Bai Jue was finally about to play GG.

But when he was about to close his eyes, the sword light coming from the front did not slash at his neck, but brushed over his head, cutting off a few strands of his hair... and a force strangled his neck The collar dragged him abruptly off the ground and pulled him back.

At the same time, a cold light pierced from behind narrowly brushed Bai Jue's back, tore through his robe, leaving faint bloodstains.

Nie Zheng also escaped into the darkness again, and a pair of icy pupils shifted to Yang Guang's body...

Yang Guang's sword edge was stained with a few wisps of blood, leaving conspicuous sword marks on the ground.

He let go of his hand and threw Bai Jue out.

Lord Zhen looked down at Bai with a cold gaze: "Do you want to court death?"

Bai Jue stabilized his body. He hadn't recovered from the situation just now. He touched his chin. Just now, Yang Guang had the opportunity to cut off his head, but he didn't do so. Instead, he helped him avoid the The assassination of the assassin Nie Zheng.

——emmmmmmm... He saved me?Am I hallucinating!

Bai Jue's expression was extremely weird for a moment, after thinking about it, he asked, "Did you get Akua in your head?"

Hearing this, Yang Guang became angry immediately, and he roared, "I probably saved you because my brain was squeezed by the door! I can't wait to cut you into pieces! You broke my grandparents' last wish and ruined my many years of planning. I can't compare with you!" Anyone wants to kill you a thousand times!"

"Then why did you save me?" Bai Jue knew that he deserved to be beaten, but he was still curious.

"Before I kill you, you can't die..." Yang Guang looked at the blood on his sword: "What's more, killing you at this time has no other use than venting hatred. I don't even bother to use such means."

——Mom, is he being arrogant?Such a strong sense of sight!

Bai Jue thought for a while, and said honestly: "Thank you... I will return this favor to you. You are more aware of the overall situation than I imagined."

"I won't want your favor in this life!" Yang Guang said coldly: "It's not the failure you gave me, I still can't realize my limitations... Huh, maybe I should thank you."

He raised his long sword: "Go away, I don't need you here! I will deal with this assassin! Go to the Zulong Pavilion! That monster is about to tear down the imperial city!"

He paused: "That is the glory left by His Majesty...No one will be allowed to defile it."

Bai Jue was stunned, and he took a deep look at Yang Guang.

That's how it is... Maybe he also respects and looks forward to the eternal emperor. Only now that he has lost the fight for imperial power, can this Duke of Zhen abandon his ancestors' last wish and express his true thoughts. Maybe he really wants to... It is not the imperial power, but the inheritance of the first emperor's throne and her glory.

Bai Jue vaguely recalled the records he had read about Yang Guang, Duke of Zhen Guo in the general history of the Shenzhou Empire - his parents died of illness in his early years, and the first emperor enlightened his childhood wisdom and raised him for a month, so he entrusted him to the Duke of Zhen Guo's mansion. Patrol every month until it reaches adulthood...

Come to think of it, if it weren't for the first emperor, Yang Guang, who was only seven or eight years old back then, would not be able to keep the family property of the Zhen Guo government even with the help of Yang Su and other ministers.

Bai Jue cupped his hands, turned around and left without speaking... He was no longer worried that Yang Guang would stab him in the back, at least not now.

"Is it really okay to let him go like this?" A guard asked: "Duke Zhen, don't you hate him very much? He called you a thief."

Yang Guang looked far away: "Maybe I'm a thief...but I'm not a thief, I'm a patriotic thief!"

He raised his long sword: "So... Assassin, if you want to kill me, kill me, Yang Guang first! My life is more valuable than that Bai..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dian Wei, the ancient evil comes.

A fierce general galloping on the battlefield at home and abroad in ancient and modern times, there is a saying that there is a strong man under his account, Dian Jun, who carries a pair of halberds weighing eighty catties.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu are called the two heroes of tiger and ben. He was a fierce general under Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period. Since ancient times, there are many historical records about his bravery. Whether it is Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his strength and prestige are all on the battlefield. It was killed step by step.

In the end, his death was not an upright death on the battlefield, but for Cao Cao's queen, outnumbered and exhausted.

Killing and fighting was his destiny.

Now that he has fallen into a heroic spirit and a war ghost, he does not retain any rationality at all. Unlike Li Guang, Hua Xiong, and Xiang Yu, these three can at least retain a little residual rationality, while he has already gone completely mad.

A halberd shattered the Xuanwu Gate and tore the walls of the imperial city. It was unparalleled in power and power, which was jaw-dropping.

The strength of the heroic spirit is too strong, the imperial city is always guarded by the dragon guards, and there is no way to stop Dian Wei, an enemy of thousands of people, from advancing. He is clearly going to Li Shiming, or to say, to the Zulong Pavilion of.

The swordsman and general are two people who belong to different worlds.

One is the rivers and lakes of love and hatred, and the other is the battlefield of gold and iron horses.

But in fact, there is no difference. In the final analysis, the rivers and lakes are also the rivers and lakes of human beings, and the battlefield is also the battlefield of human beings. The kindness and enmity that knights talk about, and the kindness that military commanders repay, for their respective goals, even if it is two different worlds. people will also fight.

Holding the long sword, Bai Jue couldn't help feeling a little regretful, because no matter whether it was Li Guang, Xiang Yu or Dian Wei, they all lost their minds.

They don't feel any sense of accomplishment if they win the current one...but they have to fight.

Standing under the broken Xuanwu Gate, he looked at Dian Wei who was surrounded by the dragon guards, and moved the corner of his mouth slightly.

Li Shiming stood in front of the gate of the Zulong Pavilion, and saw Bai Jue from a distance. She noticed Bai Jue's blood-stained figure in white clothes, and his footsteps that were seriously injured but still advancing in a corner, with a look of sadness on his face , wanted to say something, but saw Bai Jue shook his head slightly.

A leader of the Dragon Guard Army was strangled by Dian Wei's brute force, and he threw it out like a rounded bowling ball, knocking hundreds of people into the air with him. Bai Jue's feet.

The deputy commander raised his head, looked at the blood-stained white-clothed swordsman in astonishment, and said in a low voice, "You..."

"Get out of the way, don't make any more unnecessary sacrifices, you can't stop him." Bai Jue didn't look at the deputy commander, but said in an orderly tone: "Leave some space for me and him."

"What are you talking about, that kind of monster can't be stopped by one person, it's better to swarm him, at least it can consume his physical energy..." The deputy commander didn't understand at all, he was still thinking like a soldier.

"Can you stop it as soon as you rush up?"

Bai Jue looked at the monster that was crushing and advancing like a siege chariot in the scene, like a humanoid monster armed to the teeth, no matter how many people there were, it was just an increase in the number of casualties, it was a war ghost, that was a heroic spirit, It is an inhuman thing that bathes in blood and enjoys pleasure in killing.

Experience, skills, and strength are all honed for a pure kill people.

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