—— Counseling NM!

——I'm going to chop off your dog's head today!

Bai Jue advances instead of retreating, draws his sword to life and death, advances but never retreats.

As a swordsman, he only knows how to hide the sword, but he doesn't know how to show his sharpness. What kind of swordsmanship and swordsmanship do you have to learn? Why don't you join Hassan's lineage and learn how to stealthily assassinate!

A swordsman will drink blood if he does not draw the sheath!

At this moment, as if a knot in his heart had been untied, the bronze sword in Bai Jue's hand became lighter and lighter. Within ten steps, the courage to conquer the enemy's country dissipated, and was replaced by another completely different sharpness.

If the acme of personal heroism is Jing Ke's bravery in assassinating Qin Qin, the state of Tibetan swordsmanship is the invincible invincible.

What kind of form is the common man's sword second realm?

The answer is Jianmang.

Thousands of sword qi are tempered into a single sword light, and the sharpness of the sword light is endless.

The second level of Tibetan swordsmanship has broken through the distance of ten steps, and the maximum attack range has been increased to a radius of [-] meters, and it ignores defense!

The cyan sword light extends from the edge of the sword, like a fine silk thread, illusory like a thin layer of paper, but it is such a thin layer of edge, seemingly fragile, but actually cut off the blade of the war ghost , cut off their armor, cut off their bones, the innate martial artist's protective energy is like a balloon that can burst with a poke, quietly, it was cut off by a sword at the waist——!

Eight kills with one sword!

The battle that started in an instant ended in an instant. There was no wailing or screaming, only the flash of swords and swords, and the thought of life and death was over.

The vitality in the eyes of the eight war ghosts was cut off, and the last remnant soul was also annihilated under the sword light.

Bai Jue landed on one knee, knelt down, his breathing stopped for more than ten seconds, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

The whole world returned to tranquility again, and Bai Jue suddenly felt that his whole body was extremely empty, as if the blood in his heart had been drained, and there was a kind of weakness and exhaustion that the strength of the whole body was completely drained.

Different from the hidden sword technique of the first level, the hidden front technique of the second level forced out his potential, drained his strength, and squandered the sword energy and sword intent flowing in his body. Day time reply.

It can be said that it is the ultimate move of the ultimate move, and the cooling time is a full day.

But it was worth it, the result was brilliant, killing eight war ghosts with one move, this record is enough for Bai Jue to boast proudly for several months.

"But it's not enough." Bai Jue looked at the ancient temple that was close at hand, rested for a while, stood up after recovering a little physical strength, and considered whether to continue to explore deeper: "I feel more and more that this singularity is not what I am now. I can handle it... Even if there is a white tiger, it will take some effort to clean it up. Damn it, it's a pity that none of my three call symbols can help me... Even if there is a Valkyrie Bai Lian who hangs on the time-space fracture It won't be so embarrassing."

While complaining about his bad luck, suddenly, a footstep sounded, this footstep was steady and full of rhythm, and at the same time, there was a smell of blood...

In the sky, the pale moon covered by the black clouds also appeared at some point, but this time, it was no longer pale, but scarlet.

Even the white mist dissipated, like a frightened bird under the roar of a beast.


There was a bell ringing from the ancient temple, and only the heavy copper bell had such a crisp ringing sound. It echoed endlessly, hovering in the long street.

It is like a signal to start a game, or in other words, the clarion call to start a war.

At that moment, Bai Jue looked back, his eyes were filled with blood red, as if gushing blood, there was a figure standing there, but it seemed to come out of the sea of ​​corpses, full of death and decay and With the breath of blood, it slowly raised a long bow and pulled the bowstring, just like that...

That arrow pierced through Bai Jue's eye socket——!


ps1: I’ve said it all, how can a person surnamed Bai not die... I just didn’t think of a good way, anyway, you should give me a dog first.

ps2: In fact, I suddenly had a brain hole about Zongman, a very healing story (laughs)


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

--Eh?Shouldn't I be dead?

When Bai Jue came back to his senses, this was his first thought.

I was indeed pierced by an arrow through my head, so I should be completely dead... But I couldn't find a wound on my whole body, and I was still safe, my eyes were still there, and my breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature were all normal.

"Could it be that I just had a nightmare?" Bai Jue thought, but immediately shook his head: "Impossible... The common sword has indeed reached the second level, and it can still stimulate the sword light now. The previous sense of weakness in the body has also disappeared, could it be that... this map is the same as the Black Soul, and can be continued indefinitely after death?"

He is really incomprehensible.

Looking around, it was still the scenery under Ye Chang'an, and the white mist was thicker than before.

There is no point in continuing to stop, he thought for a while, and he had to go to the ancient temple to see the truth.

Walking forward along the road that he walked before, the corpses of the evil spirits and war ghosts that were disposed of remained in place. He picked up a long sword from the ground as a weapon, because the war ghosts had already been disposed of. That's why, this time, it only took him more than ten minutes to reach the long street where the eight war ghosts were killed in seconds. At the end of the long street, the ancient temple stood as if it had been thousands of years ago.

The traces of the battle remain, and the sharp traces left by the previous sword light are still clearly visible.

But this is not the point.

The important thing is that Bai Jue himself was also there... There was an arrow stuck in his head, the arrow pierced through the left eye socket, and the blood dried up. He stood lifelessly in the long street like a statue, holding Bronze sword, eyes dull, just like those eight war ghosts.

"Hiss—" Bai Jue took a breath, and suddenly felt that he was not well.

He still had a little bit of hope before, but now that he saw his dead body standing there with his own eyes, his mood was far from complicated.

"What the hell is going on!" Bai Jue was confused: "I'm dead, but I'm still alive. I'm alive, but I'm already dead. What's going on on this map? You don't refresh monsters, but you die. Will I become a monster here? Since it’s not going back in time, why can I still be reborn, where did my body come from, the mass is not conserved, hey!”

He was already incoherent... Looking at the demented self, Bai Jue gradually changed from complicated to expressionless.

—In short, hack it to death first!

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