"In short, I barely won. It's terrible. I really don't want to do it again."

Bai Jue stood up shaking his body, his white clothes were stained with blood.

He tried his best not to fall down by supporting his body with the Feixue sword, but the massive blood loss let him know that he probably wouldn't be able to last too long.

Fortunately, this body is just borrowed flesh and blood... Even if it is necrotic, there is no pity.

Just like firewood, there is no heartache when it burns out, it was born to burn.

"The rest, there are three heroic spirits and war ghosts. I don't know if they have also arrived in this world..."

While thinking about it, suddenly, there was a loud roar from the direction of the imperial city. Looking from a distance, the Xuanwu Gate shattered into hundreds of uneven stones, which shattered all over the ground, raising smoke and dust all over the place, and the dust accumulated in the ditch The rain splashed more than ten meters high.

This exaggerated scene can be clearly seen even standing at the gate of the city, after all, a gap was forcibly torn into the towering imperial city.

That strange force...you don't need to guess who it is.


Bai Jue took a deep breath, tore off a piece of cloth, bound the wound on his waist and abdomen, temporarily stopped the bleeding, and rushed towards the Xuanwu Gate.

The strength of the heroic spirit and war ghost is no less than that of a real heroic spirit. There are no heroic spirits in Chang'an City, and they are not enough to contend with him.

"This is the rhythm that requires me to wear four."

Bai Jue smiled bitterly and sighed: "As expected of a high-intensity dungeon, the surname is Bai...I call you your ancestor."

But wry smiles are wry smiles, cursing mothers is cursing mothers, what should be done is still to be done.

Bai Jue rushed all the way to the imperial city. When he passed the central long street, he heard the sound of flying horseshoes ahead.

Looking around, the rain was trampled by horseshoes, and at the end of the long street, hundreds of cavalry galloped.

The leader is holding a Qingxuan long sword, hunting with a cloak, riding on a flying swallow, and with a solid aura, it is Yang Guang who has put on a martial arts attire!

People have human nature and blood.

After being pushed to the limit, the blood in the body will overwhelm the human nature and make people crazy like beasts. As long as there is a drop of blood in people's hearts, even a little spark can ignite it, turning people into bloodthirsty monsters.

And this kind of change will not stop without bloodbath.

Just like Yang Guang at this time, his killing intent is genuine. Sitting on horseback, carrying a family-heired sword, and leading an elite army, his blood has already boiled. If he didn't come for revenge, who would? letter?Could it be that it's just a process?

The shame and failure that Bai Jue brought him was the worst in his life, even if he lost his mind, it was completely reasonable to come back and find him to fight to the death.

It is not uncommon in history for people to die out of loyalty. What's more, he is still the world-renowned Lord of the Town. Anyway, he has failed to steal the country, and he will inevitably be bloodbathed afterwards. Why not just struggle before dying.

Therefore, Bai Jue was not surprised.

The two of them were separated by a long street and had to look at each other, with an indelible coldness lingering in their eyes.

He stood here, another person came galloping, even if his weapon cut off his head, it was an inevitable result.

But he couldn't kill himself.

Bai Jue has absolute confidence in his strength. As long as the white tiger is released, not to mention the few hundred elite guards, even a thousand people are no more than chickens and dogs. It is because they have power that they are confident, or because the opponent has nothing to do and chooses to die. Taking your time?

The result is the same.

It's a pity that Yang Guang is more stupid than expected, and if he escapes now, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

But he had to return to Chang'an City, which had already become a battlefield.

"To borrow a word from an egg..." Bai Jue said lightly, "You are asking for your own death."

The sound of horseshoes became louder, and the other party got closer.

Bai Jue's expression became more and more lazy. In order to save energy, he simply stood still and waited for him to take the initiative to deliver the head.

Finally, the distance between the two was less than the last three steps.

When Yang Guang raised his sword, Bai Jue's eyes also lit up with a golden glow.

No matter how fast the sword is, it cannot be as fast as Bai Miao's claws.

However, this brilliance full of tyranny and destruction was extinguished in an instant.

A wordless coldness enveloped Bai Jue from behind, that murderous ambush, and the sound of music lingering in his ears...

Too familiar, the terrifying assassin who threatened Bai Jue's life several times in Ye Chang'an...

——Nie Zheng!

—he's always there!

Bai Jue wanted to turn back, but it was too late!

The assassin stepped out of the shadows, stabbing Bai Jue's back with his dagger, where his heart was.

And right in front of him, Yang Guang let out a low growl, the innate stellar energy surged, and a cold light pierced out, dazzling the light and shadow.

Ruhong's sword light directly took Bai Jue's head.

The back and forth staggered attacks made Bai Jue unavoidable, even if he dodged one, there would be another.

I tried to use the power of the white tiger before, but I was confused by Nie Zheng's treasure "Guangling San". It is precisely this moment where every second counts... Life and death are sealed.

——Damn the car overturned!

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