He looked at Bai Jue, and this time there was unprecedented solemnity in his eyes: "However, this has nothing to do with the old man. Since you came here with Yupei, the old man will try his best to fulfill your request."

He asked, "What kind of sword do you want?"

"The sword that can save the world." Bai Jue replied without hesitation.

"...What?" Ou Yezi thought he had heard wrong.

"The holy sword that saves the world, you can just give me a curry stick." Bai Jue said that he was not picky.

"Save, the world...?!" Ou Yezi looked at Bai Jue with the eyes of looking at the neuropathy, he took a deep breath, and his expression was extremely weird: "Aren't you her disciple? Why don't you even know this kind of common sense? Swordsmanship is the art of killing , the sword is a murderous weapon, and the number one sword in the world represents the number one murder weapon in the world, and all the swords forged by this old man have been stained with blood."

"Then forge me a non-killing sword." Bai Jue looked back with a flat gaze: "You are a heroic spirit. In the past, Ou Yezi once forged a sword of the benevolent, named Zhanlu, which was listed on the list of famous generals. second."

Ou Yezi was silent, he stroked his beard: "Zhanlu is the pinnacle of my previous life, this sword is in the hands of this old man."

Bai Jue was taken aback: "Are you talking about the heroic armed forces, or the holy relics?"

Heroic spirits all possess their own heroic spirit arms, which are weapons summoned from previous lives, but holy relics are not, just like the previous holy sword of Joyeuse... If Zhanlu is summoned as a heroic spirit arm, as a blacksmith Ou Yezi's holding is also very reasonable.

"Of course it's a real sword, but..." Ou Yezi said sadly, "It took me thirty years to find it. It has gone through many years of ups and downs, and it is completely different from the level. Now Zhanlu has degenerated into a sword embryo .”

"Degeneration?" Bai Jue was shocked: "There is still this kind of operation, the sword can also degenerate by itself, I am afraid that the sword spirit has already been produced!"

"I don't know, it didn't respond to the old man's call. Maybe the old man is no longer qualified to hold it. Even if I try to recast it, I can't do it. This has been decades, and the end of this life is coming. ..." Ou Yezi looked at the blazing fire and held the hammer with his fingers: "Then give it a try. Since you have made a promise first and you hope so, then the old man has no reason to back down."

"Will it take long?" Bai Jue asked.

"The longest is no more than three days. If it really wants to nirvana, it will naturally respond, but if it doesn't succeed in three days, then there will be no chance." Ou Yezi's eyes flashed a trace of determination: "After three days, you Come get the sword and go back."


Bai Jue was sent out without knowing why, and then the heavy iron door was closed, and all visitors were declined, and there was a regular sound of tinkling iron behind the iron door... For some reason, Bai Jue Somewhere, I realized that this was the first time I saw it, and maybe the last time.

"Zhanlu?" He thought silently: "Sister Jianxian knows what my swordsmanship is. If I come to ask Ou Yezi, I will definitely get Zhanlu's sword, and the nirvana of Zhanlu's sword embryo is Ou Yezi's regret in this life. Driven by the promise he made and his own desire, he will inevitably choose to forge a sword for Nirvana, and this time the sword forging may burn all his lifespan in this life."

——Is all this within the expectations of Jianxian sister... Who is she?

Bai Jue didn't feel guilty about Ou Yezi. The two met for the first time, and there was no emotional basis. What's more, he is also a heroic spirit. After this life, he can be reincarnated. For a swordsmith, if he can forge an ultimate weapon, it is worth sacrificing his life for benevolence. What the heart loves is the direction of the Tao.

He is proving that once it starts, no one can stop it.

"In the final analysis, who is different?" Bai Jue laughed at himself: "I am the same."

It was already noon, and Bai Jue was walking on a long long street. The strange thing was that when he came, there were many pedestrians on the road, but when he returned, there was no one in sight. The wind blew the sand, raised the leaves, and the sky Suddenly there was a hazy drizzle, and the sun was shining brightly, but the rain was pattering, and a hazy white mist was dispersed in the air, and the water vapor evaporated.

In the mist and rain, Bai Jue saw twenty meters away, a group of assassins wearing black masks and different costumes lined up, holding weapons, blocking the way.

He looked back, and sure enough, the same group of people in the rear also blocked the way back.

Attacking back and forth, the spacious long street instantly turned into a place of strife surrounded by wolves.

The gleaming weapon, the extraordinarily piercing killing intent, and the cold and merciless gaze all explained four words—the visitor was not kind.

"Are you going to block me in the street and beat me up?" Bai Jue raised his eyebrows: "Who is coming, please report your name!"

"We are the ones who take your life!" The eighteen guests shouted in unison: "Woe, disaster, blood, death—!"

They launched a desperate charge, and the scarlet pupils reflected madness, as if fanatics were devoting their lives to the gods... This metaphor may not be appropriate, but Bai Jue did not see any hesitation in their eyes, but instead Full of fanaticism.

Listening to the lines where I am slowly suffering from the visual sense of the second disease, hey... I have committed embarrassment.

But there is nothing incomprehensible. The Chinese Empire is so big that it is completely normal for a few capable magic sticks, alchemists or Taoist priests. Brainwashing a group of people as subordinates to launch assassinations is a common method, but it is a pity...he just stood on the opposite side of me. .

"It just so happens, let me try hidden swordsmanship." Bai Jue wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but he touched his waist, and his face suddenly became strange: "My knife, ah bah, where is my sword? Damn, the sword is thrown there Ye Chang is in peace! How can you use swordsmanship without any weapons!"

He quickly raised his hand and shouted: "Wait a minute, friend, this is not fair, at least give me a weapon!"

But the other party didn't care about it, they ran faster and faster. Most of this group of people's strength is the seventh level of acquired strength, and their skills have not exceeded fifty years, but they are so many, and they launch a desperate charge almost regardless of defense. Come up with hand gestures.

There is a line written in the eyes - kill you!

When all the eighteen people charged within three steps of Bai Jue, a series of wonderful expressions on a certain white face, such as panic, astonishment, ignorance, helplessness, and fear, all disappeared, leaving only a slowly wicked smile, and an unstoppable smile. The corners of the mouth raised wildly.

"You have been tricked..."

Bai Jue blinked his eyes, time seemed to stand still at this moment, the speed of the flow became extremely slow, a leaf fell down, and the trajectory of the movement at a speed of [-] centimeters per second was extremely clear in his eyes... The expressions of the assassins shouting were even more vividly displayed in sight.

He put on the hood, took a step sideways, and easily avoided the sword point that was going straight to his throat. With this step, a sharp cold wind rolled up in the air, and there were layers of sharp swords in the cold wind. Qi, like a stormy sea pouring towards the surroundings, a storm of sword energy burst out in an instant.

The sword qi spread like ripples, with ten steps as the boundary, dividing the vertical and horizontal domains of sword qi clearly.

Where he stood, the bricks and stones on the ground were cut into uneven debris by the sword energy, and the human body was directly cut into several pieces. Some assassins were lucky, and only the arms and limbs were broken, and the worst was turned into a human body. Some of the sticks were unlucky, and they were cut off by eighteen in an instant, and died.

Blood spewed out, dyed the ground red, and dissolved into light red in the meandering rainwater. Bai Jue took off the blood-stained hood, looked at the purgatory-like scene around him, and sighed: "Who said You can't kill people without a sword... I didn't want to kill you, but unfortunately this sword energy can't be controlled at all, I still want to save one or two lives and ask for clarification."

While he was meditating on the pity, in the haze of mist and rain, a cold chill suddenly rose from his back.

It was as if a zombie opened its bloody mouth and spit out rotten breath, blowing on the skin, disgusting and trembling.

The surrounding sounds disappeared, and there was only a piece of silence. In this absolute silence, the whole world became pure gray and white... Amidst the gray and white, a person came waving his hand, his arm was like a line of blood. The red brush, dipped in thick ink, left a rough stroke on the scroll, forcibly destroying the harmony of the picture and destroying everything in the painting.

The red paintbrush was already aimed at Bai Jue's neck at this time, crossing the long street, Xiaoxiao's heart was full of murderous spirit!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At a critical moment, in a desperate situation.

Bai Jue's strength is not strong enough, but his sixth sense is very keen, and his soul perception is as accurate as radar, but the speed of this person's shots is faster than his perception and his own reaction speed.

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