"It's just until the five beards are cleared, and there must be no neglect for a day."

——Zhi Zhi eats Hulu meat hungry, laughs and talks about thirsting for Xiongnu blood...

Bai Jue suddenly thought of this line of poetry, but it was extremely appropriate.

The first emperor closed his eyes, recalling the past years, there is no grandeur, only darkness and blood.

"More than half of my army is composed of refugees from the north... They live a life that is not as good as pigs and dogs. Men are born as slaves, and women are born as slaves."

"The only goal is to have a full meal, so as not to starve to death and freeze to death, but even this weak wish cannot be realized."

"In the very beginning, this group of Han refugees' armed legions was called 'begging for living', begging to live, they were all composed of farmers and refugees, they farmed, and at the same time fought with the barbarians, the people in Yizhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou The land has been cultivated with blood all year round, and it's all their blood."

"Until I collected this group of refugees, there are still many people using this name."

"I brought down the Five Hus, wiped out the Sixteenth, and unified the north and the south... What I relied on was not my own strength, but the hatred of tens of millions. They couldn't stop the hatred of a nation, and they wanted to sleep on their skin and eat their flesh .”

"Your fathers, and the fathers of your fathers, have killed no less than a thousand barbarians."

She slowly opened her eyes and said slowly.

"You are very similar to them..."

"I have seen so many people and so many things. There are famous generals who are fierce and fierce, civil servants who reform and reform, Xiangguo who is sent away by the ten-mile long street, sword-holders who frighten the world, and unknown marketers. Hawker."

"I still remember that little ghost named Han Xin...he was a heroic spirit, but he was reincarnated too late. When the war broke out, he was only twelve years old, but he pulled a legion by himself. Hu people."

"Later, I became a general counselor under my command. He often said arrogantly and rudely that he was invincible, invincible and invincible. In fact, he also did it. No matter how harsh tasks I gave him, he could exceed his quota. .”

"But he didn't know temperance at all, he didn't know how to rest, and he often didn't sleep for several months... because when he was ten years old, the village was massacred by barbarians. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and he survived alone. Since then, he There is only the desire for revenge in the bottom of my heart, and because of this, a generation of world-renowned generals failed to live past the age of eighteen."

"Before he died, he still said that his last step of planning was not completed, so help him up quickly, and he died while muttering."

"A heroic spirit died from overwork, no one will believe it..."

She sighed softly.

"I still remember that there was an unnamed old soldier who was marching at night when it was snowing heavily. After I captured Hou Zhao, I planned to send my troops northward and continue to capture the former Qin Dynasty. However, the soldiers were exhausted and had to retreat to the nearby city to spend the snowy night. "

"Then during the march, a soldier fell in the snow behind him and was out of breath."

"I found that the clothes on his body were as thin as a layer of paper... In my army, at least they can eat enough and wear warm clothes. When this happened, I was very angry. I asked who the quartermaster was, and then the soldiers didn't speak. Look at that veteran."

"I understand, let someone take him back for a proper burial..."

"It would take months to tell their stories."

The First Emperor looked at the three people who were silent: "Do you know why I want to tell you these things about the past?"

Without waiting for an answer, she asked and answered by herself.

"Because I'm leaving."

"I didn't choose to escape, but chose to trust you."

"Those years I have gone through may have been forgotten or lost, but the things passed down through my blood still exist."

"Listen to the past, look at the present, what you have is the prosperity and beauty that the predecessors could not imagine, these are the achievements of the predecessors' blood and hard work... But you don't have to be ashamed, because you deserve it .”

"I'm not asking all of you to do something for this country, for the people."

"But don't let down the struggle of our ancestors, don't waste the past time."

"Some things are too easy to get, but you don't know how to cherish them."

"I just hope that you can understand all the hard-won truths, like your fathers, to cherish the beauty of this empire, protect it in your own way, and don't repeat the same mistakes."

"At least, when you meet me again one day, you can have a clear conscience."

"In this way, I can safely entrust this country...to you."

Shihuang smiled quietly, her smile was so gentle.

The majesty of the emperor has faded, and her smile is as kind and quiet as an elder.

She approached slowly.

He held the Tianzi Sword flat and placed it in the girl's palm.

The cold catkin held Li Shiming's little hand, and she couldn't help trembling slightly.

Zhao Zheng'er's gentle words came from his ears.

"—it's yours."

Wearing a white dress, Zhao Zheng'er walked away gradually, and when she reached the end of the Zulong Pavilion, her back was as ethereal as a banished fairy, and as heavy as a mountain.

She pushed open the door of Zulong Pavilion, and the words spread across the land of Shenzhou with the wind.

"—Announce to the subjects of heaven and earth, today, Yingzheng will abdicate!"


ps1: In February, I plan to make a wave of full attendance.

ps2: Ask for blades, only blades.

Afterwards, I will issue a bounty as usual. Like last month, the debt will be repaid in two shifts until the debt is paid off. I will issue a relevant announcement at that time, remember to read it.

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