-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Shiming observed secretly, she hid very well, Li Xiuning's innate martial artist's spiritual sense didn't notice it, but Bai Jue's hair-like radar on the top of his head still noticed it through the form of soul wavelength, in fact, from his point of view it was I can't see this girl.

——It's over, I accidentally said the wrong thing, is this considered teasing her sister in front of her!Isn't it more tragic than face-to-face NTR?

There was a huge wave in Bai Jue's heart, and he tried to explain: "Girl, listen to me, in fact, I can explain... I didn't tease you just now, I just wanted to sing a song suddenly in a good mood, it's okay if you don't believe me Then sing..."

Li Xiuning was already staring at him vigilantly. For a woman from a good family, or a woman from a good family in ancient times, there is no difference between singing this kind of love song and confessing her love. However, this girl's favorability for Bai Jue is close to zero, so she cheered. He said coldly: "I'm not interested in a little boy like you. Perhaps Shi Ming is interested in the gifted scholar, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, the wind, the flowers, the snow and the moon that women yearn for, but I am a general, and I am Li Xiuning. If I want to marry in this life, I will only marry an unparalleled hero and a true hero... ..."

She glanced at Bai Jue with a sad look: "So you, better save it!"

She sighed faintly: "I really don't know why Shi Ming recognizes you as a bosom friend, I don't see anything special about it...slim arms and legs, you can fall down when the wind blows."

"Hey, hey, I always feel that you have a very strong misunderstanding of the impression of a big hero and a real hero." Bai Jue complained: "You think that real heroes are Dashi Johnson and the Terminator with biceps bigger than normal people's heads." Is it the figure of the governor? That is a humanoid Tyrannosaurus!"

"Then what do you think a real hero looks like?"

"Probably, maybe, maybe..." A smiling face appeared in Bai Jue's mind: "Smiling like a child."

(Remarks: It's not the smiling face of the hero, but a clerk)

"Hmph..." Li Xiuning didn't deny it either. She walked aside, put down her spear, scooped up a handful of clear water, and sucked the sweat off her cheeks. Ben, just close the door and ignore me when I get home, I've been devastated for a long time, but I don't have time to take care of you, today it happens that Shiming is not here, let's talk openly and openly."

Although she turned her back to Bai Jue, a vague hostility still lingered in the courtyard.

Perhaps in the eyes of Li Xiuning at this time, Bai Jue is the pig who stole her cabbage...

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Bai Jue was also happy to act on the occasion, and Li Shiming happened to be watching from the side. He didn't mind showing off his true qualities as an actor, showing off his operations, and brushing up the favorability and trust of the two sisters.

——This is not for teasing girls, but for Li Shiming's enthronement plan.

——I want to emphasize it again, it's not for teasing girls!

"There are many things we can talk about. Generally speaking, they can be divided into three aspects." Bai Jue talked eloquently: "First, talk to me from the perspective of your sister, Princess Qin; second, talk to me from the perspective of your own Come to talk to me as Princess Pingyang Zhao; thirdly, come to talk to me as the successor of your princes and kings."

"You are quite smart." Li Xiuning said, "Go on."

"If it's for Princess Qin, you entertain me as a sister, then at least you must have a table, two chairs, and a cup of herbal tea, and you don't need wine. I'm underage. , can’t drink alcohol, so please give me two more oranges as a thank you.” Bai Jue smiled slightly: “Let’s have a friendly talk, so you don’t have to be terrified when you meet a parent.”

"...Then what if I come as the successor of the princes and kings?"

"Then you should hold a cup now, and then throw the cup as a sign. At the same time, the surrounding vegetation is full of soldiers. Once the cup is broken, three hundred knives and axemen will rush out to take me down, and a group of murderous masters are eager to fight." Bai Jue said calmly: "After all, what Princess Qin and I have planned can be called a rebellious act of stealing the country."

Li Xiuning asked again: "Then who do you think I am now?"

"In the middle." Bai Jue smiled slightly: "Tell me as Princess Pingyang Zhao, you can balance the front and back. You are both a courtier and a sister. You must be very conflicted."

"Contradictions, huh..." Li Xiuning sighed softly: "I promised Shi Ming that if His Majesty abdicates, I will help her ascend the throne... She is indeed more suitable than me, but how can it be so easy to conquer the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty? His Majesty the First Emperor is an emperor through the ages, no matter how outstanding the emperor is, once he takes over the throne, he will inevitably be shrouded in the shadow of His Majesty in history, is this really appropriate?"

——Are you talking about such a serious issue directly...

Bai Jue thought for a while, then spread his hands: "Who knows? How will you know if you don't try?"

Li Xiuning was taken aback when he heard the words, and was furious: "Try? There is no turning back when you open the bow, haven't you heard of it? Just try, and you want to push Shiming to the throne? You are too, too... too Whatever you want!"

"Casual?" Bai Jue stood proudly: "The world has always been so casual. People either follow the trend or choose history... Then you think it is a good thing for Zhen Guogong to become emperor like this?"

Li Xiuning's momentum faltered. She knew what kind of person Yang Guang was...Confident to conceited, a complete schemer and dormant.

It may be suitable to be an aide, but he may not be suitable to be an emperor, because he has a restless ambition. He wants to be famous forever and make achievements that will never be seen in the world. What is wanted is peace and tranquility.

"There is only one emperor..." Li Xiuning clenched her fists, her expression troubled: "What are we going to use to fight Zhen Guogong? Since ancient times, there is only one result of fighting for imperial power - the winner lives, and the loser dies!"

"Simple." Bai Jue raised his finger: "As long as Shihuang nods, a piece of paper will be issued to announce to the world. Are you afraid that the world will suffer?"

"Zulong Pavilion is covered with dust, who can get in? Even Lord Zhen can't get in, and His Majesty hasn't seen anyone for many days." Li Xiuning hesitated: "Your Majesty's complexion is still very good, there is no sign of instability, maybe , she does not intend to abdicate."

"Maybe?" Bai Jue shook his head: "No one can afford to bet on this possibility... In case the first emperor really abdicates, it will be too late to start preparations from then on. If you plan to launch a rebellion against the country under such conditions, the entire Chang'an city will be blocked, and the palaces of the princes and princes will be firmly watched to death, and not a single fly can fly out."

"So it will be too late. As long as Yang Guang activates the dragging formula, he will naturally win the final victory. If we want to make a comeback, we must face the saint directly. Time is running out. Even if we use force, we must enter Zulong Pavilion as soon as possible. The first emperor confronted him face to face, and asked everything clearly." Bai Jue raised his finger: "Three days, and we only have three days, if we don't get the first emperor's edict within three days, this battle will officially be declared a failure. .”

"Three days?" Li Xiuning asked, "Why three days?"

"Because...the opponent's game has been set up." Bai Jue said slowly: "The palaces of the princes have almost no power in the government, and now the eyeliner in the palace has been infiltrated by the Duke of Zhen. The first emperor ignored government affairs, and half of the civil servants would be recruited to Yang Guang's command, and it would not be difficult to rule the court at that time, as long as the first emperor does not stay out of Zulong Pavilion for a day, he has the final say on the entry and exit of the entire palace."

Of course, there is one more important reason - according to the general history of the Chinese Empire, the First Emperor abdicated three days later.

Bai Jue said with a calm face, "So within three days, you must see the First Emperor. No matter what method you use, I suggest forcing your way through!"

"Forcibly breaking into the Zulong Pavilion, you probably don't want to die..." Li Xiuning gritted her teeth: "I will go to the Zulong Pavilion to face the saint tomorrow, maybe His Majesty will see me again..."

"You can't get in." Bai Jue said, "You can't even get out of this gate. People outside the gate have already determined that the princes' mansions are related to the death of the martial arts leader. Even if it doesn't affect you, it's like a swarm of flies. Lose."

Li Xiuning didn't speak for a while, she looked deeply at Bai Jue: "...do you have a way to convince His Majesty?"

"It's up to people." Bai Jue pretended to be profound.

Li Xiuning didn't want to hear this kind of answer: "Can...or can't?"

"Of course I can." Bai Jue looked at the stars in the night sky: "If I can't, no one in the world will be able to convince the first emperor... If he is really the emperor through the ages, he will naturally be able to tell whether my words are true or false."

She stopped talking, lowered her head and thought silently, smiled bitterly, with complicated emotions, and sighed softly: "I shouldn't have come back... If my father was still there, would he support Shi Ming? I don't know what I chose Right or wrong, I can't tell whether what you said is true or not, if you are also a chess piece under Yang Guang's hands, then the palaces of princes and palaces will definitely be destroyed in my hands."

Bai Jue could understand her thinking: "Yes, you should seriously consider such a big prince's mansion and the foundation of your father's generation."

"But I'm a woman. I'm not as good at thinking about the future as my father. Maybe I will never marry and have children in my life. Maybe Shi Ming won't either. Maybe we are the last generation of the Li family." Li Xiuning pointed Caressing the long spear: "Even if I am self-willed once, my father will forgive me, right?"

"Before I make a decision, there is one last question." Li Xiuning finally asked: "Let me ask you, what do you think of Shi Ming?"

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