"Oh, so you are the mastermind behind the scenes, and you should be killed first." Bai Jue raised his middle finger.

"You say that, you are not afraid that Roman fans will crucify you on the pillar of shame." Bai Di squinted: "I am afraid that something will happen to you, so I came here to support you? Let me tell you, I assist the thief .”

"If you don't come earlier, tell me what's going on! I don't even know what this singularity is!" Bai Jue said frantically, "And I died once, so why am I resurrected? I fought with my own corpse, and a strange creature named Heroic Spirit and War Ghost appeared here, and told me that this era is about to be destroyed, me?...where is my sword?"

"Calm down, calm down, take a deep breath." Bai Di raised his hand to signal him not to worry: "Take your time, now that I have contacted you, I will naturally explain the matter to you. In fact, I should have been responsible for this singularity in the first place. It was resolved, but when I was busy running for my life, I noticed a situation. If you don't handle this singularity properly, it might turn into a tapestry of anecdotes. At that time, once there is a split in time, the first There will be two main worlds in the five-day universe, and then there will be big troubles."

"The Belt of Hearings..." Bai Jue murmured, "Theoretically, the Belt of Hearings is better than the Singularity... Please explain clearly."

"Don't worry, I'll adjust my body position." Bai Jue pulled the screen away a little, and lay back. Only then did Bai Jue see clearly that this guy was basking on a sunny beach. He leaned back , lying on the lap of a beautiful woman with black hair and black dress, smiled slightly: "Let's talk slowly."

——Can I hack you to death?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There is no harm without comparison.

Bai Jue glanced at himself, his body was covered in scars, he was in a state of distress, his face seemed to be hollowed out, the cold wind was blowing all around, and the lonely city under the pale moon was not a pleasant scenery, and there were no oranges to eat.

Bai Jue looked at the old secretary Bai on the screen again, lying on a beach chair wearing sunglasses and basking in the sun, facing the sea, with spring flowers blooming, stretching his waist, with a happy face, not only that, but also the young lady Give him a knee pillow, and obediently peel an orange and stuff it into his mouth.


"Can I hack you to death? No, three swords, no, one sword." Bai Jue's smile gradually collapsed: "CNM, did you hear that, CNM!"

"Young man, what are you jealous about? I'm fleeing, and you don't even know how tragic I am." Bai Jue sighed, chewing the orange while saying, "If I hadn't run fast, I would have already It was brought to the table."

"Do you dare to get up and talk to me! Those big white legs make my eyes hurt!" Bai Jue growled, "I'm on fire with jealousy! Also, I want to eat oranges!"

"Who made you not interested in being a clerk? If you had promised me to be a clerk, you would have created a lady clerk yourself." Bai Di spread out his hands, "Is it my fault?" He changed his posture and rubbed Rubbing her big white legs, her smile gradually became wicked: "Are you envious? It's a pity you don't have one."

"Me?..." Bai Jue immediately drew his sword.

"All right, all right, I'm not going to tease you anymore, it's not fun at all, I want to act coquettishly and find your fire-proof girl." Bai Di sat up, glanced at the beautiful woman beside her, she nodded slightly, and turned into a A stream of light fell into Bai Di's palm and turned into a silver-enclosed book.

Lao Bai flipped through the records of Vientiane, and said slowly: "I said earlier that this singularity should not be handled by you, because the danger is too high. In fact, I have also entered this singularity to investigate, and I also Before I could find the source of the distortion of the singularity, I received an alarm... Afterwards, I fled all the way, and what happened along the way is a bit complicated, so let’s not talk about it for now.”

"I have recorded the data about this singularity. The causal sequence in the main world you are in is too chaotic. Even with Vientiane's overall planning ability, it took seven days to sort out and deduce it. Although I really want to give You transmitted a file, but you are not in the coffee shop, so you cannot locate your coordinates for the time being, so you can only talk to you directly after you settle down."

Bai Di looked at the records in the bibliography, and explained the whole story: "Coincidentally, your current location is not on the time axis of the original world, so it becomes very easy to find you." .”

"Huh?" Bai Jue was taken aback for a moment: "Have I been excluded from the world?"

"Yes, what you are currently in is outside the world, or... the back of the world, right?" Bai Di squeezed her chin: "It's almost time to give you a general introduction to your current world view of the main world... Speaking of it , roughly divided into three distinct regions.

"One is the real world, the world itself that primates inhabit, on which the history of mankind is built."

"Secondly, it is outside the world, that is, outside the world, which cannot be connected with the present world. This kind of alien world has both good and bad. The worlds where the little friends exist, and some worlds are full of destruction and killing, and the so-called fissures in the demon world are connected to those different worlds."

"The third is the inner side of the world, or in other words, the back side of the world, the spiritual world filled with a large amount of ether. This is the place where the principles of civilization reside... People are born and die through this world. The inner world is the exterior and interior of each other, that is, the opposition between matter and spirit.”

Bai Jue roughly understood it: "So, I'm on the...back side of the world now? Is this the inner side of the world?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not." Bai Di shook his fingers in a vicious manner: "If you fall into the inner world, your spirit may not be able to withstand the too large ether, which will lead to the shattering of your spirit and soul, just like the return of the soul to the source. After all, the substance that builds the soul is the ether of the overhead element, the more ether gathers, the more the place where the ether gathers, just like the atmospheric pressure and planetary gravity, it will gradually increase, and only a tough enough soul that has accepted the guidance of the principles of civilization can be safe and sound."

"Then where am I?" Bai Jue rubbed his chin: "And why didn't I die when I obviously died before?"

"Actually, you did die once." Bai Di squinted: "But what died was only your physical body, not your spirit, so you have two lives."

"Hiss..." Bai Jue gasped: "My physical body is destroyed, how can my spirit still exist?"

"Listen to me." Bai Di put on your too-young mocking face: "The real world and the inside of the world are like an hourglass, and the sand in the hourglass is the soul, or in other words, the basic substance of the soul— —Ether, this also means that there are channels in the real world and in the world, but channels are not the only ones—there are multiple ones.”

"Oh, I understand." Bai Jue clapped his hands: "That's the way the underworld is said, right?"

"Yes, when the soul passes through the passage, it may not necessarily enter the world, or it may enter a fork, just as the river may not necessarily flow into the ocean, but may also flow into a certain ditch, a certain lake or a certain pond. " Bai Di closed the Vientiane Book of Records, looking far away: "These ponds, lakes, etc. are the so-called underworld, hell, heaven, etc. In the age of mythology, these are all managed by gods, and each myth has its own of the underworld."

He paused for a while when he said this: "But if I continue to study it, I don't know much about it. The current structure of the fifth heaven universe is not complete. The principle of civilization is the history of mankind, and the summoned spirits have actually existed. There are no characters in myths and legends, and there are no gods and so on... If the age of myths really existed, where did the gods go, outside the world, or a different world, or have they been wiped out? And in the final analysis, who built the principles of civilization... all kinds of causes and effects make people feel very...interesting."

"You're digressing. You can take care of those problems later on. Now my side is the priority..." Bai Jue rubbed his brows: "According to the above statement, then my place is also a place of the underworld? Or, in other words, Abandoned land of the underworld? Then why are there heroic spirits, and why are there war ghosts?"

"Abandoned?" Bai Di raised his eyes, and he said after a while: "No, it is working... Besides, this is not the Hades, the land of the Hades cannot be connected to the inside of the world, or , it itself is a temporary place to house souls, no matter what the circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for heroic spirits to enter the underworld."

"It's not Hades...that's it?"

"It's a dam."

Bai Di said in a serious tone: "Artificially built dams... lakes are independent of rivers and are part of the natural system. The existence of Hades is also one of the rules allowed by the world, but dams are not. They are artificially built. , in order to sort out floods and floods, but similarly, if it is not used properly, it may also cause disasters such as drought and flooding downstream.”

Hearing this, no matter how stupid people are, they will understand.

"So that's why... there will be heroic spirits. The heroic spirits here are all going to enter the reincarnation of the present world. Originally, they can enter the present world as long as they pass through the passage, but because of this dam, they are blocked here!" Bai Jue clenched his teeth: "Who did this immoral thing!"

"It's more than just being immoral."

Bai Di went on to say: "The place you are in, it can be said that it is not a dam at all, it is just a simple concrete wall, blocking the passage from the back side of the world to the present world, and has accumulated an extremely terrifying amount of ether over the past hundred years, or in other words, The souls of reincarnated people, if they are not released, they can only linger here."

"As for water, once it doesn't flow, it will gradually decay and die. The soul is no exception to this point... A pure soul body is very easy to breed negative emotions. No matter how clear the water is, if it is left in the same place for too long, it will Turning into stagnant water, germs breed, and the water quality is corrupt. Once a soul starts to deteriorate, it will soon infect the surroundings, which is as difficult to stop as cancerous cells, not to mention, the seeds of resentment are already planted here."

"In the end, this pool of stagnant water will accumulate deeper and deeper, and the new souls will degenerate into dead souls and undead spirits in a very short time. When there is too much stagnant water to add, they will wash away the Blocking the wall, and then rushing down thousands of miles, carrying the grievances and resentments accumulated over the past century, pouring into the present world, needless to say, you know what the consequences will be, right?"

——The Shenzhou Empire, and even the entire world, will be shrouded in resentful spirits, and the polluted heroic spirits and war ghosts will kill into the real world.

Bai Jue nodded heavily. It was finally difficult for him to continue leisurely. This problem has become so serious that it is imminent.

And he himself didn't know anything about it. No wonder Shihuang wanted to abdicate at this time. He must have been aware of this problem, but he was powerless to stop it... The remaining time is less than two days!

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