Swordsmanship, of course there is." Sister Jianxian said, "Do you want to feel it?"

"No need." Bai Jue said sternly, "I will definitely die if you draw your sword out of its sheath."

"Although the common people's sword is ordinary, it is not inferior. Even the weakest mortal is qualified to injure the emperor. Jing Ke is like this. Like this, Mao Sui can also use the common people's sword to cut three steps to force the king of Chu to submit. , don't underestimate this sword." Sister Jianxian showed the attitude of a master and taught her earnestly.

"But those people you mentioned are basically assassins, and I'm not an assassin, let alone open Wushuang." Bai Jue muttered.

"..." Sister Jianxian stopped talking, but instead looked at Bai Di with a subtle gaze, looking over and over, looking over and back, like a novice chef wondering which pair of cutting boards to choose from. Put the knife on the broiler.

This look gave Bai Jue a very bad feeling: "Wait, friend, your eyes are very dangerous..."

Sure enough, the next moment, sister Jianxian pointed out her finger: "Instead of explaining in words, this way is more direct. I don't like talking... For a foolish disciple like you, this is better."

"Don't worry, don't... ah!"

The pale and slender index finger and middle finger pointed at Bai Jue's eyebrows.

A certain white was enveloped by the sword intent, his body tensed instantly, and he fell backward like a sculpture.

Afterwards, he fell into a warm embrace, and Wen Liang supported his shoulders with both hands. The sword fairy's eyes were still calm, and she couldn't see her happiness or anger.

Suddenly, a few ghostly shadows appeared in the peaceful imperial city. They grew like shadows, growing out of the bricks, stones and mud. In just a few breaths, more than ten evil spirits gathered under the tower. Spiritual warrior ghosts...their aura was even stronger than the five scumbags that Bai Jue had tried so hard to fight back then.

Sister Jianxian was about to draw her sword, but noticed Bai Jue who was holding the corpse in her arms, frowned slightly, and didn't make a move immediately.

Just because of her momentary hesitation, the evil spirits and war ghosts rushed towards her roaringly. Swords, guns, axes and axes were blowing up in a strong wind. In the whistling wind, cold lights flickered, and intertwined shadows surrounded her in the center like corners. The weapons are vertical and horizontal, full of murderous aura, leaving no gaps or vitality.

A little contempt and sarcasm appeared in the expression of Jianxian Gujing Wubo, she seemed to smile slightly, when the sword, gun, ax and ax crossed the thunder pool and approached within half a foot of her space, a strong wind blew, and a beautiful figure in white walked past, She stepped out of the encirclement of shadows in one step, with no track to find, only a faint afterimage. At the same time, she also said coldly: "Go back to the land, undead..."

As the voice fell, there was a resounding sound, like a royal order. The weapons in the hands of the war ghosts turned into smoke and scattered, and they themselves were killed by the vertical and horizontal sword energy, turning into a burst of black wreckage and blending into the darkness.

After the evil spirits and war ghosts subsided, the black moon in the sky turned pale again, and the pale moonlight fell on the woman's shoulders. She silently lowered her head, glanced at Bai Jue, and immediately waved her hand, placing him on the stone chair beside him. .

With a light tap of her toes, she floated up the tower. Her slender body seemed weightless. Standing on the tower and looking out over the railing, the city was shrouded in a white mist, and more and more areas were covered and eroded. The terrifying aura was buried under the white mist that stretched for miles.

"It's getting closer... it's getting closer, the appearance of the afterimage of a heroic spirit is already a very dangerous sign, and I'm afraid it will be the main body next." She thought in her heart: "I'm afraid there will be no seven days, maybe five days, maybe three days... They will get out of trouble sooner or later, there is no more time, and there is no other choice, why is it now, why is it this, why am I..."

What appeared in the eyes of the woman in white was sorrow at first, followed by helplessness, but confusion and struggle. In the end, all emotions returned to calm and settled in the bottom of her heart.

Sister Jianxian looked at the city that was no longer Chang'an, her lips parted and she said, "Just wait patiently... even if there is nothing ahead."

Her expression remained unchanged.


When Bai Jue woke up, more than two hours had passed, and this time was longer than before.

"Are you awake?" The Sword Immortal seemed to have been by his side the entire time he fell asleep and never left.

That Ruoyou Ruowu gaze made Bai Jue inexplicably ashamed and embarrassed, could it be that his bad sleeping appearance was clearly seen?

"Woke up...I always felt like I had a very long dream." Bai Jue tried to change the subject: "Should it be a nightmare?"


"I dreamed that I paid a hundred bills and the ship sank... My heart hurts so much that I can't breathe." Bai Jue looked up at the pale moon in the sky, and took a long breath: "Fortunately, I have now got rid of the ten livers. The game of krypton life."

Sword Immortal didn't understand, so he said bluntly, "How much have you comprehended?"

"Not much, just...[-] to [-]%." Bai Jue shook his palms: "I have the confidence that within ten steps, I can defeat thousands of troops with swords. Although I don't know where this confidence comes from, it seems As long as you hold the sword, you can change your job to become a Juggernaut..."

"Not bad." Sister Jianxian said lightly: "I thought you could only control [-]% at most."

"Then I have overfulfilled the task?" Bai Jue said pleasantly, "I don't need to be stabbed again, and I don't need to continue to pierce my heart?"

"A person with outstanding talent can directly comprehend the sword of common people, but you are just a step forward, nothing to be proud of." The sword fairy in white mercilessly said: "I can force you to instill my own The sword intent and way of the sword, but the murderous sword I comprehend is not what you want, so the remaining [-]% has to be realized by yourself, and what you can realize depends entirely on your own good fortune."

"Enlightenment..." Bai Jue hesitated to speak: "I am not a Taoist player, I am a Buddhist, and all problems are solved in my dreams...It is not practical for me to meditate and enlighten, is there anything better? What about the method, Sister Sword Fairy?"

"Yes." She nodded lightly, stood with her sword in her hand, and said coldly, "Actual combat."

Bai Jue immediately sat down cross-legged without hesitation, with a positive (cowardly) expression on his face: "Okay, I'm going to start enlightening, please don't disturb me! I want to enlighten until the end of time, and if I don't realize some profound truth, I will kill you!" , I’ll tell you never to go out!”

A minute later, Bai Jue entered the state.

Ten minutes later, Bai Jue's face sank like water.

Half an hour later, Bai Jue seemed to realize something: "emmmmm..."

An hour later, Bai Jue opened his eyes, enlightened and said, "Legs are numb..."

Sister Jianxian couldn't bear to look directly at it anymore, she threw an ancient bronze sword, the blade pierced the ground, she said: "Actual combat!"

"No, believe me, give me a rest time, I can continue to practice immortality and enlightenment." Bai Jue said sincerely: "Give me a few more hours to gather immortal energy!"

"It's either actual combat or piercing your heart, choose one yourself." Sister Jianxian's face was stained with a little haze, and she had a dark-bellied sense of sight.

"Inhumane." Bai Jue said with a bitter face: "Aren't you a bully, a full-level tuba beat up Xinshoucun."

Sister Jianxian looked at Bai Jue who looked disgusted, and commented: "Lazy."

"The forces of laziness are on the scene, I want to fish today!" Bai Jue began to feel ashamed again.

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