—No, shut up, I don't think that at all!

"This, this, this is a good joke. I'm in a cold sweat..." Bai Jue said with difficulty, "Sister Jianxian, have you been polluted, causing you to lose your mind?"

"I'm very sober, or rather, I've never been so sober." She smiled, and she was so glamorous: "I feel very good now, and I have never been so good. It is better to die than to live with strict self-discipline, and to indulge once in a while." Why not take a look at your true desire?" She licked her red lips: "Isn't it right? For example, at this moment... don't you want to kiss me?"

Looking at Zhao Zheng'er's lips... for a moment, Bai Jue's expression became stiff.

He is a very innocent young man, the kind who still had his first kiss, and he has also imagined what the first love in his life would be like.

Indulging in desires... It's unimaginable for a virgin!

It's as sad as if you gave me a Lamborghini and I don't even have a driver's license.

"I'm sorry, I really don't want to." Bai Jue showed an attitude of refusal.

It's not that he's indecisive when things go wrong, it's that he doesn't have any demands or desires in this regard.

At least the estrus should not be in this kind of time, the priority should be clearly distinguished!In other words, the conditions for estrus were not met!

Your Majesty, your innate conditions are certainly good, but unfortunately your acquired training is too poor. This level of temptation is nothing at all, and it can't compare to an old driver who is well versed in books and short movies.

So Bai Jue'an calmed down. He held Sister Jianxian's cold hand, touched her forehead, and said seriously: "There is something wrong with you. Your body temperature is so low. I'm afraid you may be caught by an evil spirit. Let's go, let's go back. Boil some hot water for you to drink..."

The originally ambiguous atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

The savior was just as skilled at pulling out the flag as he was planting it.

Under normal circumstances, this flag is almost pulled out, but at this time Zhao Zheng'er is very abnormal, the more Bai Jue refuses, the more she can't stop, the look in her eyes is a kind of tenderness and uncontrollable excitement .

"Ah, I knew that if it was you, you would definitely answer like this. After all, you are such a person... Just like a fool, sometimes you pretend to understand when you don't know, but you look like a fast log when you should understand." She He didn't let go of his hand, but his breathing accelerated slightly, his face flushed slightly: "I'm actually interested in a brat like you..."

"Your topic is getting more and more wrong." Bai Jue said with a dry smile, "Anyway, can you go back with me?"

"Why do you want to go back? I think this place is very good." Zhao Zheng'er held Bai Jue's cheeks: "So, you should stay too."

At this moment, the atmosphere froze.

Bai Jue showed a vigilant look: "Stay here?"

"Yeah, stay with me... It won't be too long, maybe a thousand years, and all the resentment here will be purified." Zhao Zheng'er took it back, pointing to the dark lake around him. This is all the accumulated resentment, she faintly Said: "It's too boring for me to stay alone during this long time. With you by my side, a thousand years is only a moment."

"Resentment... what if you leave now?" Bai Jue's words froze.

"It will flow into the present world, and I am afraid that part of the present world will also be assimilated into the land of the underworld." Zhao Zheng'er said flatly: "It is precisely to prevent it from going against the current that I came here... and it is precisely to let you leave that I came here." Say nothing."

——You really are still her...

Bai Jue didn't know what it was like: "Is there no other way?"

"Who knows? Even if there is, I won't be able to try it." She said with a smile: "Now I have changed my mind... If you feel guilty, you can stay, I will be too lonely alone .”

--stay?A thousand years?

Bai Jue recalled someone's figure, shook his head and said: "Sorry, I refuse, I not only want to leave, but also take you away."

Zhao Zheng'er's eyes narrowed slightly: "You foolish disciple, don't you listen to what your master says?"

"Seven-day master and apprentice, that's what I said at the beginning. For you, I don't mind being a superficial master and apprentice..." Bai Jue looked directly into her eyes: "This is my selfish choice, I want to take you go back!"

"Not to save the world, but to save you alone!"

"Bad boy..." Zhao Zheng'er sighed softly: "You should have your legs cut off and locked up in a small dark room to reflect." Her smile gradually became cold, and her eyes became dark: "The world is safe and secure. Qing... you cannot bear the consequences of this tens of thousands of resentments, disciple fool."

"I can't be with you for a thousand years, and I can't sit and watch you stay here alone for a thousand years, so..." Bai Jue said forcefully. Agni: "Come on, let's fight!"


ps1: Regarding the plot here, I have been entangled for a long time. I thought about letting Bai Jue split the tide of thousands of deaths by himself, rushed in and pulled Sister Sword Fairy out, and thought about letting him carry Sister Sword Fairy on his back, all the way Breaking through the blockade of tens of millions of dead tides, in short, I wrote a chapter or two, but I always feel that the atmosphere is not created enough.

Thinking about it carefully, the main thing is that there is still a tragic theme missing. In theory, the more perfect the ending, the less touching it will be... If you send a bento, I think it will be easy to write here.

The second problem is the attribution of Zhao Zheng'er's role. Her role is defined in a position of sacrifice, sacrificing freedom for the great cause of the family and country, and sacrificing herself for the empire of China... So there is a contradiction in her character, that is For the sake of the country, I made all the right choices, but I couldn't tolerate myself.

So I thought about it, and appropriately cut out a part of the plot of Bai Jue pretending to be handsome, that is, the process of him driving the white tiger to kill him was skipped, and the conflict of beliefs between the two characters was strengthened with pen and ink.

Bai Jue is very stubborn, he won't want a perfect ending, and Zhao Zheng'er is the same, he has sacrificed everything to keep the overall situation... It is very difficult for one of them to change easily, so in the case of blackening, it will make people This role that is not easy to grasp has become more emotional, and subsequent changes will be logical.

Yes, the strategy is in place in one step, alas, as witty as I am.

Also, there will be an update today, because this chapter is almost [-] words long...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Above thousands of wraiths, before the throne of bones.

Opposite teacher and apprentice, cold sword and eyes.

Bai Jue looked at the woman three steps away, but he couldn't even draw his sword. He knew that his arms would be cut off before his sword arrived. There is no match for it.

Just three steps, but it is an unreachable natural moat.

Just because what is in front of me is not a heroic spirit and a war ghost, but a real heroic spirit.

She didn't cause mental zombies because of resentment, she didn't lose her rationality because of killing, she carried everything on her back, and even suppressed this huge resentment and hatred under the throne!

And the price was just a small side effect, which caused her temperament to change at this time.

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