——Seeing that all kinds of things are wrong!

——This is probably the living corpse!

Bai Jue rushed over and chopped off his previous self. In fact, the battle process may be a little more complicated, but it is not very complicated. If you use Pokemon and Japanese RPG to explain it, it will probably be— —

【Ding!A wild mentally handicapped Bai Jue blocked the way of the novice trainer Bai Jue]

[The novice trainer Bai Jue looked at the elf ball in his hand, indicating that the elf trainer who went to nm pulled out the big sword and became a junior swordsman]

[Bai Jue used the skill 'throwing stones' on the retarded Bai Jue...and caused a little damage]

[Bai Jue used the skill 'throwing stones' on the retarded Bai Jue...causing two points of damage]

[Bai Jue used the skill 'Vulgar Language' on the mentally retarded Bai Jue... the effect is outstanding, successfully mocking the target]

[Bai Jue used the skill 'Common Sword' on the mentally retarded Bai Jue...causing [-] points of damage]

[Baijue with a mental retardation used the skill 'Heaven-Slashing Swordsmanship' on Baijue... the effect is outstanding, a knowing blow, causing [-] points of damage]

【Bai Jue's bleeding out】

[Bai Jue fell into a state of residual blood, Bai Jue fell into a state of weakness]

[Bai Jue started to recite poetry, Bai Jue used the skill 'poisonous milk' on himself]

[The state of white consciousness is full]

[Bai Jue enchanted the big sword with lightning, increasing its attack power and causing lightning attribute damage]

[Bai Jue used the skill 'Common Sword' on the mentally retarded Bai Jue... the effect is outstanding, causing [-] points of damage]

【Retarded Baijue collapsed overwhelmed】

【End of the battle】

In a word, this is a contest between me and myself. Facts have proved that a mentally retarded Baijue cannot beat a normal Baijue.

"Damn it... what kind of brutal skill is that, what kind of goddamn sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique, I've never heard of it!" Bai Jue stared at himself who had been chopped into eighteen pieces and gradually faded away. He held his forehead , Silently drew a sign of the cross: "Is it a crime if I kill myself..."

There is no legal or moral answer to this question.

Unable to come to a conclusion, Moubai could only temporarily give up thinking about such useless philosophical questions, and headed towards the ancient temple. What he really wanted to know was what was the source of the distortion of this singularity, and why he could be reborn after death , and who was the one who shot himself before?Can ordinary war ghosts be so strong?unimaginable.

Looking forward, the ancient temple is an ancient temple.

This ancient temple is not too big and silent, but it stands out from the crowd, neither small nor large. There is only a ten-meter-high hall, and a stone Buddha is enshrined inside, covered with thick dust, and there is a green lamp. But no lamp oil.

The closer you get, the more wonderful feelings flow in your heart, as if you have witnessed the vicissitudes of life and the changes in the world, like a display of historical scrolls, engraved with the traces of the years and the eternal eternity.

Bai Jue walked into the ancient temple, looked at the god's mansion in the main hall, still high above, with a solemn and solemn expression, looking at the world, overlooking all living beings... There is no incense or human voice, it is peaceful.

No, not complete silence.

Is there someone... behind this ancient temple.

The moment Bai Jue looked back, he saw a flash of light, the stone pillar of the ancient temple hall suddenly shattered, an arrow easily pierced through the stone pillar hugged by a person, and sank into the stone edge, the originally standing hall suddenly swayed, accompanied by With the cracks in the stone pillars, the beams on the top floor have already begun to tilt.

Immediately, another arrow pierced through the air and hit another load-bearing pillar!

Bai Jue turned around and retreated, trying to rush out of the hall, the dark shadow was hidden in the white mist, only the arrow pierced through the air, he was the best target at the entrance of the hall, but if he didn't rush out of the hall, he would be shot The boulders on the top floor were buried below with the logs.

At that time, I'm afraid there will be another mentally retarded Baijue beast.

The moment Bai Jue stepped on the threshold of the main hall, there was a roaring sound of collapse from the stone Buddha behind him. The stone hit Bai Jue on the back.

And in the fog that locked the city, there was another thunderclap.

A gleam of cold light reflected in Bai Jue's eyes, and the sense of being pierced by an arrow before appeared in his mind. The hidden arrow was extremely deadly, but Bai Jue's raised sword had already been unsheathed, and he was even faster with the bronze sword. point.

The sharp airflow wrapped around the arrow pierced his cheek, but it was also chopped off by the sword.

In just a few moments, Bai Jue shot down the arrow and rushed out of the hall, the raised dust covered his figure, and the bright red war ghost hiding in the dark did not draw his bow and arrow again.

But Bai Jue didn't look for a chance to sneak away, but stood in the smoke and dust.

He has almost figured it out, this ancient temple itself is not special, what is special is this bright red war ghost, just like playing a game, like conquering an area, if you want to conquer a certain area, you must defeat the local gatekeeper boss, The bosses tend to stay in one area.

In other words, after Bai Jue entered the ancient temple, the settings for the boss battle were automatically triggered.

The previous eight war ghosts are equivalent to the boss's guards, and if they are defeated, they will be qualified to challenge the boss in this area.

He failed once before, but now that he actively enters the area, the opponent's boss will naturally show his health bar. The only thing that doesn't follow the routine is that this boss does not stay in the area, but wanders around here at will.

However, after two fights, Bai Jue could already feel the opponent's fierce murderous intent, it was the determination to kill no matter who came, even the arrows were stained with blood.

That's definitely not human, but...it's also different from War Ghost.

War Ghost is irrational. Although he is full of murderous intentions, he lacks flexibility in his moves. He only relies on instinct to fight, but this opponent is trying to lure him into a trap... It is very cunning, like a hunter lurking in the dark.

"Tsk...a big man fights upright, what kind of a hero is he who hides in secret." Bai Jue used vulgar words: "I have something to say, please listen quietly..."

Sure enough, the magical skill of [-]% ridicule came out.

After a while, a reply came from the white mist: "It's useless to provoke the general, but I'm also curious, I killed you once, why... are you still alive?"

"I don't know myself... but you, why do you want to kill?" Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "Are you dead or alive? The breath is the same as that of evil spirits, but it is different from the reason of war ghosts."

"The dead? The living?" There was a disdainful laugh in the white mist: "Is there any difference? We are the forgotten people, we are the abandoned things, destined to be rotten wrecks here... ...not undead, not evil, not wraith, not living, not dead, not human..."

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