——laugh NM!

Li Shiming couldn't calm down her emotions. Anger was clamoring in her body and she wanted to tear up the picture in front of her and destroy this harmonious scene, but her reason restrained her. Peeping, and it will also embarrass the two of them.

I endure... I endure...

The girl's fingers fell into the stone pillar, and her anger was about to break through the sky.

This is NTR now!This is face-to-face NTR!This must be wearing a cuckold in person!

Sister, you clearly know how much I long for someone who can understand me!Why are you still robbing me!Why do you have to show that expression!

Just as Li Xiuning understands Li Shiming, Li Shiming also understands Li Xiuning's sister very well. She is too easy to understand...and too simple. Because of this, since the death of her father, Li Xiuning, the eldest daughter, has inherited the palace of the princes. He no longer smiles, puts on a mask, and fights on the battlefield.

But what about her heart?Really don't feel alone?Don't want a home where you can laugh and laugh?

Princess Qin knows her sister's loneliness, her hard work, and her heavy responsibility, but...

Can't let it go!

I have been waiting for seventeen years!

If I don't give it, you can't grab it!

She walked out of the corner, determined not to continue to wait and see, the atmosphere between these two people seemed to have known each other in the last life!

"Sister?" Li Shiming walked out of the corner and called softly.

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Li Xiuning gave a jolt and came back to her senses: "Shi, Shi Ming...then, that..."

"Mr. is here too." Li Shiming's eyes fell on Bai Jue. Although she tried to smile, there was no smile in her eyes: "Welcome to the palace of princes and princes. If you want to come, please let me know in advance. Prepare in advance."

Li Xiuning and Bai Jue lowered their heads like elementary school students who had done something wrong, and their thoughts were surprisingly the same.

——The eyes are so scary!

"Please come with me. It just so happens that dinner is ready." Li Shiming changed the topic, and did not intentionally resolve the conflict between the two, but showed an extraordinary tolerance... This open-minded person It made Bai Jue deeply feel that this is a good girl.

"That's right, eat and eat..." Li Xiuning quickly walked past Li Shiming's side and walked towards the living room.

However, Li Shiming held Li Xiuning's wrist: "Sister, you should go back to your room and take a bath first..."

"Say, yes." Li Xiuning whispered, "I'm too anxious."

"It's okay, pay attention next time." Li Shiming nodded slightly to Bai Jue: "I'll take my sister back to the room first, sir, go to the living room for dinner first, don't wait for us... My sister and I have something to talk about. "

Bai Jue only felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and he shivered from the cold. He touched the back of his head: "Okay, no problem, I think it's ok."

After watching Bai leave, Li Shiming let go of Li Xiuning's wrist,

"Shi Ming, what's the matter..." Li Xiuning felt guilty for some reason, and wanted to escape: "I have to take a bath, so..."

Li Shiming said softly: "I heard everything you and your husband talked about."

Li Xiuning's blushing cheeks immediately lost their blood and fell silent. She quickly waved her hands and said, "I'm not, I just talked with him..."

"Sister, what kind of person do you think Mr. is?" Li Shiming didn't mention before, but asked instead: "Is he a very strange person? There are many changes, many faces, and he is always out of tune. But he is very knowledgeable, and he always looks at things in one sentence."

Li Xiuning thought for a while, and replied following her words: "He is a very peculiar person. Although he is a bit unrestrained and his words are too straightforward, people can't wait to beat him up to vent their anger, but...he has profound insights and sees the big picture. That's clear."

"Not only that." Li Shiming whispered: "He understands us..."

Li Xiuning opened his mouth, but then closed it again.

"It's not a literal understanding, but an understanding. I have thought about it, felt it, and experienced it from the same angle." Li Shiming looked into the distance: "The person who is willing to do this is either a conspirator, or He is a kind person, and only when he is gentle and kind to the extreme can he put himself in the shoes of others and ignore himself... That's why I realize now, Mr. He..."

"It's not just my bosom friend."

"As long as he wants, he can be anyone's confidant, and he can understand anyone, just like...he understands you, sister, otherwise, he won't smile so gently at you, as if he is giving you everything he has paid in the past." Definitely and commendably…”

Li Xiuning recalled being touched on the head just now, and her cheeks turned red again: "Maybe, right..."

Li Shiming whispered softly: "But I hate this..."

She repeated: "I hate this very much. I only need a bosom friend, and I don't need more. I also hope that my understanding person can just look at me..." She stretched out her hand, hugged Li Xiuning from behind, and said softly: "So, just once... Let's make an agreement—"

"In this life, he is mine... In the next life, I will return it to you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The mansion of the Duke of Zhen.

The pure color here is exactly the opposite of the palace of princes and princes illuminated by the bright moon. The lights are bright and the manpower is sufficient. There are a large number of guards patrolling outside the mansion. The maids shuttle back and forth non-stop. The hanging lanterns light up the corridors of the hall. .

But the brighter it is, the darker it is.

Yang Guang, Lord of the Town, was sitting on a chair, flipping through the scrolls, and there were three words "On the Passing of the Qin Dynasty" written on the book.

He watched silently for a long time, no one spoke in the study, until he put down the classics in his hand, looked at the brightly lit corridor, with the fire reflected in his eyes: "I haven't returned late at night, it seems that this time the assassination failed. Xiantian also failed to take down that seemingly unknown pawn... it was a stumble."

Yang Su sat on Yang Guang's left hand side, pondered and said: "There are still such capable people in the world who can avoid the assassination of the great innate assassins, even if they are not heroic spirits, they are also masters of the same level. The palaces of princes and princes have gone."

"It also damaged a great innate chess piece." Yang Guang looked darkly: "But sacrifice is valuable, at least it can be regarded as a trump card for the princes and palaces. This person has to guard against... It is a surprise. .”

Yang Su glanced at Yang Guang, still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and calmly dealt with it calmly: "According to the report of the extra eyeliner, today's princes and palaces are already surrounded by people from all corners of the country, and it is impossible to get in." If you can’t get out, the encirclement of the first part has been fulfilled.”

"Very good...the defenders of the city are also ours, and the second large encirclement net can also be deployed." Yang Guang nodded slowly: "No one knows that the current high-level generals of the city defenders in Chang'an are all The seeds planted by my Yang family [-] years ago, although the Zhen Guo Gongfu does not hold military power, but when it comes to infiltration... hmph."

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