-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sword energy spans thirty thousand miles, and the light of a sword colds nineteen states.

This is a realistic poem.

This sword can cut Xingyue.

This sword is extremely beautiful and sharp.

All the treasures of the heroic war ghost disintegrated under this sword, the howling wind dissipated, and the bloody tornado was disembowelled, revealing the brave warrior who was covered in blood.

He stood there, the black mist all over his body dissipated, the sword had cut off his karma, the black armor he was wearing, and the mask on his head were also split in two from the center.

A resolute face appeared under the visor. He stood there, raised his head, and looked at the sky.

The dripping wound was bleeding profusely, but it stood still.

"—It's a pity... I still couldn't hold on for too long."

"—Prime Minister... When evil comes, take a step first, and I will be loyal to you in the next life..."

With a few lonely smiles... he closed his eyes, and his body turned into black fragments, scattered into the sky.

No matter how brave the military general is, when the curtain calls, he is always extremely lonely.

Bai Jue looked at the direction Dian Wei was facing, silent.

In fact, he was able to enter the Zulong Pavilion early in the morning, but he didn't enter. Instead, he stood in front of the Zulong Pavilion and fought fiercely with the dragon army.

Even, when he drew his sword, he didn't deviate half a step. Originally, the aftermath of this sword was not enough to kill him, but he still blocked it with his body... Until now, Bai Jue didn't notice that he was behind his back. Those facing the Zulong Pavilion are facing themselves.

Even if he has been enchanted, even if he has lost his sanity, he still wants to protect someone or a place... So he smashed the Xuanwu Gate and came to Zulong Pavilion because he mistook Zulong Pavilion for a place .

Even though he didn't know what he was going to protect, he still took his own sword without hesitation.

"This loyal fool is hard to hate." Bai Jue sighed softly, and he closed his eyes: "I hope you can make up for your regrets in the next life."

There was a half-minute silence for Dian Wei.

Bai Jue opened his eyes, turned around stiffly, put Feixue sword into the scabbard, and walked away.

The dragon guards regrouped around and watched him go.

It was not until he walked out of Xuanwu Gate that a familiar call came from behind, and Li Shiming called out.


Bai Jue stopped and didn't look back: "You don't need to see me off, just stay here...they all need you."

Li Shiming bit his lips, his eyes were full of sadness and melancholy.

She had a hunch that this farewell would last for thousands of years, and maybe they would never see each other again in this life.

She really wanted to be willful for once, but she couldn't find a reason to be willful, let alone the qualifications to be willful... Ever since the moment she took over the Emperor Sword from His Majesty the First Emperor, all her freedom has long been dedicated to the Divine Empire and the [-] Ten thousand people.

But even so, she wanted to ask clearly, her words were soft and ethereal: "Are you back?"

"..." Bai Jue was silent for a while, then whispered, "Maybe not."

"Is it...?" Li Shiming's eyes gradually dimmed. She knew it, but why did she ask?It's just a farewell.

Having said that, it should be over.

But the girl is not reconciled, just such a beginningless beginning, such an anticlimactic ending.

"Sir, can't you stay?" she asked.

"I'm a traveler, I don't belong to any place, I still have more places to go, more things to do, more people to save, more scenery to see..." Bai Jue shook his head, he whispered : "There are still people waiting for me to go back."

Li Shiming clenched his palms: "This...isn't it okay? Can't this place be your husband's home?"

"Yes." Bai Jue sighed in his heart - this place itself is my home.

"Then why isn't Mr. willing to stay?" The girl bit her lip: "As long as Mr. is willing to stay, I..."

——I am willing to give you anything.

"It's different." Bai Jue couldn't explain clearly, and some words should not be said too clearly: "This...is different, I can't stay."

The ambiguous refusal made Li Shiming understand...

So that's the case... In the bottom of Mr.'s heart, there has never been anyone else's place...

She looked at Bai Jue, feeling pain in her heart, falling flowers intentionally flowing water was ruthless, she had never seen a different look in her husband's eyes, except for one person, only one person could move him.

It was her...

Li Shiming trembled slightly, her complexion was slightly pale, she suppressed her bitterness, and said: "I...understand."

——What do you understand?

Bai Jue frowned slightly, but she shouldn't think about it now, just pretend she understands...

Seeing that Bai Jue didn't refute, Li Shiming assumed a tacit attitude, restrained the overflowing emotions, and kept his words from trembling: "Mr. is gone, will you come back again? Can we... see you again?"

——I know that your heart belongs to you, but I still hope to meet you next time.

Bai Jue nodded, and he smiled back, as gentle as before.

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