"The reason why you survived after being killed once is because the concentration of ether here is extremely high, allowing the soul body to survive, but you, who lost your physical body, will now be affected by the resentment of the undead..." Bai Di Sighing: "You didn't even notice, did you? Your eyes have gradually turned red... When you killed the heroic spirit, you were also infected by a part of him."

Bai Jue was startled, he didn't feel it at all, he hurriedly picked up the blade, and tried to use the sword as a mirror to see clearly, but after staring at it for a long time, he only found a few bloodshot eyes.

"No?" Bai Jue looked confused, "Why can't I see the red you mentioned?"

"That's because... I lied to you." Bai Di whistled, "Suddenly wanted to make a joke."

"You--!" Bai Jue was so angry that he almost died: "Is this the time to joke! Shit!"

"But I'm right." Bai Di waved his hand to show that he didn't mind these details: "The reason why you are still awake is because I gave you a mark before, which sealed a small part of my soul power. But a very ferocious fire, not to mention a hundred years of grievances, ten thousand years is not enough to burn it, with it, the negative spiritual effects cannot affect you."

"You're so kind?" Bai Jue said in surprise, "It's the first time you're so reliable, old man."

"You feel the love of the clerk's father for you, right?" Bai Di squinted and said, "It also has a chance to activate...but only once. It's a trump card, but..." Lao Bai said solemnly: " Remember, never use it unless it is absolutely necessary, it is reserved for your life-saving, not for your desperate use, don't go on the same crooked path as my predecessors."

"...Are you asking me to survive even if I can't fix the singularity?" Bai Jue pulled the corner of his mouth: "I can't do that, I'm the savior of the world, although you appointed me, but I don't want to Who in hell goes to hell?"

"Tsk..." Bai Di rubbed his eyebrows: "You are more stubborn than me, that's all... I won't persuade you anymore, listen carefully, you are in a very dangerous situation now, after knowing all this, if you want to To save the world, we must do it as soon as possible... to save all the ghosts and undead here, probably in the tens of millions, not many, it's okay."

"I'm sorry, I can't do it..." Bai Jue thought for a while, and said with a vicissitudes of life: "This world should be destroyed."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I have five kills in one battle, and it takes a lot of effort to kill a mob. You let me deal with those tens of millions of monsters?

"Excuse me, excuse me...Farewell!" Bai Jue cupped his hands, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Don't say goodbye, you can't leave now even if you want to." Bai Di said calmly: "You can enter and leave this man-made virtual world and the real world because you are a living person and have the resonance between the power of bookmarks, but Now that you have lost your physical body, there is no way to return to this world."

"What?!" Bai Jue was startled: "That means I've become a ghost now?"

"Nonsense, do you think what I said was a joke?" Bai Di rolled his eyes: "You were indeed killed, and the reason why you can keep your body is because the concentration of ether here is enough, but when you return to this world, Spirits that are not strong enough will dissipate at an extremely fast speed, and you don’t have a soul body at the level of a heroic spirit, so it won’t be long before you return to nature.”

"Hiss..." Bai Jue took a deep breath and calmed down: "Then can I choose not to be a human being?"

"Even if you are Diao Ye, you still need a physical body." Bai Di pouted: "What's more, you can't return to this world at all, unless the dam is destroyed, but once the dam is destroyed, it also represents this singularity No one can guess what changes will happen in the future."

"Then how do I get out?" Bai Jue was also helpless: "I can't find someone to take it away, right?"

"Actually, the problem in this area is not complicated." Bai Di put his hands behind his head: "When it comes to resurrection, I am a master among the masters. There are more than ten million ways to renew life in the multiverse. It is not so easy for you, the savior. Take it, even if it's really cold, I can rub you to warm you up."

"In the coffee shop, there is a one-click recovery system. It is tracking and updating your personal information at any time. Once your complete demise is confirmed, the resurrection altar will be opened." Lao Bai expressed his admiration for his foresight. Unceasingly: "Prepare for a rainy day, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Oh?" Bai Jue suddenly had the urge to die.

"Put away your bold thoughts." Bai Di squinted, and added: "This does not mean that you can commit suicide casually. At present, your soul still exists. The altar of resurrection is only to restore the body, and it is by no means completely dead; but if the soul is wiped out together, It takes a lot of effort to put you together...Young man, cherish life."

"But, with my current situation... what can I do? I'm also desperate?" A certain Bai hesitated: "If I don't fight it out, what else can I do?"

"You have to think about it yourself. I've given you all the advice you should give. I'm too far away now, and I can't do anything to help you." Bai Di thought for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands: "By the way, it's not complete. Nothing can be done."

He conveniently took out a bunch of figures from his portable space.

"I still have some spare puppet prosthetics, which are made by combining the production of mechanical dolls and the prosthetic bones in Death. For me, it is a figure made when I am bored. It can be restored to life size with one click. They are basically girls, with absolutely excellent physical fitness. Take a look at this Yan Moai? Or this Kikyo? Or this Ayanami Rei or Syndra? I happen to know a courier, a It will be delivered within hours."

"Shut up! I don't want to wear women's clothes, and I don't want to become a woman!" Bai Jue stopped Bai Di's coquettish operation.

"That's really a pity." Bai Di regretted, "Then I really can't do anything. You don't even dare to be a master of women's clothing, how can you save the world?"

"Is there any causal connection between the two! Cnbb!" Bai Jue deeply felt that if he continued to speak, his sanity would collapse: "Tell me how to return to the present world, now that there is no delay, you are still making fun of me, shame on me! "

"It's because of this time that we can't forget the importance of self-entertainment." Bai Di raised his finger and pointed to the sky: "Your Excellency, why don't you ride the wind and soar up to [-] miles, just go to the sky."


"I'm not kidding you. In fact, as I said, it's just a dam, a wall. It can stop the water flow, it can stop the fish, but it can't stop the real dragon." Bai Diyi pointed out: "The water flows It is the ordinary soul here, the fish is a powerless heroic spirit, and the real dragon can come and go freely, the exit is there, but you can't jump high enough, and you can't see far enough."

Bai Jue suddenly realized, and immediately blushed: "Well, I'm not used to you praising me so suddenly."

Bai Di's expression froze, and he spat immediately: "Smelly shameless, who praised you?"

"Then here comes the question." Bai Jue looked at the pale long moon in the sky: "How can I go to the sky?"

"Well..." Bai Di wanted to say something, but he suddenly fell silent: "It seems that you don't need to think about other ways. It just so happens that a dear friend here is going to send you to the sky, so that you can experience the thrill of riding the wind and waves."

"Here comes another one..." Bai Jue turned his head slowly, and the moonlight in the sky turned scarlet again.

At some point, a heroic spirit war ghost had quietly arrived, and the scarlet eyes of that heroic spirit were clearly visible in the thick fog.

Without the restraint of Sister Sword Fairy, today's Heroic Spirit War Ghost no longer stays in one area, but wanders around, looking for targets, like a wild hungry beast that has lost its sanity.

And this Heroic Spirit and War Ghost right now is stronger than Li Guang...

There are a total of seven heroic spirits and war ghosts, maybe only half of them are left now, and after defeating Li Guang, there are probably only about three left.

"Seven games, this is the second opponent." Bai Jue was slightly speechless.

But what is strange is that he didn't immediately take care of the fierce heroic spirit, but asked Bai Di one last question: "I have one last question... Who is Sister Sword Immortal? Famous generals like Li Guang eventually fell into the devil's way, but she was still able to stay awake, and it can even be said that if she hadn't prevented the infighting between the heroic spirits and ghosts, the peace here would not have been maintained for hundreds of years."

"Sister Jianxian... Are you talking about the big dog who left the seeds of the sword in your body?" Bai Di pinched his chin: "So it's a girl? I really didn't notice it. If I collect her The information will be clear soon.”

"Sword Dao seed? Big dog?" Bai Jue suddenly heard some bad premonition from Bai Di's words.

"Isn't it? Who is willing to compromise their own cultivation and pass on the fire of swordsmanship to you at such a huge cost? There are more than thousands of swordsmanship and thousands of experiences recorded in this seed, which is equivalent to a huge The treasury of swordsmanship and martial arts is directly implanted in your body... no, it is implanted in your soul, imprinted in the form of heroic spirit, almost indelible, until you absorb it all for your own use will disappear."

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