"Why?" Sister Jianxian asked puzzledly, "Don't you desire power?"

"It's one thing to long for power. What I really long for now is a peaceful way of cultivation... because every time I get stabbed and pass out, it's really unfriendly to newcomers. I'm a straight man, and I was beaten by a girl! I was still stabbed thirteen times in one night by such a beautiful sword fairy sister! What is my integrity, what is my chastity! Most importantly, I am about to be stabbed out of my psychological shadow." Bai Jue covered his face: "Although it is good to be stabbed more, but No matter what, I can't convince myself that I will be stabbed obediently!"

"I don't understand what you want to express because the preamble doesn't make sense." Sister Jianxian frowned slightly: "Cultivation is a painful experience."

"No, I want to become a fairy, and be happy to the west!" Bai Jue gave a thumbs up: "The forces of cultivating immortals are fearless!"

"The more you are afraid of something, the more you have to overcome... Although being pierced by sword energy will leave a psychological shadow on people, it is also one of the side effects of instant success." Sister Jianxian tried to explain, but her clumsy words and indifference Seeing that Bai Jue was still shaking her head, she suddenly changed her mind: "Then, if you can even hit me with a sword in actual combat, I will promise you one condition."

Bai Jue stood up suddenly: "Come on, I must hit you! I'm already on fire!"

Sister Jianxian could only let out a long sigh: "Fool, are you so loyal to your own desire..."

"Desire is the ladder of human progress! Just ask, is it any requirement?" Bai Jue's eyes were burning with raging flames.

"Yes." She said every word: "Any request."

"Is it okay even if it's that kind of special low-level request?" Bai Jue asked.

"Yes..." Sister Jianxian said indifferently: "As long as you dare to mention it."

"Wei Tian's magic wand!" Bai Jue clenched his fists: "I suddenly feel that the pinnacle of my life is in this thought!" He held the ancient bronze sword and stood with the sword in his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "Please enlighten me!" !"

Sister Jianxian didn't unsheath her sword, she just nodded slightly: "Use your sword first."

"Okay! Eat my sword! The first sword in China, the White Emperor's Holy Sword, Yujian follows me!"

Bai Jue nodded lightly, and the next moment, the ancient bronze sword swayed like a leaf-like sword energy, and the air of desolation and withering instantly spread within a radius of ten meters. Ye is the sword light that is nowhere to be found.

A ray of cold light, like a floating light, like a floating flower and falling leaves, crossed a distance of ten meters, and went straight to the shoulder of the sword fairy.

Her eyelids are slightly raised, there are surprises and surprises, and it's even more funny—this idiot disciple, the common people sword has entered the classroom, but he still deliberately pretends not to learn it, making jokes...

However, what kind of will and awareness did he use to forge the first sword intent?It only took an hour to reach the first level.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What kind of mysterious will Bai Jue used to reach the first level of the Common People's Sword? The answer to this question is complicated, and it's not complicated at all, even if he is funny, deadly, and full of words. He still pretends to fail all day long, he is a master from the heart world, but he still knows that he is a good boy... no, he is a good savior, the so-called enlightenment will never be casually talked about.

Seeing Bai Jue's sword Changhong, this alone already has a bit of a master's air, but in the eyes of the sword fairy sister who has already reached the extreme in swordsmanship, it is still very immature, but...

"There is progress." Her sword edge easily broke through Bai Jue's sword, and handed it to his throat an inch before, ending the duel that happened one second ago and ended within one-tenth of a second: "However, the sword of common people in the first level is not enough... You have only touched the artistic conception, and you have not achieved great success. You can't command the sword like an arm. This sword is your limit, and it is enough to deal with ordinary characters. .”

"But I think that even an ordinary hero will be severely injured by my sword just now." Bai Jue curled his lips, withdrew his sword, and weighed the ancient bronze sword. The condensed momentum suddenly dissipated, and he repeatedly returned to that The harmless appearance of humans and animals: "Within ten steps, people will be the enemy's country... This sword is a hidden front sword."

"No wonder it made you burst out with the sword intent of the first level, the hidden front sword." Sister Jianxian tilted her head: "Although I handed over your common sword and gave you the example of Jing Ke and Zhuan Zhu, but... ...You have actually realized the assassin's lore sword, whether it is Jin Ke's assassination of Qin, or Zhuan Zhu's hidden sword in the belly of a fish, it is the pinnacle of hidden swordsmanship, the ultimate lore."

There was a little doubt and entanglement in her eyes, and she said quietly: "But an assassin is an assassin after all, and you are my disciple. If you don't do a good swordsman, why do you want to be an assassin?"

"Sister Jianxian, you don't understand this." Bai Jue smiled: "My Zangfeng sword doesn't need to be so complicated. You have pierced my heart so many times. Until now, I haven't exploded. There are tens of thousands of blood flowing in my body. Thousands of sword qi, using myself as the scabbard, using the sword qi and sword intent as the guide, this kind of hidden sword technique doesn't even need a sword, I am a walking sword."

In other words, it is a sword man, but it is much better than the one who needs to say that I am a sword bone when using a big move.

"Because it's hidden swordsmanship, I can't see it from the outside at all. I also don't know other swordsmanship. On the surface, I'm still an ordinary person, and no one can detect it. Under this premise, it's easy for me to want Yinren. "Bai Jue's job description has undergone a fundamental change: "I have completed my meritorious service in one battle, one move determines the outcome, the sword of the common people is against the emperor, among thousands of swordsmanship, this one is probably the most suitable for me."


"Because this kind of swordsmanship is unrestrained, no matter what princes, generals, emperors, ordinary people, before the sword, all beings are equal, everything is needed, and everything is allowed." Bai Jue looked at the crescent moon in the sky, stretched With a lazy waist, he said in a relaxed and humorous tone: "Just as Jing Ke is clearly the most failed assassin in history, but he has also managed to leave his name through the ages. A well-behaved assassin is suddenly sung as a hero. Why?"

"Because of his bravery, because he did what other ordinary people dare not do, because he tried to create a miracle that others can only look up to. Although he is an assassin, he is also a hero. He can judge when injustice Everything, even if you fail and die, there is no reason to be reviled... A great chivalrous man serves the country and the people, such a chivalrous character should be respected."

"Then why don't I learn this kind of swordsmanship?" Bai Jue asked back: "The most humble Tibetan swordsmanship can also become the power to change the world."

Sister Jianxian stared at Bai Jue's back under the pale moonlight, and said softly: "Swordsmanship has no distinction, only suitable or inappropriate. If you think it is good, then you may be born to be its holder, but... ..."

"But what?"

"It's understandable that you yearn for knights and heroes, but if you want to practice their path, the final ending will be either vigorous or miserable." Sister Jianxian said firmly: "In this world, only these two endings are suitable for these people .”

"We are different."

Bai Jue shook his head and laughed, and said with absolute certainty: "I am different from them. Not only do I not have Uncle B in my heart, but I want to live another five hundred years happily."

The savior job agency stands at the pinnacle of heroism and chivalry. After I save the world, I will go back and continue to open the shop. What tragic ending, what heroic past, what kind of bicycle do I want?Impossible, nonexistent, all false.

Sister Jianxian didn't say much anymore, just shook her head slightly: "One day, you will understand that the world is cruel, where the weak prey on the strong. The so-called heroes can only slow down the pace of perdition, but cannot stop it. What miracles are there? "

Her dress fluttered with the wind, and with a tap of her toes, she flew up to the city wall. Looking at the vast moonlight, her clear eyes revealed endless loneliness and grief.

"Today's lecture is over, let's go back..."


"Hey, brother, why are you here again? Do you want oranges? Or some apples? Let me tell you, these apples are super sweet..."

The familiar yelling sound awakened Bai Jue, and Bai Jue couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

What is the meaning of what the master said at the end?Could it be that what he said was too reasonable to refute, so he could only force himself to fool himself with some words that didn't match the preamble?This kind of conversation is quite Zen...

While listening to the salesman's rambling sales, Bai Jue thought deeply, and after half a minute he raised his hand: "Just give me two catties of oranges."

"Okay, but this apple is really super sweet..." The vendor muttered, "If you don't like it, I still have coffee flavor here..."

"Huh?" Bai Jue was taken aback subconsciously—no, no, no, I must be hallucinating. In this era, how can there be such a weird creature as 'coffee-flavored apple'? By the way, is this considered food... eat it Not afraid of being poisoned and dying.

Since he was going to learn swordsmanship at night, Bai Jue didn't even need a place to stay, and the inn also retreated, and he wandered the street with oranges. Before, he needed to find a place to pass the boring time, but now he didn't need it, and went directly to yesterday's place. school.

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