The jet-black Heroic Spirit expanded and spread from his arm, spreading like a circuit for several meters, and his feet sank into the ground, leaving two deep footprints.

He chose to stop, and Bai Jue's figure also emerged from the misty rain.

This is really a bit of a rascal... If you can't beat it, just put the treasure, this is bullying at all.

Thirty-two seconds into the confrontation between the two, Bai Jue stopped and began to think about how to deal with this move.

He had seen the Overlord's Noble Phantasm once in Ye Chang'an.

That shot was so powerful that it collapsed ten miles and shattered tens of thousands of undead.

The disadvantage is that it takes time to recharge... But the heroic spirit's activation of the treasure has never been heard that it can be interrupted... unless some unscrupulous master activates the command spell to forcibly stop the activation of the treasure.

Otherwise, you can only fight hard.

In terms of killing, he doesn't seem to have many... The white tiger's fusion state needs to be used to deal with the remaining tens of thousands of undead, and he doesn't want to use this cheating method. The swordsman will naturally use the swordsman's sword to decide the outcome .

Bai Jue pondered: "Then, should we use that trick..."

He pressed his palm on the edge of the sword: "Although it was just a temporary idea, maybe it can be perfected now..."

The common people's sword, the third realm.

The ultimate in Tibetan swordsmanship, with Bai Jue's strength, it is impossible to master one of the ultimate swordsmanship now no matter what.

However, if there is the assistance of the ultimate intention of the sword...

She said: "Hiding swordsmanship has reached the third level, so there is no need to hide...just take out the sheath..."

She held Bai Jue's palm: "Hold the hilt tightly..."

She gently supported his head: "Look straight ahead..."

She whispered next to her ear: "Adjust your breathing..."

Feixuejian was humming... as excited as a jumping cat sucking on catnip.

Time passed slowly, and when Bai Jue was still comprehending the third realm of the Common Sword, the Overlord's treasure had already been activated.

The gun is fired like a landslide; the roar is like thunder.

Feifei Misty Rain was swept up into the sky by the howling wind. On the contrary, nothing of quality could fly up into the sky, even a feather was firmly pressed to the ground... Then, it was crushed into slag!

This is Xiang Yu's heroic spirit, pure destruction and pure domineering.

The power is all concentrated on the lethality, without any assistance, and exists for the output of fierce battles.

The Martial Saint Xiang Yu, who was in the innate extreme state during his lifetime, is definitely not weaker than any warrior of the same level in his grasp of power, but even so, when he activates the treasure, he has already been unable to unify his power. How irresistible is the power that crushed the Overlord Spear.

Even if this is a range-based AOE skill, it far exceeds the single-target attack damage of most heroic spirits.

Faced with the power of a shot that is enough to send himself into the second dimension (physics), Bai Jue raised his eyes, his mind as calm as water.

He was waiting, waiting for the voice.

she says.

"The sword can be sharp and restrained, gentle as jade, and a gentleman."

"The sword is also sharp, and the sword is cold in Kyushu."

"Draw out your sword and cut it!"

The white-clothed swordsman, the drizzle, and the beautiful woman are always the best embellishments in this ancient scene, and the most dazzling moment of the swordsman does not lie in his handsome back that kills one person in ten steps, but in...

The moment the sword is drawn.


At the moment when the edge burst, Bai Jue raised the blade, and the snow-like pure sword body was like the light of dawn at dawn, drawing a beautiful trajectory, the dazzling sword light, like a frightening bird, like a swimming dragon.

The sword and spear made a crisp sound, which was the first sound they had ever heard in a fight.

All the mighty momentum was submerged in the confrontation between the sword field and the spear power, leaving only a gully nine feet deep here.

The light and shadow dissipated, and the drizzle finally stopped.

Only one swordsman and king remained in the confrontation, the sun pierced through the rain clouds, and sprinkled the dawn of victory on the blood-stained white clothes.


Why can't I always write less than [-] words...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue won.

Although it was a miserable victory.

At the moment of victory, he also exited the state of sword intent, and the extreme intent of swordsmanship that looked down on the world also dissipated.

The moment his sword pierced the Overlord's heart, Xiang Yu reversed the direction of the Overlord's spear and hit his lower abdomen instead. Although one of his kidneys was blown away, he did not kill him immediately.

Thinking back to the end, the smile he showed should be admiration for the future generations.

He didn't want Bai Jue to win the competition but lose his life, so he deliberately let the weapon go.

Heroic spirits and war ghosts cannot return to civilization without death. In theory, he accepted a favor from Bai Jue instead, so he also returned a favor to him.

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