In the final analysis, the essence of swordsmanship, spearmanship, martial arts, etc. are the skills developed for the most effective killing and fighting. The stronger the warriors, the stronger the generals, and ultimately they all lead to the same goal. What they have mastered is the ultimate. homicide.

Integrating martial arts into Zen principles, tempering your heart with martial arts... Perhaps this is also a usage, but when you are faced with a top master who has perfected the skill of 'killing', you have no choice but to draw your sword to decide life and death. There is a second way to prevent it.

"That's... a thousand people beheaded, ten thousand people are enemies."

Bai Jue sighed: "The more you kill him, the more excited you become, and the more you fight, the wilder you become. The crowd tactics may be effective for generals with flesh and blood, but it is ineffective for monsters who have become heroic spirits and turned into war ghosts. It has no Be sensible, so don't continue to die."

The deputy commander of the Dragon Guard Army is also a warrior, and even a great innate warrior, of course he understands, but...

"This is our responsibility. You have been injured and you are no match for him." He said with difficulty: "We will at least give the prince the time to leave safely..."

Before he finished speaking, the deputy commander suddenly noticed a sharp cold wind blowing from behind.

The swordsman in white didn't say a word, just holding the sword and repeating coldly.

"--Step aside!"

The moment he heard this sentence, the deputy commander looked back, but the moment he met the other's eyes, he knew everything instantly.

The two were the same, the same monster.

This swordsman did not come here to draw his sword out of any obligation, not out of any chivalry, and not out of any spirit of sacrifice.

There is only one reason for him to come here - to decide the outcome.

This is already an almost obsessive obsession... To drive away others, I simply don't like to spend too much effort, or I don't want to build a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood here, and I don't want to stain my sword with unnecessary blood. This will make his sword dull, how can the blade be sharp when it is involved in some trivial matters?

Here is a sword that wants to kill something, and here is a war ghost that wants to tear something apart.

That's enough.

Other reasons seemed insignificant, and other audiences became dispensable. All that was needed was a cleaner stage and a larger venue.

The deputy commander swallowed hard, raised his hand, and seemed to exhaust all his strength with just one sentence: "Everyone, stand back and regroup!"

At this point, the cold killing intent lingering on his neck dissipated. He believed that if he said something wrong, the sword would definitely be on his neck.

"Thank you." Bai Jue said, wearing white clothes and white swords.

And whether the deputy commander's guess is correct... I'm afraid even Bai Jue himself doesn't know. He stayed in Ye Chang'an for several long nights, fought fiercely with heroic spirits and ghosts, and defeated three powerful enemies in a row. A lot has happened in a short time.

Something must have changed about himself, and something hasn't changed.

People have to go through experiences to grow and mature. Bai Jue does not resist this change in mentality, but he always warns himself not to forget the principle of not killing people easily - unfortunately, this principle seems insignificant here .

The death of the heroic spirit war ghost is a kind of relief, and fighting is also a reasonable choice.

That being the case, why not fight?Why escape?Why not enjoy it?

In the final analysis, all the people in the world who pursue the highest peak are lunatics. If you don’t abandon something, you will never be able to achieve it. It is precisely because of the ultimate goal that everything else is no longer important, and whether it is right or wrong is no longer important. important.

Just pursue the original heart, and at this moment, whatever you want to do, you will put it into action.

With hesitation and hesitation, the only thing you get in the end is regret. It's better to make yourself clean and pure... After all, this body will decay and perish, so it's better to use it in a valuable place.

Now I want to wield my sword without thinking about the consequences. The sword is with me, and this is all I have now.

——Let me see what is the extreme intent of this kendo!

Feixuejian groaned softly, it catered to the sword master's wishes, Bai Jue even gave up the pain in his waist, and let the hideous wounds be exposed to the water vapor, but he smiled, flirting with Jianfeng: "Come on, let's fight—" —!”

Dian Wei turned his head, maybe it still remembered the ants that had been chasing and killing for a long time, or maybe it felt the extremely condensed killing intent of the sword, on the cheeks wrapped and twisted by the thick black mist, emerged A pure smile.

Bloodthirsty, but with a touch of virginity...that's just what it is.

Then, Dian Wei roared, his eyes were red, and he activated the treasure.

【Crazy Demon Blood Dance】

As soon as he stepped on the ground, his stature soared by [-]% in just one breath. The twin iron halberds were caught in the strong wind, and the blood under the skin oozed out from the pores and was caught in the wind, mixed with the water vapor that had not dissipated. The most bloody tornado steel storm, it is like a bright red mad dragon, then it will break free from its restraints and fly into the sky...

The soldiers of the Dragon Guardian Army who had not yet had time to evacuate were included by the sweeping wind, and only had time to let out a mournful cry. The flesh and blood armor was smashed into pieces in the steel storm, adding a few strands of red to the already bright red tornado wind. color.

If it is explained in a scientific way, once it is involved in the tornado, it will suffer hundreds of times of cutting force every second, which is enough to cut the human body in half. Is a Tiger tank involved, and it will be dismantled into a mass of scrap iron in just a few breaths, let alone a human body?

But this treasure is not free, even with Dian Wei's physical strength, it is absolutely impossible to persist for more than ten seconds, this is the lore launched by burning life.

——But everyone knows that he will never stop, it's just that he is crazy until he dies!

The tornado was still expanding, and every time it turned around, it was growing, and Dian Wei was also under more and more powerful wind pressure. The blow could not stop until his own blood was drained or his body was torn apart.

Unlike the Overlord, the treasure of this move is both offensive and defensive, without any flaws.

Bai Jue didn't have the blessing of the sword fairy sister, and he couldn't wield the ultimate common sword third level.

However, the residual breath is still there.

The current Bai Jue can only use one sword, at most one sword and the body will collapse. Originally, it was just a one-time borrowed thing, and it would not be a pity if it broke.

He pressed down on Feixue sword, lowered his eyes, and did not take a step back, looking at the fierce giant in the center of the bloody storm with howling wind, silently recalling that sword.

At that moment, there was never such a smooth blow, and I didn't even realize that the sword had been unsheathed... Time did not slow down, but became faster, and the flow of the scenery became like an afterimage in the eyes, and the horizon Among them, there was only pure black and white... He discarded all unnecessary information, immersed his will, spirit, and heart, and he could even hear Fei Xuejian's breathing.

Breath and breath, the moment when the sword resonates with people... Bai Jue drew out the sword.

cut off the storm.

Half of the imperial city was separated.

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