"This name doesn't match your European and American style of painting..." Bai Jue's eyes twitched, and he looked at the muscular man: "Are you really a former professional hero?"

"Heroes are not easy to mess with. They have become synonymous with meddling these days. After staying in the Marvel DC world for a long time, I wanted to come out and change my career... As for my name, it is considered a hero title. I am too lazy to change it." Alright." The man gave a thumbs up: "Don't pay attention to those details, boy~ man, there must be some romance."

Bai Jue took the Rubik's Cube box from him and signed his name.

"Confirm the receipt. If you want to use Hero Express next time, please feel free to contact me. It can be delivered anywhere in the world! Then, I'm leaving! I shall return!" Fly into the sky and disappear in the vast clear sky.

"..." Bai Di rubbed his eyebrows and coughed lightly: "That's not the point, you've already got the item, and it's not such an expensive item, it's just an ordinary carrying device, remember to put it away after you use it up and don't throw it away .”

Bai Jue weighed the Rubik's Cube in his hand: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's quite troublesome... But this time the situation is special, so I shot twice in a row. In fact, this is already considered a violation, but who made you my appointed successor? What's wrong with favoring you? But I can There is only so much you can do to help you, the hardest part of the rest is still up to you, I will wait for your good news...Come on, savior."

Bai Di waved his hand and canceled the communication.

And Bai Jue also gripped the Rubik's Cube tightly, the courier finally arrived, and next... It's time to set off.

"Look what the clerk sent me."

As Bai Jue said, he pressed the button to open the Rubik's Cube box, and then, a stalwart figure stood up.

The people in the world who surrounded the palaces of princes and princes were stunned.

A group of onlookers who ate melons, noodles, drank tea and watched a play were stunned.

The jaws of many spies who were hiding in the crowd and secretly observing the movements of the princes and palaces fell to the ground, and their glasses were shattered.

Just because, how tall, mighty and solemn is that stalwart figure!


In Zhen Guogong's mansion, there was silence in the hall, Yang Su served on the left and right, and above the chairman, Yang Guang was waiting.

He also stayed up all night, this is the most important last few days, where does he have the mood to rest, do nothing, don't listen to anything, just wait for the news, judging from all the current information, the princes and palaces Undoubtedly a slow death.

Just like a desperate beast, facing the situation surrounded by groups, even if it wants to escape, there is nothing it can do.

So he was not in a hurry, not in the slightest, and calmly waited slowly. After more than ten years of waiting, is there still a day or two left?

The passive response of the princes and palaces made him even more happy. The other party almost voluntarily surrendered, and he was no exception. After all, women are still women. Even though they have made great achievements on the battlefield, they still know nothing about politics.

And the most important thing is... not enough ambition.

What is ambition?Not just a desire, but also a courage to swallow the world.

Without this kind of boldness, the talented and virtuous can only sit in the position below one person at most.

Li Xiuning, without such boldness, she would definitely not be able to claim the title of emperor and ascend the throne, and she naturally understands that, so, considering the future of the princes and palaces, it is a wise choice to voluntarily surrender. If she wants to keep it safe when the dynasty changes, it is still very easy. After all, the princes and palaces control a quarter of the military power in the world, and they are connected with many military generals... As long as the emperor is not stupid, he will never touch this behemoth who is loyal and good for generations.

As for the faint anxiety in his heart, Yang Guang had long forgotten it.

——It was just an illusion after all.

He silently picked up a cup of herbal tea and took a sip.

But at this moment, a spy rushed into the hall in a panic, panting heavily, out of breath, his gums trembling and said: "Report to the Duke of Zhen, there have been changes in the palace of the princes!"

Yang Su narrowed his eyes: "Is it finally unbearable?"

"Let's listen to it." Yang Guang said firmly, "Are you going to the imperial city, or..."

"No, it's in the palace of the princes!" The spy said with a trembling tone, "In the courtyard of the palace, a steel giant with a height of six feet appeared!"


A series of question marks rose in the heads of a group of counselors, what is the trouble?

"Steel... giant?" Yang Guang almost spit out the tea, he swallowed the tea with difficulty, frowning: "What does this mean?"

"Literally, the mighty and tall iron giant suddenly appeared out of thin air, which shocked all of us! Some people said it was a god descending from the sky, while others said it was a sculpture of a god of war. Destiny..." The spy said with emotion, this was indeed what he saw with his own eyes.


Yang Su interrupted the spies, and shouted: "You can't talk nonsense, how could such a thing happen, you lied about the information, but you will have your eyes and tongue cut out!"

"The villain saw it with his own eyes, it's absolutely true!" The spy quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "I dare not say a lie! The giant is still there!"

"This..." The counselors couldn't laugh or cry: "What kind of joke is this?"

"It's all quiet!" Yang Guang slapped the table and said coldly: "It doesn't matter whether the information is true or not, so what if it is a steel giant sculpture? Can it still fly into the sky? Princess Pingyang is really out of her wits. The technique is also used, huh..."

Zhen Guogong smiled slightly, as if he disdain to be an enemy.


Another spy rushed in with a trembling voice: "The steel giant in the palace of the princes moved. Not only did it move, it even flew into the sky!"

"It's ridiculous!"

Yang Su shouted again, his beard trembling with anger, he stood up and shouted: "You old men are so easy to be fooled!"

There is a reason for his anger, because the intelligence system is managed by him, and these spies are all his subordinates. Although they are not directly subordinates, they are also trained talents. But when such a moth appears, the other counselors are tacitly aware of it. His eyes became subtle, and as an old minister and the oldest person, where did he put his face.

I really wish I could slap these two spies to death.

"Uncle, calm down..."

Yang Guang himself thought it was ridiculous, but since the spies said so, it might not be nonsense, but he immediately attributed it to illusory scenes such as "mirage" or "alchemist's Taoism".

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