"You want to leave before I finish talking?" Bai Jue raised his eyebrows: "Do I want to lose face?"

The courtiers trembled, looking at Bai Jue under the thunder, as if staring at the god of thunder.

Someone said: "We were just tricked by Lord Zhen Guo, why do you have to force us so hard..."

"Forced? Is someone forcing you?" Bai Jue smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't force you. Those who are present today will not die!"

As soon as this remark came out, how many people immediately changed their expressions, and they were shocked and said: "Are you crazy! We are all important officials of the court, without us..."

"If two-thirds of the scum is missing, this country will not perish. What's more, there are many people who came from behind." Bai Jue said lightly: "I don't understand government affairs, and I don't understand rules. It is best not to keep anyone who is on the opposite side of you..." After finishing speaking, he laughed at himself: "Such a cold-blooded style really doesn't suit me..."

"Sir, killing a court official is a felony." Li Shiming said softly.

Hearing this sentence, the group of ministers saw the straw, and hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, stop this lunatic! We are willing to do the work of dogs and horses!"

"...Heh" Li Shiming ignored it, and changed the topic: "So, let me do it... The Son of Heaven Sword first cuts and then plays, and there is no need to care about right and wrong when killing people."

She looked at the group of court ministers like a butcher watching a lamb: "Today, the blood of the coup d'état has stained the Xuanwu Gate! No one will be left behind!"

Pity for those courtiers who are blown by the wind and fall on both sides, they are completely cold...


ps1: I forgot to post the text yesterday, forget it, don't care about these details.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Shiming holds the Son of Heaven Sword, sharpens the knife and rushes at the pigs and sheep...

"You can't kill me. My family has four generations and three generations. I am loyal to the Shenzhou Empire. The sun and the moon can learn from each other. If you kill me, the Yuan family in Yizhou will not...ah!"

"Me too, you can't kill me, you killed me as the head of the Xun family, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable... Ugh!"

"My father is the founding father of the country. Even if you have the Son of Heaven Sword, you can't kill me casually. The gold medal of forgiveness handed down by Emperor Wu of Han in my family...Pfft!"

Courtiers fell one after another.

Li Shiming's face was as frosty, and he shook the Tianzi sword, blood spattered three feet.

"The sword of the empire can't cut your gold medal from the Han Dynasty? You've been confused for too long... The era of aristocratic families is about to end."

It has been over a hundred years since the founding of the Shenzhou Empire, and the generation who accompanied the first emperor to fight has long been buried in the loess. Most of the people here have achieved high positions by relying on the shadow of their ancestors. In a word, most of them are selfish and grab power Most of them.

Those who are familiar with history know that when the dynasty was at its peak, there must be aristocratic families who seized power, and in troubled times, there were also activities of aristocratic families, and even the demise of the Sui Dynasty was largely due to Emperor Sui Yang's implementation of the imperial examination system, which angered the aristocratic families Monopoly over intellectual power.

To put it more thoroughly, the so-called royal family is only the largest family in an era, which is especially evident in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

In the history of the Shenzhou Empire, even after going through the period of the Five Husbands and the Sixteen Kingdoms in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the influence of the family still retained a lot, and it developed steadily and took root in the smooth weather of the Shenzhou Empire for a hundred years.

Even the emperor needs to take care of the face of the family when making decisions about the locality... The more peaceful the era is, the more this is the case, so nearly one-third of the courtiers are people who maintain the power of the family. A very small number of them came from poor families and were excluded in the court.

The first emperor thought about the old love, and he didn't want the Shenzhou Empire to be shocked when it was first established, so it was inconvenient to kill again, so he didn't cleanse the aristocratic family too much.

Coupled with the prestige of the first emperor as a heroic spirit, the prestige of an emperor through the ages is enough to make any family dare not take a step beyond the threshold, so it has been peaceful for a hundred years, but now that the first emperor has abdicated, these aristocratic families may not want to return to the past.

If you don't deter now, you won't have another chance in the future.

Li Shiming will not miss this opportunity, she knows the pros and cons, so she will not hesitate to kill.

This group of courtiers has become lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Either they will be killed by the Tang Emperor who has not ascended the throne, or they will be chopped into ashes by the thunder. No matter what, they are all dead, and they will use their deaths to deter the world. The most unacceptable shame for them.

But if they don't accept it, they can only accept it, because they are not playing chess with others, and the other party doesn't make sense at all.

Even Yang Guang didn't care about their life and death, because these people were not even his confidantes, they were just objects to win him over. He couldn't protect himself now, even if he wanted to, he couldn't do anything. What's more, in his eyes, these old officials It was originally the object that should be cleaned up after ascension to the throne.

The wind blows both sides, and the villain who retreats before the battle is not worthy of being used by him.

On this point, Li Shiming and Yang Guang had the same resonance.

As a result, Xuanwu Gate was stained with blood.


"Today, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave." Bai Jue stared at Yang Guang and said calmly: "Simply put, Yang Guang, your lunch box has arrived, please sign for it."

Yang Guang took a deep breath, his clothes were soaked by the heavy rain, standing in front of Bai Jue, he couldn't bring himself to be angry, only a deep remorse and unwillingness, he had already realized that the situation was over, he was still in the end planted.

It's just that it's not clear what happened, and the smooth sailing has been turned around...Why is it like this?

"It was my biggest mistake that I didn't count you, but it's too early to say that everything is over." Yang Guang stared at Bai Jue: "I'm not someone who is so easy to be reconciled to, you can either do it now Kill me, or..."


Bai Jue agreed very simply: "Then I will kill you now to avoid future troubles."

Yang Guang was startled, is this person so decisive!Can I just finish talking!

"Wait--! I still have something to say." Yang Guang shouted.

Bai Jue stopped his hands: "Say it, I'll send you on your way after you finish speaking. I'm in a hurry now, so I'll give you [-] seconds to say my last words."

"Why..." Yang Guang said in a low voice: "Why did you choose the palace of the princes and princes? You have the power to change the world, but you want to support a naive woman to bring the empire to decline. You are..."

"Naive?" Bai Jue glanced at the bloody princess who was full of sword qi, killing people like dogs, and shrugged: "Naive is okay."

"Isn't it?" Yang Guang bit Li Xiuning's eyes, looking at the bewildered Princess Pingyang Zhao: "What qualifications does she have to ascend to the throne, does she have the ability to govern the country, she will only let this empire go to ruin !"

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