He walked out the door.

Li Xiuning asked, "Where are you going?"

Li Shiming replied: "Go and kill the thief."

Li Xiuning asked again: "What thief?"

Li Shiming replied with a smile: "The thief of the country."

Outside the Zulong Pavilion, it was pouring rain, Yang Guang and others were a little impatient, and saw three figures walking towards the end.

Bai Jue was wearing a white shirt, Li Shiming was wearing a black dress, and Li Xiuning was wearing a red dress. The two women stood half a step behind Bai Jue, holding a paper umbrella for him.

In this scene, it seems that the gifted scholars and beautiful ladies who are swimming in the lake to enjoy the scenery in the haze of mist and rain should have encountered a wonderful relationship surrounded by mountains and rivers.

At this moment, there are a group of wolves, tigers and leopards in front of them, which are unsightly.

Under the rain, Bai Jue looked indifferent and somewhat lazy, Princess Qin embraced the Tianzi Sword, Princess Pingyang was silent and guarded secretly, a man and two women faced thousands of horses and horses in the heavy rain, their expressions were fearless and unmoved.

"It's very lively. There are so many people seeing each other off. It's the first time I've seen you." Bai Jue said in a calm voice, calm and unhurried, to the two of them.

Li Shiming said quietly: "He has the courage to steal the country, he didn't shout and kill, but what he did was banditry."

Li Xiuning whispered: "Is it really okay for you to mock in person?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. Sooner or later, you will tear your face. Why should you leave him a bit of a face? He doesn't deserve it." Bai Jue touched his waist, and the bronze sword was shattered under the Overlord Spear, which made him regretful: "It's a pity that I His sword is shattered... it is inevitable to kill people and be stained with blood."

These words are not concealed, and the voice is resounding, even if the rain is loud, it is still very clear to the ears of warriors with excellent eyesight.

For a moment, several of Yang Guang's confidants changed their faces, and were about to scold, but Yang Guang himself didn't speak, and they were not qualified to speak first.

Looking at the positions of the three of them, Yang Guang felt uncertain for a while.

It turns out that this man is the real behind-the-scenes person in the palace of the princes?

"It's my fault..." Yang Guang said in a low voice, "Your Excellency is the real person in charge of the princes' mansion, respectable and respectable..."

"Polite nonsense, stop talking, I'm tired of hearing it." Bai Jue didn't show any face at all: "If you have anything to say, you might as well just say it, I'll really listen."

Yang Guang's face turned ugly, he sneered and said, "Okay, hurry up and talk, now the whole Chang'an city is under my control, you can't fly, the city guards and imperial city guards are under my control, the commander of the dragon army Now it is difficult to get out, you have no chance at all, even the princes and palaces have been surrounded by my order, at this point, with the three of you, how can you turn the tide?"

"So?" Bai Jue raised his eyebrows.

Yang Guang said coldly: "Hand over the things, and I guarantee that you will be safe."

"Do you believe this?" Bai Jue chuckled.

"... Believe it or not is your freedom." Yang Guang did not hide his ferocious killing intent: "For me, whether you send me here respectfully, or I take you from your body after dismembering you, Come back, there is no difference in the result, but to you, the two endings are the difference between one thought and hell."

He is threatening and overwhelming.

"I really don't know, who gave you the courage?" Bai Jue asked with a smile, "Liang Jingru?"

"..." Lord Zhen didn't understand this sentence, but he understood the mocking tone: "You seem to be really looking for death..."

"Am I courting death? I'll talk about it later, but you...are really skinny. Have you ever heard a saying?" Bai Jue opened his eyes, and his golden pupils were particularly bright under the rain: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end." , the way of heaven is reincarnation, if you don’t believe me, look up...who is the sky bypassing!"

【Lei Gong help me——】

He snapped his fingers... Heaven and earth, lightning and thunder.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everything fell into silence.

This second has become extremely long.

Even the sound of the rain was covered up, and it was eerily quiet, like the eve of a storm.

At the moment when Duke Zhen waved his hand and drank the word 'Arrow Release', his heart seemed to be strangled by a hand, and even his breathing became no longer smooth.

He had a premonition somewhere, that no matter how well prepared he was, no matter how strong the chances of winning were, the outcome was doomed from the very beginning, and all his resistance seemed futile and ridiculous.

Then, he heard a snap of his fingers, and a word that floated to him.

"—On a rainy day, be careful of thunder."

The moment the sound fell to the ground, the universe was bright and generous.

Thunder!God's wrath!

At the moment when thousands of arrows fired in unison, thunder and light intertwined into a network and fell from the sky!

Dazzling glare shot out from the dark clouds, like sharp spears, piercing through the atmosphere, leaving eye-catching scars, leaving an indelible mark in everyone's eyes.

One step later than the lightning, it was the thunder that sounded like thousands of cannons exploding.

No matter how strong the fighters are, when faced with such impressive heavenly power, it is difficult to maintain a calm expression, more or less showing a look of shock, not to mention, they found that the thunder is so close at hand between!

It was like the weapon of the heavenly envoy, and it struck the city wall. With the roar, it chopped down the arrows that had not yet left the string, and pierced through hundreds of archers above the high pavilion. After being saved, he was instantly roasted into coke by the high-voltage electric current of the thunder, and he couldn't even make a scream or cry, and there were bursts of burnt smell in the rain.

And these soldiers were so close to each other, when one fell down, the thunder was transmitted all the way, like a blue wire, running through the chests of hundreds of people... The crowd fell down in pieces like cutting wheat.

The soldiers on the tower were not the ultimate masters. The ancient people were in awe of the mighty power of nature. They couldn't understand why such a small probability event would happen. In the chaos, they dropped their weapons and fled in a hurry.

Someone hugged his head and curled up into a ball: "—the sky is angry! The sky is angry!"

Someone trembled and murmured: "—Heaven has opened his eyes! This is God's punishment!"

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