The plot of the third volume has entered the final stage, please rest assured to watch.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sister Jianxian's back disappeared in front of the gate of Zulong Pavilion, and the moment the gate opened, she also disappeared.

She cut herself off, and no one in this world can save her.

Taking a step back, she didn't really die for the sake of death, but to sever the connection with the world, not to leave a little retreat for herself, to intercept the tens of millions of undead. Can live with her?

Bai Jue couldn't say words to persuade her to stay, because there were too many things in what she said.

"The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country..." Bai Jue sighed, "Is it worth it?"

"In the eyes of Your Majesty, it must be worth it..." Li Shiming held the Tianzi sword: "She entrusted this empire to us, as if she had more important things to do, perhaps, no one can see, her real Where is the fight?"

Li Xiuning looked at the gloomy weather, and the electric snake danced wildly in the black clouds, as if heralding something.

"Your Majesty abdicates. The Shenzhou Empire is about to fall into chaos. The Sword of the Son of Heaven is in hand. This is the best edict and evidence. If Shi Ming is willing, he can ascend the throne now."

"Yang Guang will not just watch and do nothing. His Majesty abdicated and left. Now in the huge imperial city, there is no one to restrain him. He can do whatever he wants, directly send troops to conquer, and take the emperor's sword by force!" Li Shi Ming pondered and said: "My initial idea was to let my husband take us away, and then my sister led the army to surround Chang'an City, adding military power to the throne, but after listening to His Majesty, I don't want to do this anymore. Once I choose this path, I will The Shenzhou Empire has been brought into a split situation."

She put the Emperor Sword into the scabbard, and there was a determination in her eyes that was never there before

"Civil strife cannot be sustained. Regardless of victory or defeat, the source of all disasters must be killed in the cradle...Even if the method is bloody, Yang Guang must be suppressed. He will definitely not be inferior to others, so the only way is..."

"—cut it!"

Li Shiming finally had a bit of Tang imperial spirit.

Li Xiuning frowned: "In today's Chang'an City, half of the courtiers have been captured by Yang Guang, and the garrison has also fallen into his cage. If we continue to stay here, it is tantamount to a fight between trapped beasts. Sooner or later, we will be trapped to death by him. Now If you leave the Zulong Pavilion, you may encounter a volley of arrows."

Princess Pingyang Zhao is different about political affairs, but she has a thorough understanding of the changes in the situation.

"Among thousands of troops, wanting to take Yang Guang's head is like taking chestnuts from fire."

The two sisters hold their own opinions, and both know that the other has a point, but they don't want to compromise.

Li Shiming could only turn to Bai Jue for help: "What do you think, sir?"

Li Xiuning also said: "Please persuade this girl, staying here is tantamount to waiting for death, we should not hit a stone with an egg."

Hearing this, Bai Jue came back to his senses. He touched his chin: "Hit a stone with an egg?"

He suddenly sneered: "That's right... hitting a stone with an egg."

Bai Jue stopped talking and walked straight to the door.

"Are you crazy, are you going to commit suicide?" Li Xiuning shouted: "Your Majesty is leaving now, are you rushing to die for love?"

"...You think too much." Bai Jue shook his head: "I haven't lived enough, what's more, she hasn't died yet, it's just that you can't see it... I'm just a little entangled, and I've been told by the sword fairy sister When it fell down, I suddenly felt a little dizzy."

"She is right. For the sake of China, for the country, and for the people, someone must stand up. She undoubtedly just chose a path that is cruel to herself and beneficial to the country, leaving no chance of survival."

Seeing the puzzled looks of the two women, Bai Jue shook his head with a chuckle, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, I'm not in a good mood right now, I'm a little aggrieved, and I don't know where to vent my anger. There are still some things left to say, but she ended the topic on her own initiative, walking so gracefully and calmly... I am so full of grievances that I can't find a place to vent it."

Then he looked at the sky outside the Zulong Pavilion, the water vapor dispersed, and the heavy rain was about to pour.

"It just so happens...someone came here to ask for trouble and hit a stone with an egg. I'll go and cooperate with him too."

They didn't understand the other words, but they understood the faint evil spirit in Baijue's words.



"Hush!" Bai Jue raised his finger, "Listen, it's going to rain."

Accompanied by thunder and thunder, Jingzhe pierced the sky, pouring rain pouring down, and the rain was splashing down, and God was crying like a lost baby, and the snot and tears turned into rain and scattered.

The surrounding area of ​​the Zulong Pavilion was already full of archers and soldiers from the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion.

Yang Guang stood in the rain, and his confidantes also stood in the rain. The courtiers under his command, the elite under his command, and the top priests were all standing in the rain. Their clothes and long hair were wet by the pouring rain, but they were motionless. .

The courtiers and military generals of the neutral faction also watched here silently, looking at the scenes, with sighs and sighs in their hearts.

The first emperor had just abdicated, and a struggle for imperial power was about to come with bloody storms.

People, after all, cannot escape the shackles of desire.

Just like Yang Guang at this moment, his desire for imperial power has lost its restraint. The last wishes of his fathers, coupled with the forbearance he has endured for many years, now that a move breaks out, he will miss the imperial power. This is a mistake that he will never tolerate. He will definitely do whatever he can to take it by force.

But now, he is only one step away from imperial power.

Yang Guang finally lost the last trace of hesitation and hesitation in his face, leaving behind the rationality of human nature, leaving only the cruelty of animal nature.

——This heavy rain is pouring, and before the rain stops, everything will be settled.

——And the palaces of princes and princes will surely shed blood like rivers!

——Li Xiuning, you asked for it!


In Zulong Pavilion, Bai Jue watched the heavy rain.

"If it rains, you will stay, if it rains, you will stay, but I won't stay."

"Let's go, Shiming, Xiuning... hold an umbrella for me."

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