Afterwards, he held the Cangxue sword, and the newly born child also looked at him curiously, an aura came from the edge of the sword, quite spiritual.

"I'll give you a name." Bai Jue flicked the blade of the sword, and the sword chant was as clear as a bell: "Why don't you just call it..."

"—every chapter must be broken!"

"—Bai Xue must be killed!"

The sound of the sword groaning seemed to be a protest.

"Isn't it good?" Bai Jue is hard at picking names: "Could it be possible to name you a middle school student, Solanum nigrum?"

The sword chant sounded again, as if scolding.

"Forget it, I won't tease you..." Bai Jue caressed the sword, recalling Zhan Lu's name, and said, "I'll call you Feixue."

The sword groaned, it was very satisfied with this title.

At the same time, the heavy black iron door in front of the courtyard was pierced by a shot, and amidst the roar, the overlord had arrived.

"I've been waiting for a long time..." Bai Jue said, "My sword is already in hand, come on, I'll give you a ride on the way to the Underworld—!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiaoxiao rain falls, rain falls in Chang'an.

At this time, the sky was slightly dark; in the courtyard, the killing intent was burning.

The downpour gradually subsided, turning into misty misty rain and falling down.

In the misty rain, there were two people standing majestically.

One, in white clothes, holds a sword, and the other, in black armor, holds a spear.

Bai Jue and Xiang Yu, mortals and heroic spirits, Fei Xuejian and Overlord Spear.

This can be regarded as the first official confrontation between the two, and Bai Jue finally stopped running away, took the long sword, and fought calmly... When he chooses to fight head-on, he will definitely decide whether to win or lose.

"I'd rather be pursued by Nie Zheng or Dian Wei..."

During the confrontation, Bai Jue opened his mouth, not to show weakness, but to express his feelings: "But I can roughly guess why it is you and not them... because you are too strong, you can restrain me and make me feel so strong." I'm stuck, I can't get distracted."

He looked at the Overlord, and the last hint of talking and laughing in his eyes disappeared, leaving only the indifference and stern air of a swordsman: "Sister Jianxian deliberately let you out of Ye Chang'an, it's not because you can't do it, but She did it on purpose, she knew I would definitely go..."

"But I won't let her get what she wants..." Bai Jue raised his sword, and Feixuejian's pale sword body cut into the mist and rain. The sword energy cut through the mist, as if cutting off a landscape painting.

He said, "One minute, one minute... You die, or I die!"

The moment the voice fell, Bai Jue clearly felt the sharp increase in the oppressive power from the Overlord. If it was expressed in the picture of Dragon Ball, it would mean that his combat power value was increasing sharply again, and he could already blow up the combat power display.

But, this is not Dragon Ball. Those people who have all their strength but can't exert [-]% of it can't be called qualified warriors at all.

The moment the Overlord raised his spirit, Bai Jue also entered a special artistic conception.

This special artistic conception is actually just a special state of mind. When Bai Jue borrowed the power of the white tiger, he had stepped into this level of state, that is, the state of mind of clear mirror and still water.

When he no longer borrows the power of the white tiger, but enters this realm with the sword will, there will naturally be a corresponding change—what is controlled is no longer the thunder, but the sword will and sword energy.

This power does not belong to Bai Jue, but to Zhao Zheng'er, the Sword Immortal. She unreservedly imprinted the ultimate intention of the sword on Bai Jue's soul, guiding him to make great progress in the way of the sword... But It is passive absorption, not active comprehension. Only when Bai Jue takes the initiative to lift the restriction and embrace this sword intent without reservation, can he command the vast sword intent in his body like a sea of ​​swords.

With the sound of sword chanting sounding in her mind, Bai Jue seemed to be embraced by someone from behind. She held Bai Jue's palm with her tender hands, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, rested her chin on his shoulder, and spoke lightly. Light and mild.

She said, "Sword, it should be used like this—"

Bai Jue has never felt so smooth before, every move is kept in his heart, and he has completely mastered this body.

The chilling sword qi is vertical and horizontal, gathered within ten steps, the invisible sword field isolates the aura of the overlord, colliding with the lingering fighting qi, there is a faint sound of piercing the air in the atmosphere, sharp and piercing, like the intersection of real swords .

Finally, when the momentum reached its peak, the two understood.

Bai Jue turned into a cloud of mist and rain, blending into the misty drizzle, with a sword like a dragon, accompanied by thousands of sword qi.

Contrary to the lightning-fast sword, the Overlord Xiang Yu's mountain-heavy, mountain-collapsing spear, slow and slow, steady and steady, pushed flat with one spear, condensed with unrivaled power capable of destroying cities and villages. Then Ou Yezi's courtyard was completely shaken into ruins.

The burning immortal furnace also collapsed in a piece of rubble, covering the old body that had lost its heroic soul, and the smoke and rain could not extinguish the flames that flowed out of the furnace.

The two were indeed fighting, but they could only see a passing shadow and the immovable Overlord.

The weapons of the two didn't even collide, and there was no sound of metal and iron clashing, just because one was too fast and the other was too strong.

A sword that is extremely fast is even faster than the naked eye, and a spear that is extremely strong is enough to crush everything.

Both Overlord and Bai Jue know how to avoid disadvantages and seek advantages, use their own strengths to overcome the enemy's weaknesses, and confront each other with two completely different styles. The Overlord Spear, which exploded with full power, proved that both sides had never been at a disadvantage.

What's more, Bai Jueli's statement that the winner will be determined in 'one minute' must not be delayed for too long.

Seeing that [-] seconds have passed since the two sides clashed, it is not an exaggeration to say that the two sides are evenly matched.

Perhaps Bai Jue still had a slight advantage, but soon he couldn't even attack, because the overlord...had already started to use his treasure.

Heroic spirits and war ghosts, even if they are just the wreckage of a heroic spirit, are also eligible to activate the Noble Phantasm.

The treasure is a one-shot lore, but unfortunately, only heroic spirits have it.

The overlord Xiang Yu, who has lost his reason after a long battle, would not choose the method of boiling frogs in warm water, let alone being beaten by the pressure of the sword all the time. , The whole body's energy is concentrated on the Overlord Spear.

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