Li Xiuning tilted her head and made a lovely doubtful voice: "...Eh?"

"Isn't it!" Yang Guang said in a deep voice, "I will never lose to her in the way of being king!"

"..." Bai Jue fell silent.

In Yang Guang's view, this silence was a guilty conscience, and he continued to question: "How many shocks will your wishful choice bring to the next hundred years, and how many people in this empire will be impoverished, you can bear the guilt... "

"Stop." Bai Jue interrupted him: "What you said makes sense, I know it all, but... when did I say that Li Xiuning would become emperor?"

"...What?" Yang Guang thought he heard it wrong.

"You are not only skinny, you also have bad eyesight... Take a closer look, who owns the Tianzi Sword now?" Yang Guang was stunned, and when he looked back, he saw Li Shiming's sword rising and falling, standing still. In the heavy rain, the black dress was stained with blood, with every step and scar, and the dark red water dripped from the edge of the sword. She was as calm as a Rakshasa girl, like a black lotus parasitic on a sea of ​​blood. The blood was alluring and beautiful.

"It's her... Li Shiming, how could it be her?" Yang Guang was confused: "How could she have the appearance of becoming a king... There must be something wrong."

He was so wronged. In the end, even the opponent for the imperial power admitted that he was wrong. It was too aggrieved and hurtful...

"I also thought I was unworthy, but my husband's words woke me up... Some things are human-made, how will you know success or failure if you don't try?" Li Shiming sighed: "In the end, we did nothing and achieved nothing. , just kept watching Mr. perform."

Li Shiming caressed the Tianzi sword lightly, this sword hurt Yang Guang's eyes, and made him want to go crazy with jealousy, this kind of inadvertent showing off made his heart burn like fire.

But... what can he do?

Thinking about it carefully, what he's doing is really good.

While playing a role that has been painstakingly managed for hundreds of years, secretly planning, planning for a rainy day, all kinds of strategies have been arranged, and all the atmosphere is painstakingly created, just like when playing cards, all good cards are in hand, even the routine of playing cards After thinking about it, the opponent directly threw six bombs at the face and slapped him to death.

Even if Bai Jue didn't slap him to death now, his life would already be gloomy, and he wished he could bump his head to death in front of his parents' spiritual tablet.

Yang Guang thought bitterly... It turns out that I am the clown.

He tremblingly said: "Who the hell... are you... why can you control Thunder?"

"People like you who are born with a womanhood will not understand." Bai Jue said casually: "A man who has been single for a long time will change his job to become a magician, and he will be able to obtain all kinds of supernatural abilities. I learned the Internet without a teacher. Addiction treatment Dafa, practiced together with the thirteen postures of "Heavenly Thunder Splitting Pretending to Force", and finally achieved the power of resisting thunder and absorbing wind and thunder with the palm."

Li Xiuning curled her lips when she heard that, thinking they were so easy to fool as children.

"However, this thunder can't do anything to a real heroic spirit." Bai Jue said with emotion: "Although I haven't exerted my full strength yet."

The fluffy words even dispelled Yang Guang's desire to sneak up on Gou to survive. Could there be more ruthless feelings?

These words don't sound like bragging... What kind of monster is this riding horse? I, Mr. Zhen, have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck, right?

Bai Jue patted Yang Guang on the shoulder, and said kindly: "Not much to say, it's time to send you on your way... I still have a lot of things to deal with, I don't have time to talk with you here, see you in the next life ..."

A certain Bai raised his hand, and he was about to make a move of the five thunders to straighten the heart taught by Professor Yang himself.

"Wait... At least give me a chance to apologize to my ancestors..." Yang Guang shouted.

Bai Jue stopped his hand again, and his palm stopped an inch above his forehead. Yang Guang was sweating coldly. Just as he was about to say something, he found that the other party didn't look at him at all.

Yes, Bai didn't stop touching his dog's head not because of Yang Guang's words, but because an unexpected guest came unexpectedly.

At the end of the long street leading directly from Xuanwu Gate to Chang'an City, a vague figure appeared. It quickly changed from virtual to real, and was shrouded in a black mist. It just stood there like an indelible mark on a scroll. The black spots destroyed the overall harmony, and even the black clouds in the sky seemed to be a little thicker, and the heavy rain added a bit of chill.

The scarlet eyes and the familiar long-handled weapon in his hand reminded Bai Jue of the hundred-hour pursuit, as calm as he was, and he couldn't help feeling Congxin impulse.

"It's cruel enough, hey... just like my ass so much, you don't hesitate to chase it into the real world? Sure enough, because sister Jianxian wants to suppress the tens of millions of undead, she can't contain this group of heroic spirits and ghosts." Bai Juexu raised his head. Eyes: "Although I expected it, I really didn't expect it to come so soon. The first one to arrive was this monster... One-on-one, I don't know what chance I have of winning."

After all, he is a monster among monsters, a war ghost among heroic spirits, and he cannot be allowed to run around.

Moreover, it is only the first to arrive, there may not be a second and a third...

Bai Jue glanced at Yang Guang, and with the idea of ​​recycling waste, he let go of his hand and said, "I'll give you a chance to live."

Yang Guang breathed out with difficulty: "You said..."

"I'll give you half an hour to evacuate all the civilians in Chang'an City, leaving no one behind, and all out of the city." Bai Jue said lightly: "Then you can call the so-called masters to encircle and suppress me, or you can bring Follow your troops as far as you can, if you still have someone to take with you."

"Sir?" Li Shiming realized something.

"Xiu Ning went to call the army to seal Chang'an City, Shi Ming, and retreated into the Zulong Pavilion." Bai Jue said, "Go quickly...the Overlord is coming!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yang Guang slipped away, and his confidantes, except for Yang Su, were all killed, and they were no longer successful.

Li Xiuning also went outside the city to gather troops to block Chang'an City.

Li Shiming stood by Bai Jue's side, holding an umbrella, she was not willing to retreat yet.

"It's time for you to go back to the Zulong Pavilion... Now that Duke Zhen is defeated, the Dragon Army will blockade the imperial city. You who hold the Emperor Sword are now the Crown Prince, and they will protect your safety." Bai Jue ordered.

"Where's sir?" Li Shiming asked, but he already knew the answer.

"I'll go meet him."

Bai Jue stretched his neck, looked at the monster approaching at every step in front of him, with a little fear and dignity in his eyes: "The heroic war ghost is an evil ghost who has fallen into the way of Shura. If no one restrains him, he will definitely massacre the city... ...It is not a big deal for the overlord who is against ten thousand people."

——After all, this is the fierce man who burned Xianyang Palace and slaughtered Xianyang City.

If he had a choice, Bai Jue really didn't want to confront such a terrifying opponent, but he had no choice, since Sister Jianxian was not there, there were not many heroic spirits in the Shenzhou Empire today, and even fewer remained in Chang'an City. A martial artist in the innate realm is not enough to look at before he is the overlord in the innate realm.

However, this does not actually affect the course of history.

Now Li Shiming is the crown prince, and Yang Guang, the biggest obstacle, has lost his threat. Even if Chang'an is slaughtered, as long as the Shenzhou Empire is not destroyed, history will not change Bai Jue can ignore it and go directly Ye Chang'an, avoiding the overlord's edge, solved the source of the singularity with the fastest and most direct speed, completed the task and went home to fish.

This is a bad policy, because it will cause unpredictable losses in this world.

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