As soon as this remark came out, Li Shiming, who was hiding in the dark, immediately held his breath and looked at the two without blinking.

Um?Why did this serious topic suddenly turn in this direction?Your brain circuit is a bit strange!

Bai Jue was caught off guard and asked, "What?"

"There is no unreasonable kindness in this world. This is not a charity... Why did you help Shi Ming ascend the throne? I thought before that you were trying to grab power by helping her ascend the throne, but I can see from you You don't see any glamorous people who are blinded by ostentation, and you don't see any desire for power. You have said so much, but you haven't mentioned a word about yourself..." Li Xiuning was really puzzled: "Why?"

Bai Jue suddenly realized - forgot to ask for benefits!loss!Big loss!

"So, the only thing I can think of is... Maybe you have some kind of affection for Shi Ming?" Li Xiuning blushed inexplicably: "Besides that, I really can't think of other possibilities."

Emmmmmm... Bai Jue said helplessly: "I think you have misunderstood something. In fact, I have nothing against Princess Qin..."

"You're covering it up." Li Xiuning understood something on her own: "A man's reserve? I'm the one who was abrupt, too direct and no one would admit it."

"No, no, no, I didn't cover it up. I've always been a straight-talking steel man!" Bai Jue tried to make it clear.

"No need to explain, I understand." Li Xiuning smiled and said: "Shi Ming is a good girl, I hope you can treat her well..."

Miss Li Shiming, who was observing secretly, let out a long sigh of relief and smiled knowingly. She felt that she could show up, but...

"It doesn't exist." Bai Jue vetoed it: "Although Princess Qin's personality, appearance and temperament are excellent, but... I choose the one with big breasts!"

Words turned into sharp blades, killing him with one blow, he really is a straight man of steel!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The size of the breasts determines the combat effectiveness. Looking at the ACG world for many years, unless the heroine is a loli, which one with small breasts has won?

Look at Naruto, for so many years I thought Sakura was the heroine, but in the finale, I married Erzhuzi, Hinata was promoted successfully, rose strongly in the middle, successfully gank the heroine in one fell swoop, and even made a wave Dog Food made a theatrical animation, which forcibly cut the moon in half!It can be called a typical case of a big chest hanging and a flat chest.

Look at the God of Death, not to mention what kind of result it's unfinished. In terms of cp alone, Rukia appeared at the beginning, and Ichigo took away her power of the God of Death, and even killed Jinglingting for her, bipolar Robbing prisoners to save people, but after the end of the first chapter, the mid-to-late stage was frenziedly paddling, and even the emotional drama was given to Inoue Orihime, and the position of the female number one was at stake. In the finale, Inoue Orihime was promoted to a wife. Another case of laughing till the end.

Let’s take a look at One Piece again, look at this...... I didn’t say anything.

To sum up, as the savior and No. [-] protagonist, Bai Juekong's big breasts are completely reasonable. This is an unwritten rule that sticks to the rules. It can also be seen from the plot of the second volume that he doesn't like Lolicon. His various responsible behaviors in trying to save Big Whale from the lolicon's criminal path have further proved the nature of this guy as a big breast lover.

Therefore, when Bai Jue said these words, it was from the heart.

——I choose the one with big breasts!

What a strong spiritual impact the unintentional words had on the two girls involved, you can see one or two from the blushing and burning cheeks and the gradually crumbling smiles.

Li Xiuning probably mistook Bai Jue for her as a target.

And Li Shiming also thought that she was NTRed by her sister face to face.

The originally happy atmosphere became murderous in just one sentence.

"You, you, you..." Li Xiuning's face flushed red: "What are you talking about! What are you talking about? Big breasts and small breasts, people who use this aspect to judge the value of women should be dragged out to execute the castration! Dengtuzi, you How daring, to dare to speak wild words in front of this princess..."

"Calm down, girl, I'm not teasing you." Bai Jue tried to stabilize her emotions.

"Who would believe it! You disciple!" Li Xiuning blushed and said, "Why didn't you tell Shi Ming! You just said it to me!"

"I said in front of her that she has small breasts, what's the difference between that and suicide!" Bai Jue glared, "I'm afraid I just sent her to the throne of God, and she immediately issued an imperial decree, giving me a glass of poisoned wine." !"

"So what! If you don't burn you, you'll be doing me a favor!"

"How much do you hate me? It's obvious that future generations will be so..." Bai Jue coughed lightly: "You should forget what I said just now. If I didn't say it, I really don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Princess Qin, and I don't think much about you either. , I’m so young, I don’t want to die in this kind of tragic sister Shura field.”

There was still suspicion in Li Xiuning's eyes.


The girl who had calmed down slightly tilted her head, her ponytail swayed slightly behind her head, and the wet drops of water slid down her cheeks, which were crystal clear like pearls under the moonlight. A gust of wind blew up her cheeks The sideburns have long hair, the petals in the courtyard dance with the wind, and the smell of peonies is in the air.

At this moment, the inadvertent charm of the girl in front of him made Bai Jue's eyes dazed. For a moment, the vision that spanned the past and the present made him feel inexplicably nostalgic and familiar.

Looking at her when she was in full bloom, and then looking at her when she was young, a sense of wonder filled her heart.

At this moment, she is really cute.

Unknowingly, under the beautiful scenery at this moment, Bai Jue forgot that Li Shiming was still spying not far away.

He shook his head and laughed, sticking out his tongue mischievously.

"Fake, lied to you."

Sure enough, as Li Xiuning's cheeks flushed again, he couldn't help laughing happily, quite a joy of a successful prank.

Then, Bai Jue stretched out his hand to gently touch the top of her head, and tidied up a bunch of hair. Li Xiuning's expression was completely stunned, and he only heard him say.

"I hope time will remember your appearance..."

"You look so blushing, so pretty..."

Her face turned even redder, like a piece of red-hot iron, and white smoke billowed from her head.

The blushing girl pretending to be angry, the cheerful and laughing boy, the starry river quietly illuminates the faces of the two of them, and sprinkles the starlight on the shoulders of the boy and girl, making people recall the playfulness and squabbles of the youthful years. Bitter love...

Ah, what an exciting scene, what a pair of gifted men and beautiful women.

Heartwarming and heartwarming...

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