"We will definitely meet again and say goodbye, but it is only temporary."

"I'll take a step first, Shi Ming, you have to take good care of yourself."

"This Shenzhou Empire is handed over to you."

After the words fell, he didn't look back, and disappeared outside the Xuanwu Gate.

"Take care? Just take care..."

Li Shiming looked at Bai Jue's back, and there were thousands of words in her eyes, but she couldn't say them. When her back disappeared, she seemed to lose all her strength. With blue hair and a floor-to-ceiling black dress, she slowly sat down on the spot.

"It's been years... See you in the next life..."

"Mr.'s words... Shi Ming remembers..."

"It's just in the next life, sir, do you still remember me..."

She sat for a long time, lowered her eyes, mourning alone in the river of corpses and blood that had not been cleaned up.

This scene is like sitting in hell and looking at heaven.

For a long, long time... until Li Shiming stood up again, all the sadness and hesitation that belonged to the girl's feelings disappeared. The corners of the black dress were stained with blood, and her eyes were like burning firewood.

The girl drew out the Son of Heaven Sword and looked at it carefully, with a sardonic and icy smile on her lips.

As if she had figured something out, she smiled carelessly, showing her sharpness.

"From today onwards, I am the new emperor... The emperor's order is absolute..."

"It was you who pushed me to the throne, it was you who forged the new era, it was you who gave and left without authorization...you owe me..."

"Why do you have to regret it, why do you have to beg, you don't even have a little hesitation, why should I care, who are you pretending to be, I know I can't win her, so it's better to take it by force... So, I will wait for you ... until the day we meet again."

The era of Emperor Tang will finally come. (Does anyone want Li Shiming's shares?)


At the end of the confrontation between Bai Jue and Dian Wei.

On Chang'an Long Street, another fierce battle that can be described as tragic also drew the prelude to the end.

No one saw the process of this battle, only Princess Pingyangzhao, who came late, witnessed the corpses everywhere and the blood flowing in a winding way, from one section of the long street to the other end, a full number of miles, all the way hideous... Of the hundreds of personal guards, none of them died.

When Li Xiuning walked to the end of the street, he saw Yang Guang sitting alone on the stone sculpture. He was covered with scars. A sword pierced through his lower abdomen. A hideous wound ran from his left shoulder to his right abdomen, dripping with blood. His left arm was missing, and there were countless other large and small wounds... He couldn't live for too long in this way, only his last breath was left, and he relied on a single obsession to support his immortality.

"Oh, it was you who saw me last." Yang Guang pulled the corner of his mouth, and said in a hoarse voice, "Come on, help me up, I'll die here like this, I look like a coward, I'm the Duke of Zhen, I'll die The prestige point."

Li Xiuning got off the horse and helped Yang Guang up: "Who did you meet..."

"A monster, an immortal war ghost, a mere assassin killed all of us, but in the end I also stabbed his heart with a knife, which is my revenge." Yang Guang said, touching his heart. The wound coughed violently a few times: "This can be regarded as the last thing I can do for this empire... Cough cough cough, I finally threw my head and spilled blood once, not a dead coward."

"...Thank you." Li Xiuning said in a low voice.

"I'm not happy at all to be thanked by you." Yang Guang's words were hoarse and his voice became softer and softer: "But...it's a pity that I couldn't see the side of that surnamed Bai in the end. I haven't said anything to you yet. He said."

"What, I can convey it for you." Li Xiuning's eyes were filled with sadness and sighs, and in the end, she actually respected this enemy a little.

"No need, if there is an afterlife, I will explain it to him personally. There are some things that you shouldn't say..." Yang Guang said, closing his eyes slowly, and the corners of his mouth raised a proud arc.

——Bai...you still owe me your life...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cut off the dam on the side of this world and the world, the polluted water source, the accumulation of hundreds of years.

The number of dead souls has exceeded tens of millions, and the scenery hidden under the seemingly peaceful night Chang'an is clearly a real hell. There is no ten temples of hell, no little ghosts and ghosts, just a pure lightless world.

They are the dead, the people who have passed away, and the inhabitants of the darkness. They should have slept in the ground, but because of a ray of obsession, they became paranoid and fanatical. They wanted to go back, to return to the sun, to the fresh Living flesh, wanting more.

They want to go back to the human world.

I want to go back to the world that was once a hell.

The world is a melting pot created by human greed and selfish desires. The dead become evil ghosts, and the living are even worse than evil ghosts.

Zhao Zheng'er doesn't like Buddhism, but no matter how false the words are, there is a trace of truth. Although the past and present lives they said are all false, if they don't know how to let go of some attachments, they cannot be freed.

But if someone wants to put it down, it means someone wants to pick it up.

The world is not as simple as one positive and one negative, but the resentment that is huge enough to fill a hell is no longer a matter of magnitude.

A ray of resentment can turn a flying feather into a rock, not to mention that there are thousands of evil spirits here.

Now, Ye Chang'an is about to collapse, they emerge from the night scene, they are as dark as an ant's nest, and countless evil spirits come out from the bottom, densely packed like locusts, they look up at the sky, and look at the world from hell.

The longing eyes are greedy, and they are also praying for liberation.

But they cannot be freed, and the more they are attached, the more they cannot be freed.

The air was filled with phosphorous fire, and wailing came from the night sky. Countless voices of men, women, old and young gathered together to form a river, overlapping and crisscrossing. The voice was more deafening than more than a hundred train stations during the Spring Festival travel season, either hoarse or sad or Angry or sad or excited voices eventually turned into the same timbre, the same words, the same ghost cry.

For hundreds of years, they have been crying, but this night Chang'an's cover is too tight, blocking the wailing of thousands of evil spirits day and night, and also blocking their desire for life... Obviously they are all reincarnations His soul, however, has degenerated and degenerated during the hundred years of waiting.

In the end, the cry in my mouth also became a cry - I want to go back, I want to go back, I want to go back!

"You guys, it's time to go back..."

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