Bai Jue had seen this sword before.

But he has never faced this sword before, only when he faced this sword, did he know what it means to be overbearing.

Squeeze, crush, and smash!


Bai Jue couldn't stop this sword, so he had to change his move!

Zhao Zheng'er raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the azure blue thunder in front of him, not surprised, but whispered: "Is this your trump card?"

Bai Jue was on one knee, his black hair was dyed silvery white, his eyes were closed, a stream of blood left his forehead, and the white tiger stood aside, bent down and roared again and again, it also realized the woman in front of him How terrible.

"Yes, but is the white tiger, a part of me." Bai Jue stroked the white tiger's hair: "It is enough to deal with ordinary enemies, but it is still too reluctant to deal with heroic spirits. They are all asleep and have no chance to use them."

Zhao Zheng'er frowned, and she said in a slow and deep voice: "I noticed the abnormality in your identity early in the morning, but I never asked, but... your abnormal reaction, the source of your incomprehensible power, and your excessive persistence Faith, where does it come from?"

She stared at Bai Jue: "Who the hell are you?"

"I just……"

Bai Jue opened his eyes, the golden pupils reflected wildness and unruliness, Pei Mo Nengyu's thunderbolt illuminated the dark space, and that appearance, that expression made Zhao Zheng'er subconsciously clenched his weapon , A hot fire rose from the bottom of my heart, but it was not anger, but something else.

"Just a passing savior."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The savior, such a taboo name, not everyone can say it.

But what Bai Jue said was a matter of course, career issues, of course, should be called out in an open and honest manner.

"Heh..." Zhao Zheng'er couldn't help but smile and said, "The savior? How can there be such a person? If there is, he must be a fool."

"I'm not the kind of secondary disease who claims to be a righteous partner and pretends to be a hero. Of course, if you want to call me stupid, then I will admit it." Bai Jue retracted the Feixue sword into its scabbard, and said calmly: " After all, not everyone can say such bold words as saving the world, and I dare to say that with a little self-confidence."

"Your self-confidence is too empty."

Zhao Zheng'er lowered his sword, with a hot aggression hidden in his eyes, which flashed away like an illusion.

She parted her lips lightly: "There is still the last can't stop it, even if there is that big white cat that controls the thunder, it can't stop this sword."

"The Sword of the Son of Heaven uses the stone city of Yan as the tip of the sword, and Mount Tai of Qi as the sword knife; wraps the four barbarians and wraps it around the four seasons; controls the five elements, and discusses the virtue of punishment; cuts the floating clouds upward, and cuts the earth discipline downward. As soon as this sword is released, the princes will be rectified and the world will be subjugated, so when the sword is released, mountains and rivers will collapse, and the whole world will submit."

"When I killed God's Whip in front of the Yanmen Pass, I used this sword, leaving a ravine a hundred feet deep on the ground... I'm not sure that I won't hurt you with this sword, the best! As a result, you also lose an arm."

Subtext: To admit defeat, take advantage of the present.

Bai Jue shook his head: "I have reasons why I can't back down."

"For your personal feelings, or self-righteous sympathy, even if you take me away, what about the troubles left behind? Such behavior can be called selfish no matter what." Zhao Zheng'er whispered: "However, you I will come, I am very happy, so I can't be angry with you... Perhaps I who feel happy at this moment is also a kind of selfish indulgence, but it is limited to this."

"That's good." Bai Jue looked calmly: "You have your own attachments, and I have my own reasons. If you simply give up your previous persistence, it will make me feel hypocritical, precisely because you can't compromise. , can't understand each other, can't empathize with each other, so in the end, we can only choose to fight with swords and swords."

He smiled lowly.

"It's just that this is different from fighting. It's just a process of two fools who are so clumsy that they don't know how to speak... If you can't communicate with language, you can use swords instead of words, and put everything you own on the blade."

"Come on, I will bet my promise, so you will give everything without hesitation."

Bai Jue's eyes were firm, and he paused every word: "Sister Jianxian, please, let's use the sword!"

When the words come to this point, no amount of persuasion will be of use, the outcome of the real sword is life or death.

The beliefs between each other cannot be compromised, so the only choice is to use the sword.

The emperor's aura has changed, becoming calm and lengthy, and her gaze is no longer as human as before, but majestic and ruthless like a god.

Son of Heaven, what is Son of Heaven?

The son of heaven, walks the way on behalf of the sky. To the people, the emperor is the sky, and the way of heaven is ruthless.

Therefore, what the Tianzi sword cuts is the sword of heaven and earth, and what it wields is the wrath of heaven and earth.

The sword follows the law, follows the heaven and the earth, and the way is natural.

There is no mercy, and there is no mercy.

When she drew the sword, her consciousness disappeared, and what remained was only the awe-inspiring might and majestic momentum.

This sword can cut even time and space, lonely fireworks, withered time.

Nothing, can resist this sword, at least in Bai Jue's understanding, no one can resist this sword, whether it is the treasure of the peak heroic spirit, or the endless evil spirits, under this sword, they are all vulnerable Like a piece of paper.

It has surpassed a realm, no longer limited to the so-called power, but a conceptual strength.

Just like Kojiro Sasaki's Yanfan is not as destructive as an RPG, but it is exquisite and unparalleled in mastering multi-dimensional twists and turns; just like the deviant sword's anti-world treasure, its b-level is unparalleled, enough to tear the inherent barrier, but it cannot be broken Floor tiles of Ryudongsa Temple.

If Bai Jue had an EX-level intuition, he might have survived this sword attack, but unfortunately, he didn't have that kind of bug-like skill.

With this sword, he couldn't dodge, nor could he fight.

It has cut off time and space as written.

Therefore, there is no need to hide, let alone look, Bai Jue's original goal is not on her body, his real goal is only one - the throne of bones!

As long as this throne is destroyed, the suppressed resentment and hatred will lose their suppression and spring forth.

—and the moment they come out... it's time for me to act.

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