"Then what kind of monster are you?" Bai Jue didn't like this kind of nonsense.

"Heroic spirits, not heroic spirits, war ghosts, not war ghosts...call it whatever you want, anyway, it won't be long before you will be reduced to the same existence as us, in this endless killing, watching Mountains of corpses and seas of blood, caught in the madness of killing karma, just like us."

The white mist gradually dissipated, as if wearing a blood-like cloak, the military general who emerged from the end of the long street was holding a longbow, his eyes were scarlet, and the wild and hot murderous aura was wrapped around the arrows. He roared: "Come on—! Swordsman! Can you give me a tomb to rest in peace! I can't wait!"

The murderous aura is overflowing, and the fighting spirit is burning.

There is no retreat, there is no escape.

The time has come for a decisive showdown.

Although there are still many things to ask, and many questions that he has not yet understood, Bai Jue still suppressed all throbbing, mobilized all the strength of his body and mind, concentrated his mind, and silently greeted the next desperate battle.

"Okay! If it wasn't for your previous arrow, I might have hesitated."

"But facing an opponent who personally killed me once, I don't think I will have any hesitation!"

"After this battle, I will definitely gain ten thousand times more rewards than practicing swords!"

"The last question, who are you! Tell me your name! My sword will not kill the unknown!" (force +1)

This cry caused the heroic war ghost's eyes to split open, blood and tears remained, and he laughed wildly.

"I've been waiting for this sentence for a long time!"

"The real name of my wreckage, Li Guang!"

"On this stage of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, come on, come on, let's be upright—!"

——Show it off!

ps1: This volume was originally intended to be written according to fgo1.5.3, but I don’t know why it was wrong while writing, and it’s not too late to correct it now... It’s almost time to enter the climax stage, but I think it can still be planned water for a while.

Let’s talk about other things. In fact, I looked through Chinese history and found that in ancient times, I really didn’t find even a duel contest between famous martial artists. , Sure enough, martial arts novels are full of lies.

Thinking about it... It's too social to draw a sword to decide life and death if you don't agree with each other. This kind of thing probably only happened in the era when warriors in the eleventh district were prevalent. Retaliation is far better than cutting someone with a sword and committing a crime with force.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Heroic spirits and ghosts seven rounds of victory or defeat? Victory and defeat——

Archer? General Li Guang VS Bai Jue——

A showdown——!

Looking at the bright red cloak, Bai Jue felt as if he was on top of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The cold murderous aura was wrapped in the wind like a blade, stinging his skin, and the strong momentum oppressed his nerves. He felt that he could hardly breathe. .

Parachutist Li Guang, a famous general in the Western Han Dynasty, spent his whole life as a soldier, fought on the battlefield, and made great achievements in battle. Later generations posthumously named him the Saint of Arrows.

There are two poems and parallel essays included in the teaching plans of later generations that mentioned him. One is Wang Changling's "Out of the Fortress"-but the dragon city flying general is here, and the flying general refers to the flying general Li Guang; There is also a sentence in "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" that "Feng Tangyi is old, Li Guang is hard to seal"... It can be seen that this person has left a great reputation in history. Although there are many tragic elements, the strength of the battlefield is by no means taken lightly.

He is naturally qualified to be promoted to the body of a heroic spirit, but Li Guang at this time is not a heroic spirit, but a heroic spirit and a war ghost.

He has the power of a heroic spirit, but he is irrational. Instead, he has fallen into unrestrained madness, and there is no humanity in those blood-soaked eyes.

It is appropriate to say that it is the wreckage of a heroic spirit.

Bai Jue clenched the bronze sword tightly, breathed out lightly, facing Li Guang's oppression, he restrained his energy and spirit, like a sword edge in a torrent, piercing his face and releasing most of the oppressive force.

But he didn't dare to move. Once he moved, the opponent would shoot an arrow.

On the ancient battlefield, there were two types of weapons with the strongest lethality and the most popular ones. One was long spears. No matter it was used for horse fighting or charging, long-handled weapons naturally had the upper hand. The other was bows and arrows. Bows and crossbows... The firearms of later generations were also manufactured based on the idea that 'range is power'.

Regardless of whether it is a bow and arrow or a firearm, the commonality between the two is that they are extremely aggressive, as long as they are within the range, they can make a final decision.

With Li Guang's archery skills, the power and accuracy of his bow and arrow are definitely not inferior to the world's top snipers, even more powerful. If he activates the treasure, he can even shoot a hole in the clouds in the sky. .

So it's pointless to want to distance yourself, it will only expose your back to him.

There is only one choice, charge forward, close the distance, and decide the outcome with one blow, never give him a chance to activate the treasure!

And the distance between the two is about [-] meters... Bai Jue predicted that if he ran with all his strength, it would take about three to five seconds. This speed is already extremely fast, but compared to the opponent's bow and arrow The speed is still at the speed of a turtle, and the faster you run, the easier it is to hit the arrow, so you must reserve some spare energy to move and dodge.

"So, there are three arrows in total..." Bai Jue's eyes froze into a line: "These three arrows must be avoided, even if only one arrow hits, I will lose."

The night breeze was cool, and the eyes of the two people who were still were either calm or crazy, and dark clouds floated in, covering the crimson moon in the sky...

When the crimson blood moon is completely covered by black clouds, it is like a firing gun.

Bai Jue, move!

He was like an arrow leaving the string, the bronze sword swayed with howling sword energy, and cleared away all the mist within ten steps. Once he stepped on the ground, the bluestone steps were cracked and dented... Once it started, it could not be stopped.

A desperate charge, a five-second kill.

Li Guang's eyes were scarlet as if he was about to shed tears of blood. He held his own longbow. It was black all over and was as tall as a human. It didn't have the complicated structure of a mechanical bow. It was as simple as a bow and a string. But such a simple structure also perfectly explained its existence as a weapon.

He drew the bowstring, and the endless energy surged into the bowstring, and the pitch-black arrows reflected sharpness.


Breathing deeply, a low shout was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, and the black bow made an incomparably shrill and contending sound.

The iron horse glacier, thunderbolt string shock!


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