——I don’t know if I can catch up, maybe this sword will kill me before I make a move, but if I don’t try, how will I know success or failure?

——Don't blame me for being too cunning, originally this is the world of routines and anti-routines!

"White tiger!" Bai Jue ordered.

The holy beast roared, and with a roar, thunder fell from the sky and landed directly on the throne of bones. The thunderbolts fell without any effort, like dazzling spears of thunder.

Sister Jianxian concentrated her mind only to swing the Tianzi sword, but she was restrained because of this and could not stop the sword. She realized something, but had no time to withdraw.

So, at almost the same moment, the Throne of Bones collapsed.

At the same time, that sword finally arrived.

When Bai Jue's heart was penetrated, the resentful spirits under the throne rioted like a tide, broke through the blockade, and gathered into a vortex, as if a dark lake began to boil, and the sound of ghost cries filled the ears again.

Zhao Zheng'er was caught off guard, she wanted to go back and suppress the huge grievance again, but subconsciously looked in the direction of Bai Jue.

This is the world of the soul. The heart was pierced, representing a part of the soul, and it was also torn apart. Once he was seriously injured, once he was involved in it, he would either be assimilated into a war ghost or directly returned to the ether.

However, almost as soon as the throne was shattered, Bai Jue was swallowed into the wave of undead, and she couldn't see anything in the darkness.


She could no longer maintain the peace of expression, but couldn't help scolding: "Are you taking the initiative to seek death!"

She covered her cheeks and bit her lips: "Is it worth it..."

In the pitch black ink, a sonorous and powerful voice came.

"I'm not actively seeking death, I think it's worth it."

The golden-red fire was burning like gasoline. In the depths of the dark dead tide, there was a fire burning. It burned hatred and resentment. Everything accumulated for a hundred years disappeared in the flames. .

I don't see the tens of thousands of wronged souls, but I can see the fire of the prairie fire, which burns endlessly, and a banner stands like a pillar supporting the sky, or a backbone supporting the sky.

The wraiths were burned to ashes in the flames, leaving only a warm glow, reborn from the ashes, and nirvana flying feathers.

Bai Jue held up a banner and walked out of the raging fire, with the steps of flames under his feet and a red robe under his command.

His heart is still broken, but the flames are still burning. He will not die until his soul is completely burned. It is not the heart that drives the soul, but a will, an indomitable will.

This flame is the fire of anger, not from Bai Jue, but from the mark that Bai Di gave him.

This flame can burn everything, it is a melting pot, the seven emotions and six desires, the seven bitternesses of life, all negative emotions are mixed into it, will be purified, and then turned into a cavity of anger and burnt... These tens of millions of people, the grievances accumulated for a hundred years, after all, , but set a fire.

This is also the clerk's specialty. He is very good at setting fires, especially at burning himself, so this should be his job, but now Bai Jue does it for him... As the price, this fire will destroy his entire body. Souls are burned to ashes.

Although it was just a fire, the price was really high.

But he thinks it's worth it, if only burning her soul once can liberate her for a thousand years, then why not?

Bai Jue raised the banner, closed his eyes, and the flames spread along his arms, gradually devouring his whole being. The scorching fire light made people feel warm, as if he was bathed in the sun, he heard a melodious phoenix cry.

This time, I went to Quantai to recruit the old department, and killed Yan Luo with a hundred thousand flags.

The banner fell, the flames burned brightly, with Bai Jue as the center, a wave of fireworks rose, and the waves of flames whizzed away like a tsunami, igniting all the thousands of people, and everything was in the golden red fire Turned into ashes, waiting to be reborn.

The fire banner dissipated in his hand, and Bai Jue felt that the power had disappeared, but the golden flame burning in his chest did not dissipate, exuding warmth, delaying the decline of the soul, but his time was running out .

Finally, let's say goodbye.

Bai Jue turned around and smiled easily: "I said, I will save you."

Everything that binds you has been cut off by my own hands. You no longer need to stay in this hell, let alone return to the throne that does not belong to you. You are already... free.

I burned the hell and gave you back the world.

I said it, I did it.

and so……


Zhao Zheng'er lowered her head, bit her lower lip lightly, and looked at Bai Jue's fading figure, a tear shed from the corner of her eye.


"you really……"

"Fool disciple..."


ps1: The third volume is almost over here. Although there are still some procrastination plots to be written, it is the most appropriate ending here.

I always feel that I should write something to give a speech at the end of the volume, but since the previous part of this volume is very rubbish, let’s talk about something else...

The plot of this volume has no bosses, no too many twists and turns, just complete a very difficult strategy, and dig a few holes, such as Li Shiming, Li Xiuning, Yang Guang, etc., but the real heroine is still Zhao Zhenger, She can be said to be the core figure in this volume, and everything revolves around her... But the difficulty of her strategy is really against the sky.

This kind of emperor who works for the country and the people can almost be said to have no personal feelings, and is different from the dumb hairy king who concealed the identity of a woman. Her position is doomed to her loneliness. Everyone will respect and worship but will not understand She, so I conveniently set up two rounds to facilitate the strategy... It's a pity that the writing is too complicated and the sense of existence is thin.

As for the follow-up of the role of Sister Sword Fairy... I haven't figured it out yet, I always feel that the role is becoming more and more similar to a certain purple-clothed old woman, and I am considering whether to let them form a team.

Secondly, regarding Li Shiming and Li Xiuning, their strategies have not been completed. Yes, they have not been completed. Although the favorability is almost full, they are not completed, and the second strategy has not yet started.

ps2: The next few chapters will simply go through the plot, write some daily adjustments, and then enter the next volume.

The content of the fourth volume returns to the main world. A brief preview, the stage is located in the island of Kyushu, outside hunters will soon participate in the hunt, and new characters will appear soon. For reminders, please see the cover.

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