Li Shiming lowered his eyes: "That's why His Majesty the First Emperor was reincarnated in that era. That... the era of chaos and prosperity was to make up for the shortcomings, so he accepted the call of civilization and reincarnated."

"Do not……"

Shihuang said softly: "It's not to make up for regrets, but to find what I really want."

"Five chaos in China, Eastern Jin Dynasty and sixteen countries, North and South confrontation..."

"Since the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Hu people took advantage of the chaos to rebel against the Jin Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty was subjugated, and the Yongjia Rebellion, the Central Plains fell to the hands of the five Hu foreigners. To escape the war, they traveled south in clothes,"

"After the establishment of the Sixteen Kingdoms in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the inland of the Central Plains of China was completely lost. The bloody Han people led the army to resist, but they were outnumbered and died in the battlefield. The Han people were reduced to second-class pariahs. Wherever the Huns and Jie people went , Burned, killed and looted, massacred cities for thousands of miles, Hu Huang Shile massacred hundreds of thousands of people, blood stained rivers and mountains."

"The people are displaced, the farming is abandoned, the children are exchanged for food, the bones are everywhere, there is no smoke and fire for thousands of miles, there are no people in China, thieves are everywhere, and the wars are endless..."

"It's ridiculous that during this period, some sects also developed vigorously, declaring doctrines, Buddhism talked about cause and effect, and talked about the afterlife, saying that suffering in this life will enjoy happiness in the next life. Countless people believed the words of those monks, gave up struggling, hanged themselves, Died on the top of the tree, the cold-blooded executioner is still smiling."

"The orthodox theory of a hundred schools of thought is rarely circulated, and the crystallization of wisdom left over for hundreds of years was almost destroyed in that era..."

"I remember that when I was born, I was almost thrown into a pot for cooking..." Her voice was cold: "Is it ridiculous? Because I am a Han Chinese, a second-class untouchable, in the eyes of foreigners, as long as I keep a little The blood of the Han nationality is all humble bastards, walking animals."

"So I conquered the Northern Wei Dynasty, destroyed Xianbei, pacified the Xiongnu, killed [-] demon monks, promoted the rule of law, and moved the imperial capital back to Luoyang."

"The purpose is to tell them that the Zhen is here, the emperor is here, the integrity is here, the Han people are not dead, and the blood has not been shed."

"Thousands of years ago, the Great Wall retreated, and barbarians dared not herd horses south for seven hundred miles. Today, I am here alone to guard the gate of the country."

"If you have one, come and kill me."


Wrong time!I just thought it was February [-]st yesterday!There is a chapter missing in the schedule, and the backstage has not been able to post an announcement!

Pay off your debt today!I'm so sorry!

There are currently five chapters to update!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There was silence in the Zulong Pavilion. Whether it was Li Xiuning or Li Shiming, they had never seen the darkness of that era with their own eyes. It was their fathers who followed the first emperor to fight on the battlefield. How many corpses shrouded in horse leather, how many dead bones, were all drowned together In time, it has become the few words in the history books.

At least, these words, they have never seen in books.

But these words were spoken by Shihuang himself, and they are absolutely true.

"Some words should not be recorded in history. If something too heavy is carried on the shoulders, it will bend the spine. Simple and easy-to-understand history is not necessarily a bad thing." Zhao Zheng'er sat upright, stroking the sword lightly Feng: "But there are some things that you have the right to know now. I can tell you some things about the past that have not been recorded in the history books."

The three looked a little solemn and listened attentively.

She lowered her head and said softly: "Maybe let's start with this sword..."

"The sword that accompanied me in the battle was not a sword of the Son of Heaven at first, it was just a very ordinary bronze sword. Later, it was promoted to the Sword of the Son of Heaven with the great achievements of the heroic spirit in the dragon's veins... But this is not important, The important thing is—"

"This sword is stained with the blood of [-] barbarians."

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed that even the air was a little dignified, and the wailing sound of a ghost could be faintly heard.

The three of them looked at the Tianzi sword, which was sharp and introverted, like a docile rabbit under the first emperor.

Who would have thought that this sword of the Son of Heaven, which can command the world's dragon veins, is actually a bloody slaughter sword stained with wronged souls?

Who will believe it?

"Isn't it a surprise?" Shihuang's eyes were half-covered, stroking the sword edge: "Such a huge killing karma is enough to make anyone sleepy, why can it still be named the Emperor Sword, and why can it be recognized by the principles of civilization? , why can I still get Jing Cong of the world's dragon veins?"

"the reason is simple."

"This sword is stained with the blood of [-] Hu people, but it also bears the souls of tens of millions of Han people!"

"In comparison, what is the blood of [-] barbarians? The murders they have committed are more than a hundred times stronger than mine?"

Her words are not heavy, but they are powerful.

Having said that, she paused for a moment.

"Let's talk about other things, do you know why the legions under my command are always invincible?"

Li Xiuning thought for a while, and said: "Because... His Majesty personally marched, and the warriors and generals are high-spirited..."

"Wrong, big mistake." Shihuang shook his head: "Let go of the history you have read, the reason is actually very pure."

Li Xiuning lowered her head in shame.

"Because, tactics, or..." Li Shiming said.

But was interrupted by Bai Jue, he said: "Because, the country hates the family..."

Zhao Zheng'er smiled shallowly, that smile was extremely cold.

"Because I never shy away from battle. I have fought thousands of battles, big and small, and I have never retreated once. I use the sharpest spear and the sharpest sword to fight the barbarians. The policy is only one word - kill!"

"How they treat us, how we treat them."

"The soldiers under my command can't fight a hundred with one, but every time a person falls, they can always kill more than twice as many barbarians. This has nothing to do with force tactics. There is only one reason, and that is hatred!"

"There is a saying in the military law, it's called—a sad soldier must win."

"When a person has lost everything and has nothing, he will not even be afraid of death. He is afraid that he will not be able to kill a few more enemies and have a deep hatred."

"Even if you win the battle, you have no time to rest and enjoy the joy of fighting, because more compatriots are suffering. You look at the broken mountains and rivers, the corpses everywhere, and the broken walls amidst the flames of war. Yuan, look back at the expressions of the soldiers, how can you laugh, you can only clean up and continue to go north! Go north!"

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