"It seems that you know everything." She said softly, "I knew that the words of the young man who claimed to be the clerk were not trustworthy. He was the same as you, too easy to soften his heart, and too naive and idealistic."

"Is this a shortcoming?" Bai Jue asked back.

"It's a shortcoming." Under the candlelight, Sister Jianxian's cheeks were still as cold as ice: "A person like you, in a troubled world, is too easy to die. If no one is watching, you won't be able to survive."

"Maybe." Bai Jue didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either: "But I don't think my vitality is so fragile."

"Either keep your original innocence and die, or abandon your innocent ideals and live. No matter which one you are, the past you will become the past." She shook her head lightly: "What's the difference? I just don't want to see you like that. Tell you not to come..."

"You let me watch, but I can't do it." Bai Jue opened his mouth, but was interrupted.

"We still have some time, why don't we ask them first?" Zhao Zheng'er looked at Li Xiuning with a peaceful gaze: "Have you decided on the answer?"

Li Xiuning was about to get down on one knee, but Shi Huang lifted her up, and she said, "Now, there is no need to kneel."

Li Xiuning nodded slightly, and she said: "I can't be the crown prince, I'm sorry, I failed your majesty's expectations..." She gritted her teeth and insisted: "I still think that only your majesty can govern the Shenzhou Empire. Besides, who can..."

"The emperor of the Shenzhou Empire is just a symbol. Even if I am missing, it doesn't matter. There will still be some. For a hundred years, which of these courtiers has no real talent and learning? As long as the torch is passed on from generation to generation, why do you need an emperor?" Do everything yourself?" Shihuang shook his head: "You are too persistent."

"But, why does Your Majesty want to abdicate?" Li Xiuning is different from Li Shiming. She is not for the throne, but she wants to ask clearly. A coward who would shy away from responsibilities and obligations.

When Bai Jue heard the words, he just sighed in his heart. He knew it, but he couldn't say it.

"Because..." Zhao Zheng'er said softly, "I'm about to return to the principles of civilization."

This sentence is reasonable, but unexpected.

Li Xiuning said bitterly: "How come? The lifespan of a heroic spirit can reach a thousand years, and this is only a short hundred years..."

"A hundred years, isn't that long enough? Look at what I look like now..."

Zhao Zheng'er was standing under the candlelight. At this moment, Li Xiuning mustered up the courage to look. What she saw was no longer the cold and solemn emperor who took off his dragon robe, the Emperor's Sword, and the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire. After taking power, she is just a slightly thin woman.

She was beautiful, but that was all.

After throwing away the definition given to her by the world, all she has left is pure self.

"Do you understand it?"

She said: "I'm dead, and the first emperor is gone... What stays here is just a wreck named Yingzheng, and what I'm talking to you is only my last thoughts."

A bitter taste appeared on the tip of Li Xiuning's tongue, which paralyzed all her words, and she didn't know how to respond.

And Li Shiming spoke out slowly, with a complicated expression: "Your Majesty... did you kill yourself?"

Zhao Zheng'er glanced at Li Shiming, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Why?" Princess Qin blurted out: "Why?"

Bai Jue replied: "Because some things are more important than life..."

He asked again: "Just, is it worth it?"

Zhao Zheng'er didn't answer, she said, "Let me tell you about the past..."

"Since ancient times, there have been rumors of ghosts and gods and myths in this land... But there are no ghosts and gods in the principles of civilization. Heroic spirits all come from real history and are real people who have lived... So, People in the land of China respect and fear not ghosts and gods, but ancestors, their own ancestors and the blood and bones of the same line. source."

"And the time when I was first born, the Warring States Period... You all know what kind of era it was, and the saints can never eradicate war... Ever since I was born, I have come with a mission to unify the six kingdoms and end the disputes , that was the last wish of the ancestors, and I dare not forget it for a moment."

"There is a saying in the theory of passing the Qin Dynasty that is absolutely correct-"Fen VI is the survivor of the sixth generation". There is no sixth king of the Qin Dynasty, and there is no one emperor who ruled the world through the ages. I only achieved success by standing on the shoulders of my ancestors. The great cause of unifying the six nations... So I have been working hard for this purpose since I was born, and I exist for unification..."

"It's like a machine," she said.

This bland tone devalued her achievements to nothing.

"So after the unification, I didn't even understand what I really wanted, what I wanted to pursue... I tried to find some motivation to live on, such as the impassable limit of life and death, to find The way of longevity is just given up quickly, because...the longer you live, the more painful it is, it is not a kind of happiness, but torture."


"I chose to kill myself," she said.

As soon as this sentence was said, it was equivalent to denying her own existence value.

She wasn't a general who was in the midst of the enemy army, she wasn't a loyal minister who was wronged and imprisoned, and she wasn't a counselor who took a wrong step with a heavy responsibility on her shoulders. Her death was worthless...and nothing tragic to speak of.

Li Xiuning didn't know what to say.

There was a trace of disappointment in Li Shiming's eyes.

Eternal One Emperor, just such a person?

This time, it was also for the same reason that he chose to kill himself?

"Disappointed?" Shi Huang said softly: "It should be, because it was a fatal mistake I made."

"I forgot that from the moment I ascended to the throne of God, my life no longer belongs to me."

"I didn't realize that when the emperor died without warning, it would cause such a strong turmoil to this newly established empire."

she said bitterly.

"Great Qin has destroyed the country."

"Destroyed in my hands..."

"That was the biggest mistake I made in my life, so I am determined not to let this happen again..."

"Then why did you—" Before Li Xiuning could speak, Bai Jue covered her words: "Listen to it..."

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