On the top of the collapsed night scene, her figure is ethereal like a fairy, her eyes are downcast, and there are pity and sighs in her eyes.

"Time is up."

The moment the words fell, Ye Chang'an collapsed.

Originally a gravel castle built on the beach, it was extremely fragile under the waves, and would shatter into debris with a light tap.

The earth roared and trembled, and at the same time that the false illusion was shattered, a strong black resentment rose up, and the dark obsession and greed gathered together, like smoke penetrating the sky, reaching the sky, and hanging down a road to death for these evil spirits. road.

Countless undead rioted, roaring and rushing upwards.

In the stunning scenery of the collapse, the woman in the moon-white dress fell silently from the sky. She knew that her sword could not cut off the greed and desire of these evil spirits, so there was no need to stop them.

She listened to the roar of the evil spirits in her ears, and slowly closed her eyes.

——Go to the world, I... stay in hell.

——Leave your grievances behind and let me bear them.

——This may be just self-satisfaction, but even so, I still want to save these thousands of wandering souls, and watch over you for a hundred years, and finally... it's time to end, I have been watching this cage for a hundred years, and now, it is also accompanied by it Let's perish together.

From the beginning, I knew that such a day would come.

From the beginning, it was known that the peaceful times would never return.

Knowing the result clearly, but not struggling, not changing, not stopping, just accepting silently... It's like a mechanical life, but at least this life is meaningful, and I made a choice with a clear conscience.

"This is, a little... have you understood some of the ways of the world?"

Just before falling into the darkness, a faint smile appeared on her cheek.

In the moment when the world collapsed, only the place where she fell was dead and peaceful.

Resentment and hatred converged into a vortex... silently devouring and eroding her.

The souls faded away their resentment and resentment, let go of their obsessions, and merged into a river of light like a river flowing into the sea, merged into the ether, immersed their souls in it and flowed quietly, and went to the world, no longer looking back at hell .

Resentment and hatred are like the evils of this world, even heroic spirits can be polluted and deteriorated.

Even the first emperor, even the emperor of the ages, even the soul as strong as a god and demon, cannot resist this kind of erosion... Even if King Dumao has the aptitude to become a god, he will be blackened by the black mud in the end. There is only one Gilgamesh among the Heroic Spirits that can be polluted.

Once the heroic spirit is completely polluted, there is no other way of salvation except beheading.

It's just that she, who bears thousands of resentments, is definitely not on the same level as Li Guang, Xiang Yu and other heroic spirits who have lost their minds... She takes the initiative with her own will, which is very different from the war ghosts who are polluted and lose their sanity .

The so-called karma has completely different meanings from actively bearing and passively liquidating. She may not be able to resist erosion, and her temperament will change drastically. She is completely different from before, but she is still Zhao Zheng'er in essence.

Or it would be more appropriate to call her that...Zhao Zheng'er? Alter!


When Bai Jue broke through the blockade of tens of thousands of evil spirits and drove the white tiger all the way from the outside world, the scenery of Ye Chang'an had already changed.

There is no hazy white mist and pale moonlight, no ancient and solemn city and wandering immortal war ghosts, and there is only a dark pool, like a lake dyed black by ink.

The oppressive dark atmosphere was contained under one's feet, and the long road paved with layers of bones was piled up to form a bridge.

Leading Bai Jue forward, the closer he was, the deeper the uneasiness in his heart.

When he came to the end, there were countless corpses piled up here... the throne, on the throne, I got a familiar figure sitting on it in an enchanting posture that was completely different from the past, her hair was as black as ink, Her complexion was as pale as snow, her eyes were as red as blood, her lips were dotted with a few wisps of bright red, and her white fairy dress was replaced by an overly gorgeous black and red floor-length dress.

The black hair and the red clothes are scattered on the throne of bones like flowing water, which is extremely beautiful and weird.

She... is not the sword fairy sister.

Bai Jue had such a premonition, but neither her breath nor her soul had changed, the only thing that changed was her appearance and temperament.

If the Zhao Zheng'er in memory was an ethereal sword fairy, then at this time she was an out-and-out queen of Shura.

Zhao Zheng'er opened his mouth slowly, speaking carelessly, with a lazy and casual attitude: "Sure enough, you are still here, and you don't listen to advice as always. This is hell, and people can't come and leave when they want."

Bai Jue looked at her, adjusted his breathing gently, and said bluntly, "I'll take you back."

Zhao Zheng'er looked sideways slightly, as if he had heard a bad joke, with a bright but shallow smile: "Why? Why do I want to go back with you, why do you want me to go back with you?"

——She is really abnormal... Could it be that she has turned black?

Bai Jue secretly thought something was wrong, and tentatively said, "Sister Jianxian, what on earth are you..."

Zhao Zheng'er flicked her fingers, and a sword energy pierced through the atmosphere, cutting off a strand of Bai Jue's hair. Her eyes were slightly cold, and the emperor was majestic, and she said uncompromisingly: "Answer my question, don't change the subject, I don't want to hear it! "

"Because I don't want you to stay here." Bai Jue didn't frighten him, he said, "That's why I'm here."

"It's still going around in circles, you know I don't want to hear this." The woman stood up gracefully, walking catwalks, approaching step by step, a pair of slender thighs looming under the hem of the skirt, after changing her appearance, she never eats fireworks The exile-like immortal turned into a breathtaking witch.

The closer she got, the more Bai Jue realized that the clothes on her body seemed to cover her tightly, but in fact at least one-third of her features were exposed.

She approached step by step until she was in front of Bai Jue, looking straight into his eyes, staring into his eyes, for a moment, Bai Jue was caught by her pair of red pupils, and forgot to back away, and then, that There was a little emotional fluctuation on the delicate face, she stretched out her catkin, gently stroked the boy's cheek, breathed like blue, and said softly: "Come on, tell me, why did you come?"

Her hand was very cold, and when she touched it, not only did it not make Bai Jue lost, but it stimulated him to wake up.

Why do you want to come?Of course I'm here to save you, I'm not here to be walled off by you!

Bai Jue regained his sanity for an instant, and tried to back away, but just as he tried to distance himself, he was pulled by his collar. The distance was already very close, but when he was pulled hard, he got closer, and he could even smell clearly. See the scent of musk deer and orchid on Zhao Zhenger's body.

"You can't run away before you answer." She narrowed her eyes like an aggressive cat: "Or, are you too shy to speak?"

She leaned against the boy's ear, her lowered voice was sexy and hoarse: "Do you want me to say it for you? How much do you care... how much you like it..."

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