"It's a pity that the dragon army in the imperial city swore allegiance to the first emperor... If you want to launch a coup, you have to go beyond their step, so the siege network in the imperial city cannot be fully implemented. I always feel that my heart is not very at ease." Yang Guang said. The corner of her mouth twitched: "In short, after watching the palaces of princes and princes, she must not be allowed to enter the Zulong Pavilion, and report to me as soon as there is any news."

Time passed slowly.

Yang Guang strives to be safe and careful, but in the end, a dragging formula is enough.

They occupy the general trend, they don't need poisonous tricks, they don't need tricks, they don't need conspiracy, they just slap them, and they win with A face.

Using power to overwhelm others is an orthodox conspiracy to dig a hole and force you to jump in. Whether you want to or not, you will eventually go down.

The right time, place and people, fighting in the court, fighting on the battlefield, these three points are what he is fighting for. He has the upper hand in all aspects. In theory, he has been able to open a bottle of Kouzijiao and Jiannanchun for decades.

But for some reason, Yang Guang felt inexplicably uneasy...

There is an illusion that he is at the peak of his life now, because he will start to go downhill soon!

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of a reason why he would lose. No matter how many times he deduced it, he would come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with it, I have already won.

The only thing that needs to be guarded against is only one thing, that is, the princes' palaces jump over the wall in a hurry, drive directly to steal the house, rush to the Zulong Pavilion, and let the first emperor issue an imperial edict to announce the world, which is to force the position.

And as long as Shi Huang didn't issue that edict, he would never lose.

No, it doesn't matter even if an edict is issued, he can intercept this edict and replace it!The big deal is to forcibly force the palace and make the other party abdicate before ascending the throne!

It doesn't matter if you offend Shihuang, because Shihuang is no longer the emperor at that time, she has already abdicated!I will no longer interfere in the political struggles and imperial power struggles within the Shenzhou Empire!

It is precisely because the current Shihuang is indifferent to Zulong Pavilion, this attitude of letting go gave Yang Guang the greatest confidence and support.

Everything that needs to be done has already been done. Strategies, plans, contacts, decades spent like a day, honing minions in dormancy, what is waiting is today, everything that can be calculated is calculated in place, everything that can be grasped Sure, but who knows what the end result will be?

Yes, I won't lose, I don't want to lose, and I can't afford to lose.

The painstaking efforts of two generations are for the imperial power... This may sound vulgar, but if you don't even have such extravagant hopes and pursuits, how can you surpass your predecessors, how can you make your name in history.

"... Duke Zhen?" Yang Su called him, "If you are tired, go and rest first."

"No, I'm just a little restless, and I have a sense of emptiness that is too easy to get." Yang Guang smiled wryly and sighed: "It seems that all these are illusory things like essence and water... It's getting sentimental."

"This is also a good thing. At least now you can still feel emotional. After you ascend the throne, there will be no time for you to be sentimental." Yang Su said lightly: "If the planning of two generations can't make it easier , then why have we planned so far?"

"That's right, there is no way to retreat." Yang Guang closed his eyes on Qin Lun: "We can only move forward."

Yang Su stroked his beard: "You are not young anymore, it's time to start a family and start a career, and it's time to think about becoming a queen."

"After ascending the throne, it's not too late." Yang Guang waved his hand, looking out the window in a daze.

His heart became even more restless...

At this time, the two of them didn't realize that during the conversation, all the standard flags that could be established had been brushed over and over again... What a god!

——If our iron cavalry continues to move forward, will the mansions of the princes and princes with their arms like chariots stop it?

——The time and place of the battle are right, and no matter how you lose, A-face will win.

——After I ascend the throne, I will go home and get married!


It was night, and Bai Jue came to Ye Chang'an again.

This time, he did not appear inside the palace, but outside the city wall, the standing wall seemed to resist his existence, isolating him outside.

The vermilion city gate was closed tightly, and the pale moon quietly shed a piece of silver light. Bai Jue looked up, but there was no familiar figure. It no longer exists, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

There was only one sword in front of him, an ancient bronze sword, which pierced into the masonry and stood upright as if growing out of the stone.

"...Sister Jianxian left it?"

Bai Jue held the hilt of the sword, the cold sword reflected a lonely person, an inexplicable melancholy made him feel lost.

He seems to have heard her say - go back, don't come again...

However, without giving him time to carefully discern where this emotion came from, a gust of cold wind blew from behind, and the spreading white mist covered the scenery outside the city wall, and the pale moon in the sky was also covered by black clouds. .

The icy breath came from behind, and Bai Jue felt that a layer of frost was about to condense on his neck. He looked back, and in the white mist, a dark shadow was walking forward. The cold and murderous breath, As well as the diffuse dark breath, although it is hidden in the black mist, the general outline already shows that it has been staring at Bai Jue's ass, ah, no, it's the back.

"War Ghost." Bai Jue turned around, held the bronze sword with his backhand, and slowly pulled it out from the masonry. The steel rubbed against the bluestone and made a clanging sound, and the War Ghost in the white mist also posed Assuming a charging posture, its weapon had pierced through the white mist, revealing the flickering blade in the front half.

"Spearman?" Bai Jue smiled disdainfully: "I deliberately want to show my shame, let's just prove that I didn't learn swordsmanship for nothing in the past three days!"

Sister Jianxian didn't let him go out before, but she didn't show up today. I'm afraid something has happened that she finds troublesome... So she didn't have time to worry about herself, she left a sword here and left in a hurry.

"This is a good thing." Bai Jue had the classic expression of someone Huang: "I can finally go out and explore the map."


War Ghost, who had charged to the limit, charged, the red-tasseled spear pierced the sky, a gash was forcibly torn open in the air, the whistling wind sounded like a mournful cry, the hazy white mist was pierced by the spear, and the ten gap between the two was crossed in one step. Step distance, from the shot to the arrival, the long spear seems to have no track to find, it can be said that the shadow of the spear is like a dragon.

Spear is the tyrant of a hundred soldiers. In terms of power and attack, no one can match it. It is also the most suitable long-handled weapon for fighting on the battlefield. It is difficult to learn and difficult to master.

Although this war ghost was dressed in shabby clothes, his energy and spirit were concentrated as a whole. This spear forcefully pierced the power of a congenital warrior. Although it was not as strong as the great innate strength, it was still enough to kill a big whale.

However, Bai Jue avoided the previous shot that he absolutely couldn't avoid. He pulled out the bronze sword and swung it back, only to hear three consecutive crisp sounds of metal and iron in the air, and the point of the gun grazed him. The shoulder and lower abdomen, but missed, and did not leave a scar.

"Use speed to overcome speed..." Bai Jue stood with his sword in his hand, looked at the war ghost three steps away, and touched his chin: "Three seconds faster."

War Ghost seemed to be enraged, and fought again with a gun. Bai Jue did not dodge this time, held a bronze sword, and faced it head-on. After three breaths, the strength in Bai Jue's hand deepened, shaking the War Ghost back, and it retreated fully. It took five steps before he stabilized his figure.

"Strength is stronger than you." Bai Jue moved his shoulders and shook his slightly numb arms: "As for true energy, I probably don't have internal strength... Passing Yiyuan Boyuan, next , compare the outcome."

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