And the treasures of many heroic spirits have an extremely wide attack range, and they still have some achievements in air defense.

However, in today's Shenzhou Empire, because the path of reincarnation is blocked, there are no one or two heroic spirits at all. In such a huge city of Chang'an, there is only Shihuang who is a heroic spirit. They can't stop them.

Although there are warriors of the great innate level, however... Even if they use their strength to take off along the wall, under the constraints of Mother Earth's gravity, they can only reach a height of three or four hundred meters at most, and they can only reach a height of three or four hundred meters, and they can fly like an angel. Fly thousands of meters in one go...

"Stupid, I can fly."

Bai Jue manipulated this ability, and the angel raised a middle finger: "If you can fly, you can do whatever you want."

——Damn, is this person shameless!

—Shameless, so shameless!Never seen such a brazen person!

A group of civil servants have already begun to scold their mothers in their hearts.

They could all see that the two layers of encirclement that they had worked so hard to build before had been broken, and the third layer of encirclement seemed meaningless, so they could only look up and sigh.


When Zhen Guogong and his party arrived, Bai Jue had already landed in front of Zulong Pavilion with the two princesses.

Yang Guang said with a gloomy face, "Didn't stop it?"

"I'm ashamed, that steel giant has the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, which has surpassed the height that can be achieved in the innate realm. Even if we gather our hands, we can't stop the opponent's pace. We miscalculated."

Yang Su's beard twitched slightly: "I didn't expect that the princes and palaces would have such a hole card, but it's really... quite forbearing."

Yang Guang clenched his fists and controlled his emotions. His muscles trembled and his face sank like water. After three breaths, he calmed down: "The next step they will take can be roughly guessed. As long as they get the imperial edict from Shihuang, Drive that steel giant out of Chang'an City and make it known to the world, and then everyone in the world will know, and no one will be able to stop the world from returning to the Li family."

He clapped his hands: "It's a good plan... This move is something I never expected."

His eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly: "At this point, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. Uncle, arrange everyone to keep an eye on the Zulong Pavilion and launch all the hidden chess. I don't want them to leave the imperial city, and I must not let them leave Chang'an!" The opportunity of the city! We must grab that edict..."

"How should the Dragon Army respond? It is the Imperial Forest Army directly under the First Emperor. It is only responsible to the Emperor and does not accept any transfers. They are responsible for all changes in the imperial city. The commander and two deputy commanders of the Dragon Army, But they are all masters at the extreme congenital realm." Yang Su said slowly.

"Any method can be used, conspiracy, conspiracy, threat, temptation, deception, don't care about the consequences, I want this Long Jun to be blind and deaf now!" Yang Guang took a deep look at the entrance of the imperial city: "It can be used." Use all the means, winner and loser in one fell swoop, I also mind being a villain, only the winner can have the last laugh and write history."

When everyone heard the words, their hearts sank. Once these words were uttered, there would be bloody storms, and a big cleansing was inevitable.

Yang Guang's eyes swept across the cheeks of everyone present. The people here are not mediocre people. Arrogance, each has its own strength, so many people gather together to discuss big plans, the momentum is like a rainbow, forget everything that should be counted, but they still can't be sure, it's still a bad move...

Forced himself to take this step.

He thought that what he crushed was just an ant, but he bumped into an elephant unexpectedly and fell on his back... Fortunately, he didn't fall too badly.

What a palace of princes and princes!

Yang Guang's heart became more and more uneasy.

He always has a sense of déjà vu that the more he plans for a rainy day and the more scheming he is, the worse he will fall... This damn unexpected.

The weather is not beautiful. The originally clear day was suddenly covered by dark clouds. The oppressive atmosphere and scorching air made everyone in this place feel depressed... Dark clouds covered the sun and dark clouds overwhelmed the city.

It heralds a fight for imperial power, which is inevitable.


At this moment, Bai Jue took Neng Angel back into the Rubik's Cube, led the two princesses, and stood in front of Zulong Pavilion.

Looking at the closed door, I was filled with emotions for a while.

Bai Jue raised his hand and lowered it again, not knowing whether to knock or not...

But he still pushed open the door. In the silent hall, the familiar figure was sitting in front of Zhuo An. She raised her eyes, and there was a stiff but warm expression on her bloodless pale cheeks, which Bai Jue had never seen before. look.

She said, "You're here..."

Bai Jue nodded lightly: "I'm here."


ps1: I plan to attend full time in February, do you understand what I mean?


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the Ancestral Dragon Pavilion, the main hall was silent, the doors and windows were closed, and the lights were bright. The highest floor of the Ancestral Dragon Pavilion actually had a bit more poetic warmth.

The two looked at each other quietly, then smiled at each other.

"You came……"

"I am coming."

She asked, he answered, that's all, as casual as a family.

But this shocked Li Xiuning and Li Shiming. When did Bai Jue and Shihuang know each other so well, and when did they become so close? Also, did she know from the beginning that her group would come?

Whether it is Li Xiuning or Li Shiming, they have seen this emperor through the ages, but they have never seen the other faces of the first emperor, either the majestic aura in the Jinluan Hall, or the kingly way in the Zulong Pavilion, but never I have never seen her easy-going scene in white clothes and long hair scattered shoulders.

And it happened to show such a posture when facing a young man, which had to be missed.

The next conversation between the two almost caused Li Xiuning's mentality to explode.

"But I don't want you to come." Sister Jianxian said, "I don't want you to see this scene..."

"But I still want to see you again." Bai Jue said, "Rejection is even more cruel to me."

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