There is no doubt that it is innate!

And not an ordinary innate warrior!

The difference between innate warriors and acquired warriors is like clouds and mud.

Similarly, there is a strict classification between congenital and congenital.

Sister Jianxian once said that the innate realm is the same as the acquired realm, a total of nine heavens, one step at a time, roughly divided into three levels.

The first level, second level, and third level of the innate realm are the realms of small innates, and they can be called kings. More than [-]% of the innates in the world are small innates. The fourth level, fifth level, and sixth level are the realms of the Great Innate Heaven, and they can be named heavenly kings.

The small innate realm can release the internal energy and form various wonderful changes; while the big innate realm can condense martial arts spirit and form the vision of a heavenly king.

For example, the difference between innate and acquired is equivalent to the difference between a hero unit and a small soldier.

And the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels of innateness are the extreme congenital realms, and one can call oneself a martial saint.

Famous warriors in the Shenzhou Empire, such as Xiang Yu, was a martial sage in the ninth level of the innate extreme state, Wen Hou Lu Bu was first a martial sage in the eighth level of the innate world, and Guan Yu was a martial sage in the seventh level of the innate limitless state. Monk Mo is a martial sage of the eighth level of innateness, Zhang Sanfeng is a martial sage of the eighth level of innateness, and there are many generals and warriors. There are about twenty or thirty peerless masters who have reached the innate extreme in history.

Once martial arts reach the innate extreme level, even if there is no other merit, most of them will be blessed by the principles of civilization, and becoming a heroic spirit is basically appointed.

However, it is very difficult to directly promote to a heroic spirit while alive, and it is often transformed after death.

There are very strict requirements for being promoted to Heroic Spirit during one's lifetime, and only those who have made major changes and influences in history are eligible for promotion.

It would be unfair to compare the fighting power between warriors and heroic spirits, because heroic spirits have treasures, and treasures can be said to be a decisive weapon. The ex curry stick that kills Kuto and Saber.

But if no treasure is used, the combat power of a peak martial saint is about equal to that of a peak heroic spirit, four to six.

Of course, if you were a martial sage in your previous life and a heroic spirit in your later life, this kind of person is usually a thief who can fight. For example, a certain humanoid origin bomb Li Shuwen, modern martial artists are like this, according to the higher the degree of mystery, the stronger and older The more you can play the moon-style algorithm, I'm afraid it's not just tearing Solomon apart.

It's a bit far away, and the topic is brought back.

Now what Bai Jue is facing is a sneak attack by a great innate martial artist. The opponent's attack made the whole world turn pale with fright, and an incomparably rich blood color appeared at the end of his vision, as if it was produced after the condensed martial arts spirit vision.

Hit a fucking lollipop!

Bai Jue was sweating profusely, how to prevent this move?

This is not the innateness of those later generations who have been trained in martial arts training and the greenhouse environment, but the great innate who chopped off heads step by step, the ultimate master of the king of heaven——!

This is much more professional than the double A-level assassins I met in Shenhai City before!A knife cut over a bowl of big scars!You won't even be given a chance to talk!

Seeing that smear of blood getting closer and closer, the bright sky seemed to be dimming. A pair of crimson eyes approached quickly, like a ferocious ghost, carrying a ghost-slaying sword, flying towards it, killing souls.

"I can't prevent it!"

At the juncture of life and death, Bai Jue looked at the bloody world, his heart suddenly calmed down, recalling his previous thoughts, his mind was empty.

In the attic at the highest point in Chang'an City, someone was standing on the top of the sky, looking at the corner of the long street. She slowly closed her eyes and whispered softly.

Bai Jue's heart beat suddenly, like a ripple on the surface of a lake, dispelling all distracting thoughts in his mind.

Vaguely, time stagnated again (time: I didn't move!), the pattering rain floated in the air, and countless water droplets were crystal clear.

A white palm rested on his shoulder, and someone was standing behind him. The moment that hazy figure emerged, the moon shone without any splendor, and the lingering brilliance of the cold moon dispelled the harmonious blood, embedded in this world, the sun and the moon Tonghui, the blood rains with the wind.

A voice came from far to near, as if coming from the sky.

She said: "Look carefully, I only have one sword..."

Then the figure floated forward, she held it in the palm of her hand, and a sword emerged from her fingertips, gathering the moon into steel, condensing water vapor into a blade, a three-foot long sword, simple and unpretentious, but radiant and full of sword intent.

The black hair danced with the wind, and the sword energy pointed straight at the sky.

"Princes Sword—"

A sword cuts through the floating clouds, and the cold light condenses the cold eyes.

The unsheathed sword is not incredibly fast, nor does it have the vast momentum of a sword that spans ninety thousand miles and a sword in Guanghan and nineteen states. Such a straightforward and ordinary sword, without any modification or exaggeration, gives people an unstoppable and invincible overbearing !

The blood-stained world collapsed in just a moment, and the vision of a heavenly king formed by a great innate with martial arts aura was forcibly smashed head-on by a sword, like a layer of paper-pasted glass window!

As the vision was torn apart, the assassin holding the bright red paintbrush was inevitably exposed. The middle-aged man who looked very ordinary showed a look of astonishment. He was about to exclaim just now: "How could -"

However, that sharp sword light has already been passed to the front of his throat, sharp and decisive, I believe that even the city-state fortress will be destroyed by a single sword!

Such an overbearing sword did not go further, but stopped in front of the assassin's throat, unable to advance an inch.

Sister Jianxian's expression showed a little bit of pain. Starting from the tip of the sword, the blade shattered and scattered into an ice-cold ground, and that shadow could not continue to exist by itself, and gradually faded away, like a flash in the pan.

She glanced back at Bai Jue, nodded slightly, and scattered with the wind.

"Thank you for saving my life, Sister Sword Fairy." Bai Jue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a wry smile, "In this way, you have saved me twice."

He looked at the terrified Great Innate Warrior in front of him. He had a suspicious expression on his face, as if he was wondering if he had just been hit by an illusion. The elephant was broken, and his mind was completely messed up.

In short, panicked and lost my mind.

Bai Jue walked in silently and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, listen to me—"

"Ah?" The assassin lost his breath instantly after being slapped like this.

The flow of innate zhenqi in the body is extremely disordered, and he is about to go mad!

The whole person has already started to convulse, as if suffering from epilepsy, his expression is gradually distorted, gradually terrified, his eyes are rolling and he is crying, and his face looks spoiled.

Bai Jue still didn't understand why, and exclaimed—Sister Sword Fairy is indeed the sister of Sword Fairy, who frightened a top expert into madness with just one sword strike.

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