Someone looked like a madman, and kowtowed to apologize: "—God, forgive me! I will never dare—!"

Don't feel foolish. When facing the trial of God's power, the guilty person is frightened and loses his normal ability to judge. When facing the unknown, panic and confusion are inevitable.

Even the confidants of Yang Guang's counselors and all the masters couldn't help but turn pale, they didn't understand what happened.

The stronger the individual, the more unbelieving.

Since ancient times, there have been so many princes and generals, winners and losers, and so many people who have stolen the country, and no one has ever been punished by heaven. Except for a certain unlucky Wang Mang who was hit by a meteorite, who was so unlucky, how could it happen? right now?

They couldn't draw a conclusion, and after much deliberation, there was only one explanation.


Is it really a coincidence?

A group of people were worried and looked at Yang Guang anxiously.

"Coincidence?" Yang Guang's face was gloomy: "It's definitely not a's him."

He is very calm, calm but crazy: "Kill him! This person must not be left behind!"

Duke Zhen roared: "Everyone listens to the order, at all costs, move—hands—!"

With a burst of shouting, all the masters under the command of the Duke of Zhen's government moved.

Compared with counselors and courtiers, this group of martial arts practitioners are often determined people. After being shocked, they quickly adjusted their mentality and completed their tasks.

Just take off a human head.

They fought hand in hand, there was nowhere to escape in the air and on the ground, and they wanted to be crisp and neat.

Bai Jue looked at the masters who were intertwined in the network, and said lightly: "You are not stupid, but unfortunately...too persistent, I know, but you still want to send your hands to die..."

Li Xiuning clenched her weapon tightly, she was about to make a move, but was stopped by Li Shiming.

Princess Qin shook her head slowly: "Mister will be unhappy..."

Li Xiuning was impatient, because the group of warriors had already killed him.

"I'll take this head!"

The nearest martial artist was so angry, he laughed wildly, and slashed his head with a sword.

Bai Jue didn't even look at it, just sneered.


Once again, the sky and the earth are brightly blooming.

Thunder danced wildly, the wind was surging, the dark clouds in the sky gathered into a vortex, and the huge ions released destructive energy in the clouds, which was inexhaustible, releasing spears of thunder to the ground, and the spears were intertwined. The net covered the three people under the two umbrellas.


The thunder pierced through the chests of more than a dozen warriors, the brilliance in their eyes quickly dimmed, and their blood was evaporated, quickly turning into charcoal.

The human body is so fragile. Even a body that has been tempered and tempered cannot change the most basic carbon-based structure. How can humans defend themselves against lightning that can penetrate insulation? It can.

However, even the berserk Thunder, after killing more than a dozen fighters, did not hurt the three people inside. The scorched marks it left on the ground happened to be a perfect circle, like an insurmountable thunder pool, drawing out A clear line between life and death.

This time, everyone saw clearly and clearly.

An old courtier's eyes were wide open, and his facial muscles were trembling. After a long time, he tremblingly said: "Is he... driving thunder and lightning, controlling thunder?"

Unbelievable, but true.

Look at the brilliant heavenly power falling from the sky, like a thunderstorm roaring at the end of the day, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, no living being can save itself, can only watch it destroy everything, and pray to God not to punish himself.

Under this thunder, no matter whether you are a world-renowned prince or aristocrat, or a villainous gangster, all living beings are equal!


This is not the punishment of God's anger, but the power and anger of a person!

So domineering, so uninhibited, so terrifying, it is a pure mighty force that can crush any schemes and plans, and a power that tramples everything!

This is much more intuitive and more deterrent than cutting from Zulong Pavilion to Chang'an East Gate with one person and one sword.

Even though Bai Jue is the most powerful person in the world, he is still only a human being after all. Human beings have limits and can be defeated!

But the heavens are different. Borrowing the mighty power of the heavens and the earth, with every move, the emperor sends thunder, and the world sings the most, which should be called invincible in the world.

This, fundamentally, is - cheating!

But so what?

In the game of life and death, there is no fairness or injustice. This is not a positive contest. If you take precautions every step of the way, so what if I cheat?So what if you flip the chessboard?

If you don't accept it, you can... Hold on!

Bai Jue killed a group of innate masters under Yang Guang's command with all his gestures, and it was only a matter of blowing his breath.

Envoy Lei Ting, he couldn't do it in the past, but now because of the increase in mental strength, coupled with the awakening of the white tiger, and the current sky happens to be thunderstorms, it is much simpler than it looks, this Lei Ting is old It is a great gift from the sky. It is not in vain, but it saves a lot of effort compared to self-generated electricity.

The heavy rain was still falling, Bai Jue looked at Yang Guang through the rain curtain, and said calmly: "What did I say? You will be struck by lightning if you pretend to be aggressive... My child, you need electrotherapy."

After the voice fell, another thunderbolt fell from the sky.

The luxuriant thunder roared and fell in front of the Xuanwu Gate. Some grasshoppers who tried to escape were blocked by the thunder, and a minister of the court was involved, and he was wiped out in ashes. It seemed that he was a minister of the Ministry of Rites. ?But it doesn't matter...

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