He raised his hand and smiled kindly: "Then... one hundred thousand volts."

Bilibili--!The high-voltage current flashed, and the top master fell to the ground and began to have regular muscle twitches. Compared with going crazy and causing the blood to flow backwards, the current ending is not bad, but he was turned into a charred black object by the electricity.

Bai Jue looked at the scorched black figure on the ground, his smile gradually became vulgar, and he dragged one leg to the depths of the alley, letting out a series of barbell-like laughter.

"It's time for torture. Let's hunt those who fell into the darkness. I believe that after you wake up, you will feel that it is a better destination to die under the sword of the sword fairy sister. First, I will find a few big weapons. Uncle Hei, who is alive and well... Ho Ho Ho, give it all to the party."


At the same time, on the top of the attic, a woman in long clothes was looking down at the entire city of Chang'an, quietly casting her eyes on a young man's shoulders, with helplessness and sadness intertwined, self-blame and gentleness, and her expression was complicated and unspeakable.

Watch, watch.

Until the last trace of blood on the woman's face turned into pure paleness, there was no trace of life on her body, and even her breathing rate became extremely slow.

The look in her pupils gradually dissipated, and her whole body was like a walking corpse, with a morbid beauty in her pale skin.

Sister Jianxian withdrew her gaze, got up slowly and walked into the city, the complex emotions in her eyes were replaced by another look—resolute and heavy.

"There's only so much I can do for you, and the time has shortened again. I thought I could spend the night with you, but now I can only see you for the last time in this way... But, that's okay , I'm not good at saying goodbye, in case you want to keep me, how should I answer?"

She raised her hand, looking at the paleness in her palm, her words were bitter.

"If it weren't for you, my loneliness for a hundred years would not be resolved, at least in the end, I was liberated from the loneliness in hell... Now, I feel that I can let go of everything and meet the end that belongs to me .”

The woman bit her lip, her nails pierced her palm, as if she was determined not to look back.

"I can only watch, watch quietly, wait patiently..."

"Keep watching, I'm afraid I'll become hesitant..."

"So, this is the last lesson..."

She closed her eyes.


"Fool disciple—"

There were no more waves in her eye sockets.

The darkness was like a tide, swallowing her coldly.


ps1: Do you want to give out bento, do you want to give out bento, do you want to give out bento...you have to say the important thing three times.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the pitch-black cabin, there is only one candlestick burning with fire, illuminating everything in this room.

The assassin in black woke up slowly, he shuddered subconsciously, his consciousness was still at the last moment, he was almost panicked by a sword, he gasped heavily, sweating like rain, looked left and right, It was so dark that he almost thought he was dead.

"Is this the underworld?"

"No, this place is more terrifying than the underworld." A heavy voice came.

"Who are you?" The assassin tried to bring up his true qi, but the sequelae of his previous obsession hadn't healed, and the burning pain in the meridians all over his body required a long time of careful recuperation before he could regain his true qi. He was so weak that even a weak woman could can kill him.

In front of the tied assassin, a man in a black robe cast a cold, sinister look: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you messed with someone you shouldn't... You should be lucky to be alive." I'm lucky."

"Do you want to scare me... This method is useless to me." The man sneered, "You want to get information from me? Then you might as well just kill me with a knife, or use a soldering iron, pepper water, a tiger stool, a whip If punishment, tongue cutting, etc. greet me, I will win by blinking my eyelids."

"Tsk..." The black-robed man gasped, and laughed hoarsely: "This time the rookie is of good quality, don't worry, I won't torture you, I hate seeing blood... Now, come to answer my question , if your answer satisfies me, then I will let you go back."

The man remained silent, no matter what, he had become a prisoner, although he didn't know why he lost so wrongly, but he was king and loser, he understood this simple truth very thoroughly in his many years of assassin career, But ants still steal their lives and can live on, so why do they have to die?

After all, he is also a great innate martial artist, he can be said to be the top master among the martial artists. This kind of cultivation has not come easily, so it would be too aggrieved to die like this!

I ask for an extra play!

"Then the first question." The man in black said, "Name."

"No name, no surname." The assassin said, "My code name is Seventeen."

"Evil feudalism." The black-robed man sighed with inexplicable words: "I don't even have a name, why don't I get one for you, how about calling it Li Goudan or Wangcai?"

--I will endure!

Shi Qi clenched his fists and took a deep breath to calm his mind: "No need, just speak up."

"Oh, that's good." The man in black clapped his hands: "Come on, tell me who sent you to assassinate that upright, resolute, wise, martial, kind, cute and cute young man who moved China."

Ignoring the pile of unnecessary titles, Shi Qi remained silent and did not answer.

"Is this the reserve of an assassin?" The man in black sighed, "Actually, you really don't have to be so tight-lipped, let's have a heart-to-heart talk, as long as you cooperate, I promise you will leave here intact... But if you don't cooperate, then I will not only destroy your body, but also your spirit, and make you laugh like a child afterwards."

"Threats are useless." The uncle assassin had a proud and stubborn face.

"Really?" The black-robed man thought for a while: "Then I'd better kill people to silence them."

"Wait—!" Seventeen blurted out: "Why don't you play your cards according to the routine, at least you should torture them first!"

"It's too troublesome. Didn't you say that you didn't answer? I admire your courage, so naturally I want to give you a happy warrior." The man in black cupped his hands and said, "Brother, hold on, you can't kill anyone!" Nod to the ground, there is a big scar on the head! A good man bleeds and doesn't shed tears!"

The assassin's uncle, who had been fed chicken soup for his soul, had a bit of a broken heart—is this person a bit out of his mind!Iron head baby?

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