Bai Jue tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal. The moment the commoner's sword hidden sword technique was unsheathed, the sharpness was revealed. The sword edge reflected the dim moonlight, and a little bit of sharpness went against the wind. It is the bravery in this sword, like a lone boat going backwards in the tide, like a stubborn stone standing under a waterfall, with a clear sword edge and heavy sword intent, when you advance, you will be blood splashed three feet in anger, and if you retreat, you will lose your blood. Jade and stone burn together rather than jade broken!

When a person comes to the sword, it is like a dragon sword full of energy and irresistible, full of murderous intent!


The sword falls, the ghost dies!

The three-foot green blade is as light as a shock, and the sword breaks the seven-foot red-tasseled spear!

"A sword against a gun... wins you by three points... It is said that Lancer can't beat Saber, why don't you understand such a simple truth."

Bai Jue lightly shook the bronze sword, and the decapitated war ghost was silent again.

He stopped looking at his feet, and walked straight into the white mist. He wanted to see what was in the white mist that stretched for hundreds of miles in Chang'an at night.

Apparently, the self-confident trainee savior didn't realize that he pretended to be successful and killed with a big move...

——It’s just a scumbag with double-digit combat effectiveness.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Night Chang'an, white mist locks the city.

Even with the current Bai Jue's eyesight, he can only see the scenery within ten meters, but he has dull hair, bah, soul perception, although the floating war ghosts are dead things, but the obsession entangles them and leaves The soul can already be felt.

Relying on his powerful perception, Bai Jue groped for three or four hours in Ye Chang'an, and finally found out the basic path. Among them, it was inevitable that he would meet some war ghosts around the corner, and this meeting was moving. hands up.

Today's Moubai really has a sense of sight of playing Dark Souls. There is no map, and it is easy to get lost. There are 'surprises' hidden in various dark corners. The most terrifying thing is not the boss, but the soldiers. A small soldier surrounded him, and only Bajiu was about to die, so he could only roll and flee all the way.

Along the way, Bai Jue's swordsmanship has been further sharpened in actual combat, but he himself was slightly injured, and he killed a total of ten war ghosts. If it was really a game, he should have been upgraded from zero It's about level five.

It's a pity that you can't add points, at most you can only increase your skill proficiency.

It is getting closer and closer to the second realm of the Common Sword.

"It's a pity that I'm not the protagonist of the invincible style, otherwise I punched a small pancake, and I wouldn't have to survive this way." Bai Jue squatted in the dark and waited for the war ghosts in front of him to leave. He had been lurking here for more than half an hour. , tried to break through but had no chance.

Because there are too many war ghosts in front, a total of eight, and the aura is much stronger than before. It is not something he can handle now. One or two can barely deal with it, but if there are too many, they are not opponents at all... ...Even the king who succeeded in spreading the fire did not dare to dance street dance in front of eight living corpses!

I can only wait for them to disperse, but these war ghosts stand there like statues without moving a bit, like soldiers guarding the city, without wandering or emitting killing intent, but Bai Jue knows that he Once you walk over carelessly, you will definitely be chopped down.

And this group of evil spirits and ghosts sticking to this place made Bai Jue sure that there was something strange here.

From the appearance, it can be roughly seen that it is different from other areas in Chang'an City, because the buildings here are not found in Chang'an City... The more you go deeper into the white mist, there will be many more buildings that do not exist in Chang'an City Buildings, some places are covered with green grass, some places are barren like ruins, some places are full of flowers, and some places are full of corpses. All kinds of scenery are shocking.

And in front of it is an ancient temple.

The ancient temple is the ancient temple, and the white mist here is so thin that Bai Jue can see the first half of it clearly. It has both the vicissitudes of history and a wonderful solemnity, but it is surrounded by war ghosts and evil spirits. But none of them entered, instead they stood on both sides of the road like guards.

"We need to seduce first." Bai Jue waited for a long time, feeling that if this stalemate continued, he might have to wait until dawn, so he picked up a stone and threw it at an evil spirit.


The evil spirit shook its head, but did not respond, not even the red light of killing intent lit up under the mask.

"Is it okay?" Bai Jue thought for a while, then picked up another stone and threw it over.


The stone was larger and made a heavier sound, but the war ghost still didn't respond.

Bai Jue was happy, he thought for a while, walked into the mist, picked up the weapon dropped by killing the evil spirit with a sword, and showed a wicked expression: "Since it is not within the scope of hatred, don't blame me..."

He raised a spear, bent his knees, sank his body, puffed up his arm muscles, focused his eyes, and assumed a throwing posture, and then...

"Eat me with a spear!"

When the spear is released, it is like an arrow flying from a string. A gap is pierced through the mist, and the spear stabs out in a spiral shape. To be pierced in one fell swoop.

Only this time, the evil spirit who had been smashed twice before couldn't take it anymore, he pulled out the long knife at his waist, chopped it down, and split the flying spear in two, his eyes lit up Dazzling red awn.

Not only that, behind him, the seven war ghosts who were not moving at first also opened their red eyes like a machine with some kind of switch, and eight pairs of hostile eyes focused on Bai Jue's face at the same time. They pulled out the weapons at their waists in a uniform movement, stood in a row, and instantly blocked the only passage on the long street... Although they didn't say anything, although their faces were expressionless, the feeling of "how do you want to die" The killing intent was still expressed through body language.

"Is there a chain of hatred? You guys are stupid, what about the agreed one-on-one fight?" Bai Jue felt that this was different from the black soul: "Is there any law for the king?"


A low roar pierced through the atmosphere, and the first war ghost in the lead drew its sword and came to kill, with a turbulent momentum, the wind rolled up by the blade vaguely surpassed the full blow of an innate warrior. Under this knife, sand and stones flew in the long street like flying dust The sandstorm is coming in reverse!

"Vision—!" Bai Jue was startled, but immediately regained his composure: "No, it's not a vision, it's a prototype... But even if it's just a prototype, its combat power surpasses that of an ordinary little Xiantian! , withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

Unfortunately, it's late.

What was killed was not one war ghost, but eight!Still eight little bosses!

They are all dressed in the same attire. Obviously, they knew each other and were familiar with each other before they were alive. The combination of eight small innate peak warriors did not cause any hindrance, but doubled their power, enough to come and go freely among thousands of troops.

Bai Jue adjusted his breathing, looking at the eight war ghosts who joined hands to kill...

If the eight war ghosts are all similar in strength, he knows that he has almost no chance of winning, and the sword fairy sister is not here. She saved himself twice, and it is impossible to save him the third time.

From the heart, is a technology, but also an art, but also an academic.

Congxin doesn't mean you have to retreat.

Follow what you think in your heart, is to to retreat!

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