Although the assassins were repelled by one wave, there might not be a second wave.

As long as the first emperor has not yet appointed a crown prince and does not change his previous decision, this kind of harassment will not stop for a day, but if he fails once, the other party will definitely be more careful. Presumably the Lord of the Town Yang Guang does not want to be here when the first emperor is in power. Provoking troubles for power, everything can only be done in secret, and after all, Chang'an City is under the feet of the emperor, and he has to be more careful in everything he does. Before, the princes and palaces are now on guard, and if they want to continue looking for trouble, of course it will be much more troublesome .

It's just that, although Lord Zhen Guo can't make a move on the surface, the Shenzhou Empire has always had several layers of worlds with clear divisions.

It is the power class that dominates the country and governs the land, that is, politics, or the government in common terms; and those who live under power are the common people, and the common people also have ranks, such as rich businessmen, middle class, marketers, poor, beggars, and so on.

And the world between the government and the common people is the world of the Jianghu people.

It is an indisputable fact that heroes are forbidden by martial arts. Nowadays, there are heroes from all directions in Chang'an City, and the daily friction and competition are constantly escalating. There are always some rivers and lakes conflicts that cannot be avoided.

Some people drew their swords to face each other as soon as their blood rushed to their heads, shouting 'cnm to single out! ', and once you get angry, you may lose arms, legs, or even lose your life... Even if the information from Dali Temple is all over the sky, if you want to come here, it will take at least half a stick of incense. up.

Therefore, the current Shenzhou Empire does not have a power that truly belongs to the government to intervene in disputes between the Jianghu. This is also a default rule. Who can stop a peak heroic spirit?

It's just that Shihuang didn't do this, and I don't know if he didn't realize it, or he deliberately let it go.

This kind of ambiguous attitude can't help but make people daydream.

Beside the ink-washing pool next to the school, Bai Jue said while peeling oranges: "The powers of the rivers and lakes must be controlled, and chivalry and martial arts are prohibited. Although it will be beneficial to let it go, it is actually a restless force. How many novels, TV dramas, The plot in the movie will eventually extend to the community. Even the aloof Baiyun city lord finally set up a game to kill the emperor and let someone replace him... Once the force value is too high, there will always be ambitions. pop up."

"Although the factions in Jianghu are in a state of disunity and cannot be supported, what if there is a conspirator? If there is a heroic spirit who wants to seek to usurp the throne, then his first choice is not to enter the court to be a counselor, but to first The rivers and lakes are in chaos, and then they are plotting politics... Don’t you see that the people who attacked you a few days ago were from the rivers and lakes? Dali Temple couldn’t even find out, and Yang Guang’s ass was wiped clean, so this rivers and lakes must be rectified .”

Li Shiming sat on the stool, like a good student who listened carefully to the class, and said with a serious face: "I would like to hear more about it."

"This is not for me to teach you, but to discuss together." Bai Jue put half an orange with white veins peeled off and put it in Li Shiming's hand. He also squeezed a piece of orange and stuffed it into his mouth, smiling slightly: " Today's Shenzhou Empire is in a prosperous age. Regardless of the rivers and lakes, people's livelihood, military strength or economic background, they are all unprecedented peaks. The population has reached more than [-] million, and the animal husbandry and farming industries have developed quite well. Everyone eats Wearing clothes and warm clothes, you want to go to war at this time, no matter what your purpose is, it must be twice the result with half the effort, and the merit lies in the future, and the crime lies in the present."

"It's a pity that today is not a chaotic world. If it is a chaotic world that has just stabilized the situation, follow the example of Taizu, kill those remnants of the previous dynasty with a big sword, kill those who want to grab power, steal the fruits of revolution, and continue to engage in feudalism Aristocratic Confucians who enjoy exclusive knowledge and so on...Although they have been blamed, at least they have left a bright future for future generations."

Li Shiming was thoughtful: "So, sir, what do you mean, take it slowly? We don't have that time now..."

"Yes, there is not now, so what I told you is not helpful for now, but if one day you sit on the dragon chair, ascend to the throne, and be able to look down on the world, the conversation now will come in handy. "Bai Jue recalled the modern Chinese Empire, and couldn't help laughing a few times: "Tell me, what is the best way to deal with the chaos and chaos in the rivers and lakes?"

"Hmm..." Li Shiming pondered for a moment, and suddenly a color of blood flashed across his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Bloodwashing China, the world will stop martial arts! If the ban on martial arts is implemented and civilians are prohibited from practicing martial arts, it will definitely weaken the power of the world. Breaking its foundation, drawing the fire from the bottom, and then condemning the army to kill the sect and cut off the inheritance, will definitely end the chaos in the world within three generations."

Bai Jue's hands peeling the oranges trembled violently, and there was a huge wave in his heart—Oh my god, as expected of Emperor Tang Li Shiming, did all the methods he thought of be so direct and bloody?Your way is too reckless!I'm afraid it's not the reincarnation of Lonely Hou!

"No..." Bai Jue shook his head: "It's too cruel."

Li Shiming gritted his teeth: "Sir, if you haven't tried it, how do you know it won't work?"

"If you can try it, the common people can't bear it." Bai Jue rubbed his brows: "The Shenzhou Empire established the country with force, and drawing the fire from the bottom of the pot also cut off the fire for the Shenzhou Empire to stand on the pinnacle of the world in the future, so this road will not work..."

Li Shiming opened his mouth, but couldn't refute.

"But your idea is not wrong. Someone must be responsible, but you shouldn't be responsible. This is too cruel. Even Qin Shihuang Yingzheng is notorious. What did he do? There are only two points. There are four hundred and sixty intellectuals, and some books are missing." Bai Jue sighed and said, "So, girl, it's not good to be too rash, even if you want gold and iron horses to enter the rivers and lakes, and the world's martial arts to return to the community, you have to take it step by step, one bite at a time. If you can’t eat to become a fat man, you can’t live in a day to become a fat man.”

"Please teach me sir." Li Shiming lowered his head and said seriously.

"It's actually not difficult." Bai Jue's smile gradually became subtle: "First of all, you need an army that can intervene in the rivers and about calling it the Tiance Mansion?"


ps1: This time it's not the emotion expert master Bai, but the prophet master Bai...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Tiance...Shenwei Tiance." Li Shiming nodded and said, "Good name."

"This is a rivers and lakes force blocked by the government. It is managed by military iron law to ensure their loyalty." Bai Juesi thought: "Although most of the rivers and lakes forces are local chickens and dogs, I am afraid that these people will have They have lost their goals and beliefs, but beliefs are unclear, such as Zoroastrianism, Persianism, or White Lotus, in the final analysis, they are all the root causes of disasters, rooted in the rivers and lakes, and cannot be moved by the government, so let Tiance government handle it."

"Sir, Shiming understands what you said, but..." She frowned slightly, with a little worry in her eyes: "This is a powerful force, but... if it is left to future generations, will it cause some..."

"In order to deal with this, the Tiance Mansion is not affiliated with the government, but with you personally, and is only responsible to you, directly under your control." Bai Jue copied the set of the Tiance Mansion: "As long as the sky can be guaranteed The loyalty of the government, its existence value will be determined by you... and for a soldier, there is nothing more noble than the goal of defending the country."

"Defend the family and the country." Li Shiming clenched her fists and then let go, she nodded lightly: "Shiming understands...the so-called stratagem is a force that cannot be tolerated by the government and the world, mixed between the two , is only responsible to the emperor, so only people with strong beliefs can enter, if not, they will definitely not be able to bear the heavy mental pressure... Only the emperor can form such an organization."

"Of course." Bai Jue smiled like a magic stick, and said inscrutablely: "Although it can't be established now, if you want to create a prototype, it's not difficult."

Hearing this, Li Shiming's serious attitude relaxed a little bit, revealing the girl's curiosity: "Is Mr. thinking too far? Are you so sure that Shiming will be able to inherit the great line?"

"I am not only sure, but also sure, and [-]%, there is no other possibility." Bai Jue smiled mysteriously: "Because I am here."

Could it be that the history books I read are fake?

What's more, the savior has been appointed, you don't have to do it if you want to, so hurry up and read poetry, girl!

A gleam flashed across Li Shiming's eyes, and she nodded and smiled: "What Mr. said, Shiming understands."

--Um?What do you unserstand?

Bai Jue sensed a subtle misunderstanding, but he didn't take it seriously, and instead said, "The Tiance Mansion will be of great use to you in the future, and it won't be of much use for now, but the prototype needs to be laid, so as not to be stretched later...But I can't help you with this matter, you have to do it yourself, because this is your army, your organization, your wolfhound, with your wisdom, it's not too difficult, right?"

The girl said modestly: "Shi Ming is not as intelligent as Mr.

"Girls look cute when they pretend to be stupid." Bai Jue smiled: "I understand... the class is about to start, go get busy, I will teach those children a class, teach them the nine-nine multiplication table and read poems, and when something happens, Come to me again, I will stay here when I have nothing to do, if I am not here, then you don't have to look for me."

"Then, Shiming will take my leave first." Li Shiming got up gracefully, bowed slightly, her black skirt swaying, before leaving the courtyard, she looked back and looked forward: "By the way, sir..."

"Huh?" Bai Jue continued to peel the oranges, raising his eyebrows.

"Sir, do you have a marriage promise?" There was something special in the eyes.

"emmmmmmm..." Bai Jue pondered for a moment, shook his head in denial, and said coldly, "Love and romance have long been a luxury in this world. Your Royal Highness, Princess Qin, the heights are extremely cold. I am just a wanderer, as if I have no roots." Drifting like duckweed, how can I be qualified to talk about life and death, let alone the flag of 'go back to my hometown after this battle and get married' once I say it, I will definitely die."

"That is to say, there isn't one?" Li Shiming didn't look back, and said softly, "Then, do you have any women you admire?"

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