Like sharp steel scratching on a blackboard, the arrow pierces through the atmosphere leaving an ear-piercing noise. The speed at which it breaks through the sound barrier makes the arrow's tail feathers seem to ignite spontaneously, leaving an incomparable blackness and a bit of bright red at the end of the line of sight. .

This arrow is more powerful than before, because it has been stored for a long time.

It shot straight towards Bai Jue's eyebrows, like two racing cars speeding towards each other on the same track. If they collide, one will die!

Can you avoid it?

- Can't avoid it!

Bai Jue knew very well that he hadn't reached the realm where he could split bullets with his sword...but he predicted that this arrow would definitely hit his head, as long as he predicted the trajectory, there was no need to dodge this arrow at all!

The Qingfeng sword fell against the wind, like a fish swimming against the current, opening a path in the turbulent current.

The sword edge collided with the arrow, and at that moment, Bai Jue had the illusion that his sword edge was on top of a rocket missile...

The terrible kinetic energy and turbulent energy compressed on the arrow caused it to explode inch by inch. Before it was cut into pieces by the sword, it exploded into powder. It also stopped Bai Jue's charge!

And Li Guang also drew the second bowstring. This time, he had five arrows on his bow!

The arrow pierced through the air, and the five cold lights intertwined into a sparse but not leaking net, covering the shattered smoke and dust.

According to Li Guang's calculations, the first arrow just now was not intended to kill Bai Jue, but to force him back. An excellent archer knows that the range of a shot is life, but as an archer, how can he not shoot? Knowing that his only weakness is the close-range sword crossing field, how could he not make up for this weakness? If he is a reckless man who only knows how to shoot arrows, how could he make such great achievements in battle.

The heart of playing tactics is dirty, and the military general who understands strategy is even more cunning like a fox.

Computational planning has already begun.

He only needs to push back Bai Jue's first charge, and then he can show off the ultimate archery skills. Fighting is similar to war. In the battle of winning and losing with one move, Tebi fights with all his strength, loses his strength two times, and loses three times. And exhausted!

So the five arrows he shot for the second time were all aimed at the position of Yanchen, which meant that Bai Jue could not go any further. If he dared to enter, he would have to face the crossing network of arrows, so he had to go again Retreat... Once you retreat, there will be no chance of winning.

This is the wisdom of the veteran. Although he has gone crazy and fallen into the devil's way, the only archery that has reached perfection is still the instinct imprinted on the soul and body, reaching the pinnacle and indelible.

Generally speaking, Li Guang who has achieved this step can already declare victory, but he still dare not relax.

Because of the scattered smoke and dust, sword shadows flickered.

And then, the thunder that lifted the sky with a sword.

The boy's eyes lit up with a golden glow, and he rushed out of the heavy smoke. He stepped on the wind and thunder, and his feet landed on the long street. Come to Tiger Roar Leiyin.

At that moment, what Li Guang saw was not a human being, but a fierce tiger roaring in the forest!

"Tiger..." Li Guang gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to split open, and the memory left in the dead body revived. He pulled the bowstring, and the surging energy surged, and the blood from Daqin roared and surged in his body, scorching hot.

He thought of the arrow that pierced through the stone, the bravery of fighting the tiger, and the years of galloping beyond the Great Wall.

Tears of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he gave a low laugh, laughing all the way through the vicissitudes of life.

He may be a different kind, or a reckless man who has no ambition in his life, but he has won a great reputation among the enemies, but so what?As long as this bow and arrow are still in your hands... No matter what your fate is, you can't bend his back!

He drew his bow and set an arrow, and with this arrow, he gave everything he had!

Ping Ming looked for Bai Yu, but he was not in the stone edge!

Noble Phantasm? Shoot stones and fight tigers!

An indescribable power was formed under his arrow. He let go of the bowstring, and the bow opened like a bright moon flying in the sky. It's like daytime.

The reason why heroic spirits are called the strongest combat power in this world is because their treasures have the power to destroy cities and countries.

Li Guang's arrow is like a treasured anti-army weapon, a bow-level light cannon.

But his target at this time is only Bai Jue, and his power is highly compressed and concentrated, which is several times more powerful than the light cannon.

"In the end, I still used the treasure." Bai Jue sighed a little, he didn't know that it was the phantom of the white tiger summoned from his body that inspired the sturdy blood in Li Guang's body, and he couldn't stop his big move.

There is no point in dodging now, who knows if this arrow is a homing missile, there is no other way but to connect it hard.

...then take it!

So Bai Jue raised his sword, and under the boundless night, a second flash of light lit up again.

Facing the indestructible treasure, and facing the arrow saint who is worthy of history.

Who is the sword of Yichuan Xingdou?A long day and a month to fall into the forest!

The sword chanted, and the green edge fell.

The fog locks the city, and the cold wind hunts for hundreds of miles!

Black clouds cover the moon, and the nine-foot sword shines like a rainbow!

Bai Jue swung his sword——!


I don't have any pictures today, because... I didn't show Merlin! Fa♂q!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The confrontation is only an instant, and the duel is also an instant.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, before the aftermath of terror spread, the two people who fought had already known who would win and who would lose, and the rest was just a formality.

When the sword light dissipated, the arrow also pierced through the clouds, and the black clouds dissipated.

The crimson moon faded quietly, and a pale moon quietly sprinkled the moonlight on the shoulders of the two, and immediately, there was the sound of weapons falling to the ground.

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