So, that's all for now.

Ah, no, there are blades!Please give me the blade!The monthly pass is optional, but I want the blade!Such a diligent and diligent author, do you have the heart not to give the blade!


The reward is on, the reward is on!

It just so happens that this volume is finished, and the New Year's lucky bag event is also out, so let's open a wave of rewards.

Bounty Blade

Watch out, it's the blades!

Only accept blades, no monthly tickets!

There is no upper limit, 250 blades will be replaced once, until the end of February!

Although tipping is also possible, to be honest, tipping is worse than going to the event page to draw rewards, which is much more effective than tipping directly!

This is the end of the story, hurry up and urge me to update with a blade!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue was completely burnt to ashes in the singularity.

There is no doubt about this point, it is equivalent to the last lump left by Xinwang Chuanhuo, without leaving any residue, it was completely burned.

Speaking of the resurrection process, it’s actually not too complicated. In fact, Bai Di buried the mechanism for resurrection early in the morning. There is no explanation about the mechanism of resurrection, because he is afraid that Bai Jue will not take his own life as his own. Going up is a self-destruct.

——Life is not something to give up.

A certain clerk sighed earnestly, and then he added another coin to Bai Jue, the resurrection coin.

Compared with the clerk's rebirth process that has not been described in detail, Bai Jue's rebirth process is much more cumbersome. From the soul to the body, the amount of work to be gradually repaired one by one is huge, and it cannot be completed in a short time. The process is saved, and the original power in the bookmark starts to operate.

The bookmark given by Bai Di to Bai Jue contains a law that will automatically generate a world about Bai Jue. With the increase in the number of bookmarks, the world will continue to become complete, and the initial function of its recording is time and cause and effect .

It is precisely because of its existence that Bai Jue can walk on the banks of the river of time independently of the chaotic cause and effect, and remain unchanged.

There is only one way to revive a person whose soul has completely died, that is, the reversal of time and the flashback of cause and effect.

Although Bai Jue is independent from the river of time, it does not mean that he does not get involved in it. In order to solve the singularity, he must integrate into the world, like a ship, going down the river, so as long as he manipulates his own Time and cause and effect can reach the point of reversing life and death.

To give a simple example, you are watching a movie, the movie is over, and you want to watch it again, so you have two ways, one is to go back to the time before you watched the movie and watch it again, the other is to drag the progress , pull back to the starting point and read it again.

Movies are the river of time in the world, and Bai Jue is the audience.

Ordinary viewers can only spend the same amount of time with the movie, but Bai Jue can drag the progress bar of the movie; and Bai Di can control Bai Jue's time.

The resurrection process is probably like this——

At the end of the movie, Bai Jue was about to leave the audience as an audience, so Bai Di pressed Bai Jue's shoulder and told him, "Don't worry, the movie will start", then he reversed the time to before the movie was played, and then played the movie The progress bar of the movie was dragged to the end, and then a new movie was replaced, and I continued to watch.

The first movie I watched was the singularity, and the second movie represented the modern era that Bai Jue is currently in.

From the conclusion, the first movie is still over, and Bai Jue has indeed watched this movie. Personally, he watched two movies in a row. From Bai Di's point of view, he is Manipulated Bai Jue's time so that he watched two movies at the same time.

This is the benefit of causal independence. The time of the movie is not consistent with the time of the outside world. For those who can control the time changes of the outside world, the tricks that can be played are far more than these.

Speaking of this, those who understand understand, and those who do not understand do not need to force understanding.

In short, Bai Jue's life was extended by Bai Di, and he was no different from before. He was still himself, and he did not forget anything he had experienced.


When his eyes were bright again, Bai Jue was lying on the bed in the bedroom. He sat up subconsciously, and found that he was wearing his usual drowsiness. The pure air smelled like flowers, and the sunlight outside the window shone on the quilt, making people think about the warmth. To take a nap.

"I... haven't I been burned to ashes?" Bai Jue pinched his face, looked at his body, and examined it carefully. Even the burn marks from his childhood were there. It was definitely the original body, and the memory of the soul was completely intact. no problem.

"White Tiger White Tiger? What happened?"

[I don't know, it should have died, but it didn't. At this moment, it is undoubtedly true...]

Bai Jue pondered for a moment, then smiled freely: "Forget it, don't think about it so much, maybe my level is not up to it, I may understand in the future, it is a good thing to be resurrected anyway, I was afraid of some side effects before, it seems that I think too much." He stretched, stood up from the bed, and looked out the window: "A good day starts with fishing!"

He hugged his salted fish pillow and felt refreshed, then changed his clothes and walked to the living room.

The coffee shop is still as quiet as ever, and it can even be said to be a little deserted. If such a shop is placed in an urban area, it will lose tens of thousands of dollars in a week.

After going through great storms and even dying in battle once again, Bai has completely lost sight of certain things, and his heart is as calm as water. He believes that even if he faces that unfamiliar white mop cat, he can keep his face greeted with a smile.

However, he soon discovered that his Buddhist practice was not that profound.

Since he came down from the second floor, the expressions of the two girls in the living room have changed subtly.

Regardless of the fire-proof girl, she stared at the screen in front of her, wearing earphones, with a bit of panic and embarrassment in her gentle expression, as if she was connecting with Zhenyuan, and said something with a smile.

It's inconvenient for Bai Jue to bother.

But Altair was very subtle, she squinted her eyes, raised her chin slightly, and stared at him with a kind of cold eyes looking at garbage, as if she was thinking about which kind of garbage bin to throw him into.

"You're back." Her attitude always made people feel a little stiff.

It's like the subtle expressions and eyes of your colleagues and friends the next day after you drank too much and exposed your heart.

And you still look dazed and don't understand anything, just like Bai Jue now.

——I have worked so hard to capture a singularity. Is this how you treat your store manager who has worked so hard to socialize?As a feline, I think you should let me paw a couple of times to comfort you.

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