Berserker Dian Wei; lancer Overlord Xiang Yu; assassin Nie Zheng; caster Zhang Liang.

As far as Dian Wei is a madman, there is actually nothing to say, so he chased and killed Bai Jue hundreds of streets, and demolished all the buildings along the road.

Then, talking about Xiang Yu, he used a gun. In theory, the sword beat the gun, but when he knocked down three streets with a single shot, Bai Jue immediately took a detour.

Then there is Nie Zheng, his strength is not extremely strong, the power of frontal swordsmanship is far inferior to the destructive power of Xiang Yu and Dian Wei, but he is undoubtedly the most difficult opponent, because his treasure "Guangling San" is a blessing Sexual... Once the BGM is played, the whole person will escape into the darkness, like a shadow, surrounded by murderous aura, there is an illusion of ambush from all sides, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

The last one is Zhang Liang, this guy has almost nothing to do, just chatting, singing, singing and reciting poems. The only function is to airdrop dozens of war ghosts to chase and kill Bai Jue dozens of streets every hour. Occasionally, he would bring one or two Heroic Spirits with him... um... almost made Bai Jue sick.

If it wasn't for the lack of cooperation of this group of heroic spirits and ghosts, a hundred Baijue would not be enough to kill them. Later, Dian Wei directly confronted Xiang Yu, and the fight between the two was turned upside down.After demolishing the ten-mile long street, tens of thousands of undead souls were shaken to death in the aftermath.

After more than a hundred hours of running away, Bai Di's courier finally arrived. After Bai Jue received the courier, before Xiang Yu's gun pierced his heart, he moved away dangerously.

It sounds like tears.

Bai Jue wiped away bitter tears in his heart, silently comforting himself that this little pain is nothing, wipe away the tears and continue.

Li Xiuning didn't want to say more when she saw Bai Jue, and Hui Xinlan refused to ask any more questions: "What should I do next?"

"Don't worry, have you eaten yet?" Bai Jue asked with a smile.


"If you haven't eaten, have breakfast first." Bai Jue smiled slightly at Li Shiming after washing up: "I want to eat the breakfast made by Her Highness Princess Qin herself. I wonder if it can satisfy my little wish?"

Li Shiming's heartbeat quickened, and he smiled gently: "Of course, I will do it now."

Li Xiuning looked at her younger sister's jumping back, and sighed softly: "Shi Ming is like this, how can he inherit the throne? There should be no delay now... Are you going to have your last breakfast?"

"It's okay to complain, but I just want to eat breakfast. I will have strength when I am full. After all, there will be a tough battle to be fought today. No matter what, Duke Zhen can't just watch Princess Qin ascend the throne." Bai Jue touched his waist, and then remembered that the bronze sword had been broken under the Overlord Spear. He looked at the clear sky and said, "It's a pity that my sword is broken, otherwise I'm afraid the Xuanwu Gate will be stained with blood today." .”

"Are you so sure that we can get the imperial edict from His Majesty?" Li Xiuning said in shock.

Bai Jueyu said earnestly: "...she will give it."

"It's a good thing that you have confidence, but no matter what the result is, after today, maybe all peace will go with us." Li Xiuning couldn't help feeling sentimental: "The present day will never happen again."

"Not necessarily, what has been done will surely happen in the future, and what has been done will definitely happen in the future..." Bai Jue stretched out his hand again and patted Li Xiuning's head lightly: "One day, we will meet in another place. "

Li Xiuning hummed lightly.

The heart beats slightly faster.

Then I heard Bai Jue add: "The three reunite together."

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little lost.

"Sir, sister, the meal is ready." Li Shiming's voice broke the good atmosphere in time, and she walked quickly: "Let's go to the restaurant."

"Ma, I'll go right away...I'll wash it off." Li Xiuning left in a panic.

Bai Jue also stood in the courtyard, silently looking at the highest pavilion in Chang'an City at the end of his line of sight.

——Are you looking at me too... Sister Jianxian... No, His Majesty the First Emperor.

——Don't wait too long, I will go there soon and meet you again.

——Then, ask the truth!

Bai Jue waited patiently. He couldn't go now because he still lacked a courier.

A... direct delivery to Zulong Pavilion!

Hundredth Chapter 16 Zhen Guogong: My heart is almost broken!

"So, I'm your immediate boss, and subordinates are not allowed to poke the boss's mouth."

On the screen, Bai Di had a standard Liang Feifan face: "I say, listen and don't refute."

"Whenever, you are still playing this old-fashioned meme here, Liang Feifan and Yuan Capital in the world of ghosts and animals are already out of breath." Bai Jue spread his hands: "You like it so much, then I will play with you, I think It’s not enough to go to the playground and play a hundred times.”

"Oh? Is your tone not right? I should have said that line." Bai Di touched his chin: "It's really not cooperative. It's rare that someone can keep up with my rhythm and sing with me. double spring."

"Then..." Bai Jue took a deep breath, "...shit, Bai Di! Where's the delivery you promised? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"The cross-plane courier is so easy to send as soon as you say it. Although it is a courier delivery, in fact, every time you send it may reveal the coordinates of my current location." Bai Di spread his hands: "But according to the time , it should be almost here... countdown, three, two, one... biu!"

The next moment, a flash of light descended from the sky, pierced through the dimension wall, and descended. The incomparably precise positioning made it land three feet in front of Bai Jue, and directly smashed into the ground, killing half of the princes' mansions. Shocked and trembled three times.

The roaring sound immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Li Shiming and Li Xiuning stood behind and tilted their heads. Is this a meteorite?

Then, when the smoke and dust cleared, a man in hardcover walked out of the pit. He had the perfect muscles of an American hero and a golden figure. In this antique world, there was a strong difference in style of painting. Ninety percent of the women were blushing and heart beating, with a masculine appearance, wearing a hat and uniform, and at a glance they knew they were professional couriers and takeaway boys.

"Boy! Please sign for your courier." The man gave a thumbs up.

"Who is this! The painting style is wrong!" Bai Jue felt that something was wrong at this moment.

"Don't pay attention to these details. He is just a courier and bento distributor. When I am inconvenient to move around, having him help saves a lot of trouble." Bai Di put his hands behind his head: "You ask him for a business card Well, I'll use it later."

Bai Jue took a look at the other party's business card and courier.

——Hero Express? A thought

——Contact information? Phone number XXXXX, 口尧 number XXXXXX

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