——I know that I may not live for long, but if the thieves succeed, our martial arts world will suffer a catastrophe. In order to survive this catastrophe, we must find out the real culprit. Sad, you must find out the truth, whoever can find out the truth, the position of the leader can be inherited by this person, so as to convince the public.

The front is all nonsense, the only important thing is fame and fortune... This is what people in the Jianghu value, and they are used as gunmen.

The suicide note of the leader of the martial arts alliance is very likely to be forged, but no one cares so much. When the news spreads, all the people in the Jianghu in Chang'an city are excited. As long as the Zhenguo police insert a few people into it to guide public opinion, If you want to make a fuss all over the city, you can just talk about it.

Although the Jianghu people are Jianghu people, they are just ordinary people in terms of identity. Chang'an City is under the foot of the emperor, and they cannot enforce the law privately... So even if the gates of the princes and palaces are blocked, they can't coax people to beat them. This attitude gave this group of Jiang Hu people more self-confidence, thinking that the other party had a guilty conscience. Coupled with the hatred of the Jiang Hu people for the official family and royal family, public opinion was raging for a while.

The assassin Seventeen came to kill Bai Jue, and what he wanted was his Xiang Shang's head to anger the princes and palaces.

As long as someone throws his head into the gate of the palace, and sticks a note saying 'Heinous, the thief should be punished', Li Xiuning may take the big picture seriously, but Li Shiming can't bear it. He became the first one to lay down his gun. If he left quickly, he would still be alive, but if he was blinded by fame and fortune and continued to yell, he might be killed on the spot.

And once people kill people in public, even if it is the identity of Princess Qin, they will inevitably be detained by the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple. Although it will be safe in the end, a period of grounding is inevitable. will be strongly suppressed.

His Lord Zhen Guo didn't even need to show up in person, he could secretly benefit from the fisherman.

Yang Guang's idea is very clear. He can't disobey her will while the first emperor is still in power, but he can disgust his opponent, make him troublesome, and can't be distracted from fighting for power. He can seize the time in the court to seize power and Popularity, ready for the succession to the throne.

This is his advantage. Yang Guang's father Yang Jian and mother Dugu Jialuo left him a lot of resources to squander and eagle dogs to drive; With a great reputation and a lack of bargaining chips in the court game, no matter how you look at it, Yang Guang has a great chance of winning.

"Yeah, Yang Guang is too stable." Bai Jue looked at the burning clouds in the setting sun, and mercilessly took a mouthful of poisonous milk: "Unfortunately, he doesn't know who Li Shiming is. The ruthless character whose father abdicated... Sui was Tang Ke, this is the inertia of history."

If he hadn't read the hardcover General History of the Chinese Empire for [-] cents, Bai Jue also believed that Yang Guang was the most suitable to succeed him. However, he didn't want to change history, so he could only cheat this ambitious bitter man. up.

A certain Bai picked up his teacup and took a sip. He is sitting on the second floor of a teahouse. A little ahead is the palace of princes and princes. Sure enough, there are a large number of people from the rivers and lakes piled up in front of the gate, talking enthusiastically, and they are blocked several times. Shi Shi still refused to disperse. Seeing that it was getting dark, they directly took out dry food, or went to the side to buy steamed buns and pickles, planning to continue waiting here.

"You really have perseverance." Bai Jue was stunned, he knew very well that those who rushed to the front were fools, and the smart people were waiting and watching.

I haven't seen the head of a certain sect scolding the street without grace, and I don't know where to hide to drink tea and watch a play. This kind of trick is too easy for the old Jianghu to see through, but there are still many people who are stunned. Toutqing is ignorant and deserves to be used.

But this is not the point, the important issue is—so far, there is still no sign of singularity distortion, it seems that everything is still in the normal historical process.

"Where are the sources of the distortion?" Bai Jue pressed his brows together: "That unscrupulous clerk Bai Di said very clearly that this time the singularity will be very difficult, and if it goes wrong, it will easily cause the historical process of the entire main world to be distorted. , cause and effect disorder, but I have been here for a full four days, and there is still no sign, very strange, very strange... The only thing I can consider is Ye Changan, but Sister Jianxian refuses to say anything."

He thought about it...and gave up thinking about it.

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Let's go to the palace of the princes first." Bai Jue left the money for the wine on the table, flew out from the second floor, and walked towards the palace of the princes. The courtyard wall, of course, can't stop people, but no one dares to break through.

Under the disguise of the peak of the first level of Tibetan swordsmanship, Bai Jue's aura is almost undetectable, unless the level is high enough to be a great innate warrior or a martial sage, he can see through his camouflage that looks like five scumbags. Behind the wall, no one in the palace of the princes still noticed.

Walking in the backyard, Bai Jue activated the stealth technique silently. Looking at the huge palace, it looked deserted. Only a few maids walked back and forth, and the guards stayed in the outer courtyard. It can be seen that since the death of the previous prince, the current palace There are not many people left here, and although they are not in decline, they are definitely not as good as when Li Yuan was alive.

Bai Jue was sneaking silently when he suddenly heard a sharp explosion. He turned the corner carefully and saw Li Xiuning waving a spear in his hand in an open courtyard. There is nothing wrong) with eyes fixed on one line, concentration, every move and style is calm, repeating martial arts without haste, hair is tied into a capable ponytail, revealing a white and refreshing neck, dripping with sweat, but tireless.

This practice lasted for half an hour, and Bai Jue also stood behind the tree, watching for half an hour, until she stopped before she came back to her senses.

Before I knew it, I was fascinated by watching... It's better to be fascinated by watching people, not by watching martial arts, but by watching her practice martial arts.

Whether it is human or martial arts, both are indispensable, only when she wields her weapon vigorously and reverently like worshiping Buddha, can she see the subtlety and recognize the truth of this girl from this move.

Bai Jue had never really gotten to know this woman Li Xiuning. In Shen Hai, he knew that she was a heroic spirit, but he didn't know why she was so ardent towards him, so he kept keeping a distance from her, relying on the actor-level Performing professionally, the other party is also carefully hiding their identities, which makes the communication between the two seem harmonious, but in fact they are testing each other. It is not a heart-to-heart relationship, but more like negotiating. One step at a time.

But now, Bai Jue saw her devotion when she practiced martial arts, and saw with her own eyes that her martial arts were accumulated over time, and suddenly realized that Li Xiuning was really just an ordinary woman at this time... Martial arts cannot be achieved overnight, life The same is true.

She was supposed to have her own happiness, but she was burdened with the grief of her father and brother's sacrifice in the age of cardamom. Not only that, she also had to take care of her young sister. She could only carry the banner of the princes' mansion alone, and bear the pain and responsibility together. , rushed to the battlefield, broke into the great reputation of Princess Pingyang Zhao's Women's Army, the hard work, blood and pain behind it, just like the sweat she shed at this time, seeped into the earth, and no one saw it.

It wasn't touching, nor sympathy, nor admiration, but Bai Jue had a little understanding of what kind of woman Li Xiuning was, and noticed that many people would never notice her hidden side.

She is courageous and strong, independent and persistent.

In short, smile casually to make yourself reliable and dependable, never complain, never mention, never compromise, never ask for help, never regret.

This clumsy girl is inexplicably cute...

Bai Jue withdrew his gaze from the girl's astonishing charm, with a look of astonishment on his face: "I think I'm a coquette, but actually I like female men?"

"What are you looking at?" Li Xiuning adjusted her disordered qi, finished the daily compulsory class, and said in the direction of Bai Jue: "After watching for so long, could it be that you want to learn from my Li family's gun?" technique?"

"You actually saw through my perfect disguise." Bai Jue said in shock.

"I'm a congenital warrior. Of course I can see through this level." As the youngest congenital warrior in the history of the Chinese Empire, Li Xiuning's talent is beyond doubt. The kung fu of hitting a three-legged cat can't fool a warrior's spiritual sense...Sneaky, if I hadn't noticed your hostility, I would have stabbed you there long ago."

Bai Jue subconsciously looked away: "I just came to inform you about something, and it's not easy to go through the front door, so I had to climb over the wall."

"It's really something, why don't you dare to look at me? You dare not look directly at the other person, obviously there is something wrong in your heart." Li Xiuning squinted her eyes.

——I don't even know why I dare not look at you!This is not a guilty conscience, this is from the heart!

Bai Jue said out of conscience: "I don't look at you because I'm afraid of burning my eyes."

When Li Xiuning heard these words, veins stretched out on her forehead. Her appearance was definitely not bad. After being ridiculed so bluntly, with the violent temper of a general's daughter, she couldn't bear it: "Is this princess ugly! Give me your head turn around!"

"Don't dare to look, don't dare to look." Bai Jue said with a serious face: "It's just because I took one more look at you in the crowd... I can't forget your face anymore... Oh, cough, cough, I'm sorry to sing it out, I think It’s not this sentence... How do you say, you are my eyes? Show me the changes of the four seasons... Oh no, it doesn’t seem to be this sentence.”

A certain white was thinking about what to say to prevaricate.

But at the corner not far away, there was a Li Shiming watching secretly, and her fingers had already been stuck in the window!


ps1: In theory, I can do two shifts, but considering that I have to attend the annual meeting, and I don’t have a laptop, so let’s save a manuscript first... Wait until February to see if there is a chance to get full attendance.

The current plot fragmentation is serious, and I can’t think of a good solution for a while. The plot itself has two routes, one is the route of Li Shiming’s proclaiming the emperor, and the other is the route of Ye Chang’an Sword Immortal-Bai Jue’s double-opening operation, The fragmentation of the plot is serious, and we can only follow the time, and wait until the end to detonate the plot in one go.

After a long preparation period, the climax of this volume is absolutely beautiful, very beautiful, damn good!

So, just bear with it for a few more chapters, and when I return from the annual meeting, I can speed up the writing.


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