Heroic spirits and war ghosts stand with their backs to the savior.

After a breath, a person's figure spread out.

Bai Jue landed on one knee, the strong sense of weakness made him shake his head and smile wryly: "One thousand wounds to the enemy, eight hundred wounds to oneself... It's a loss."

Li Guang turned his back to him, the shocking sword marks pierced his heart, and the black bow in his hand was also covered with cracks and crumbling.

Although Bai Jue looked very embarrassed, he was the winner after all. In the battle of life and death, it was the slightest difference.

"It was you who won." The blood and tears in the corners of Li Guang's eyes were scattered with the wind, and he sighed: "In Li's life, he has never failed in archery, and now he has fulfilled a wish... It is really a miraculous swordsmanship. It looks fragile, but it still broke through Li's arrow, it's wonderful, it's really wonderful...Being defeated by such swordsmanship, Li won't be wronged!"

"If possible, I still hope to compete with a real parachutist." Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Bai Jue said with emotion: "I don't want to fight with you, nor do I want to fight to the death. A famous general like you, die It's such a pity to be in this kind of place... Just for a moment, I saw the ultimate intent in your archery, which is a kind of blood that has been drained for thousands of years."

For thousands of years, there have been constant territorial disputes in China, the Xiongnu, the Wuhu, internal and external troubles.

The history of the Celestial Dynasty is almost all written in fear of the northern peoples, because the northern nomads are brave and good at fighting, and people always want to conquer something once they sit on horseback. This is the blood factor written in the genes.

Perhaps Huo Qubing's seal of wolves and residences was the highest military achievement in history, perhaps Li Mu forced the Huns not to approach the land of the Central Plains, maybe the Great Wall built by Meng Tian is commendable, but in the final analysis... even the Huns can praise it Among the generals who were afraid of him, Li Guang was definitely at the top. After all, the title of "parachutist" was the honorific title given to him by the Huns. The Huns even didn't allow his subordinates to hurt Li Guang, and asked to capture him alive because of his awe of his strength.

The longer the civilization, the weaker it is, which is a sign of civilization - even in the Han Wu period, generals like Li Guang were almost extinct.

He is undoubtedly a warrior, but in the eyes of more people, such as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and even Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he is a reckless man who lacks reason and strategy.

In the history of the Celestial Dynasty, a bloody reckless man who only knew martial arts would never be reused. After all, fighting is not a one-on-one duel. Therefore, even in the Han Wu period, which was still martial, he was not allowed to be a marquis in the end; on the other hand, the Xiongnu side praised Li Guangguang. In their view, Li Guang's enemy was the god of arrows, Zhebie, and the eagle shooter. , the embodiment of courage and strength.

And Li Guang is not a perfect man, he will avenge his revenge, and he will act on his own will, even his death is suicide, because of one breath, one breath.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing, at least Bai Jue thinks it is not, he has blood that many people in later generations do not have, he is from Qin, maybe his blood is stronger than others... and the blood of the Qin Dynasty comes from countless battles. The ones played out in the middle are just like the first emperor who swept away the Liuhe, wiped out the Wuhu, and swept the eight wastes.

"In short, General Li..." Bai Jue cupped his hands and said, "I, Bai Jue, respect you for being a man."

The savior has said so, who dares to say otherwise?

"Hahaha...these words are pleasant to hear." Li Guangyi stood still and let out a long breath: "I can finally leave this damn hell. I don't know when and why I was summoned here. After so many years of fighting, I can finally..."

"Wait, General Li." Bai Jue hurriedly said, "Where is this place? Why is there a heroic spirit?"

Li Guang shook his head: "I don't know, but this place will make people crazy, condense the karma in the continuous killing, and eventually become an inhuman thing, even a heroic spirit, can't resist this kind of dip for a long time, I resisted more than six thousand One night, I finally fell into Modao." He lowered his head: "Young man, I hope you don't fall into the evil way and commit murder like me."

"Is there more than one Heroic Spirit here?" Bai Jue suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

"As far as I know, there are seven of them." Li Guang raised his arms, his body has gradually turned into dust and scattered: "The time is coming... To make a long story short, I have never been so awake as I am now, and I have a lot of thoughts. I can recall things that I can’t remember.”

"These seven, does General Li know who they are?"

"Heroic spirits and war ghosts can't speak. I have fought against several of them, and there was no winner... One of them used a gun. The gun was so overbearing that it destroyed the city. It was terrible." Li Guang smiled wryly. : "I was almost killed by it..."

"Then how did you survive?" Bai Jue didn't think that the heroic spirit and war ghost would choose to escape, let alone with Li Guang's temperament, it would be better to give him a knife to let him escape.

"Because I was stopped." Li Guang frowned: "I was stopped by a woman holding a sword. She...is so strong that I can't see through it. If she really wants to kill me, there will only be more than ten people. round, but she never made a move, she obviously has a similar aura to ours, but she retains reason, she is consciously preventing the fighting between the heroic spirits and ghosts, but she..."

Li Guang fell silent suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

Bai Jue knew who this woman was, she was undoubtedly the sister of Jianxian, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with her?"

"However, she has disappeared now, otherwise, if you and I fight today, she will come out to stop it." Li Guang thought deeply: "There may be less than seven heroic spirits and war ghosts today, and I am afraid that there are only half of them, or even less. Without her reconciliation, they will fight until one side is defeated, and the winner will stay, hiss...is this right?"

The parachutist suddenly sneered, and he said with ferocious brows: "Young bastard, how dare you treat Li and the heroic spirits as Gu insects, hateful, hateful! Who set up such a vicious situation! Even the principles of civilization have been concealed!" It’s been over, but who has this ability!” He clenched his fists and was about to get angry, but quickly calmed down, and he sighed quietly: “It’s a pity that Li has come to an end, and there is no way to recover.”

He was full of melancholy, looking at Bai Jue: "Young man, leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible... Maybe, there is still a glimmer of life left."

Bai Jue was even more confused: "General Li, don't play charades, explain clearly, I didn't understand anything!"

"Someone set up a chess game here to hide the sky and cross the sea, trying to destroy this era. It should have been detonated a long time ago, but it has been delayed until now, but the time has reached the limit..." Li Guang looked far away: " The truth has also been deceived, this era may be... destroyed."

Hearing this, Bai Jue was even more astonished.

This news is explosive enough. He was mentally prepared before reaching the singularity, so he was very calm, but the problem is that it is unclear...

"What's going on?" Bai Jue wanted to ask.

But Li Guang no longer wants to say more: "Specifically, I only know so much. If you want to ask, you can ask that woman. She must know all the changes that have happened here. Remember to let the heroic spirits in this world do it." Good precautions..."

After the words fell, the parachutist also slowly closed his eyes: "... In the next life, I hope to be reincarnated in this world, goodbye..."

The withered wreckage was scattered, leaving Bai Jue with a delicate expression.

In short, the current situation is indeed very critical, but no one knows what the truth is... Li Guang said this, as if he was telling other people to take refuge, but he refused to explain clearly what happened.

It made Bai Jue feel complicated now.

"Forget it, let's sort it out a little bit. In short, these heroic spirits stayed here for too long, so they were polluted by killing karma, and they fell into madness. The fight between them, but it has disappeared now... so the heroic spirits and war ghosts will continue to fight, and it may be less than half." He tilted his head: "But what does this have to do with destroying this era?"

The clues are too scarce, it would be better to say that there is no way to find out all the context...

"MMP." Bai Jue pressed the center of his brows, thinking for a long time to no avail: "Head hurts..."

Now he really feels that the luck of the senior Gudazi is really good. Basically, whatever happens, he can find the narrator in the shortest time and get the corresponding answer. Where is he like himself, he is like a headless chicken, bumping into walls to find clues, After finally getting some tiny clues, the result is still unclear.

"I really beeped the dog." The more Bai Jue thought about it, the more angry he became: "This is really torture, is OCD still alive?"

Just as he was speaking, suddenly, a virtual light and shadow popped up in front of him.

The appearance of a young man was formed in the virtual light curtain, and he had a surprised expression on his face: "Wow, I finally connected, this broken server is really rubbish, I connected more than [-] times before I connected... Damn it How about the world's best empire technology? How can I have the same virtue as station b, and return my Barbatos."

Bai Jue had a disgusted expression on his face: "Why is it you again?"

Bai Di laughed: "Why can't it be me? I'm your best backing. If you're Gudazi, then I'm Doctor Roman!"

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