Bai Jue covered his heart, his heart ached, but he managed to break the embarrassment with a few smiles: "I heard that you didn't go home to give birth before? Don't you need a maternity leave or something?"

"No need, Setsuna's soul hasn't been reincarnated yet." Speaking of this, Altair's gaze softened a little, but it was still unavoidably stiff: "I can't take care of her for too long, so I ask Lao Xu to help me with some advice... ...he suggested that I reincarnate Setsuna in a less dangerous world."

"I suddenly had a bad premonition." The corner of Bai Jue's mouth twitched slightly, it was an old man after all.

"His proposal did give me a lot of inspiring thinking." Altair squeezed his delicate chin: "For example, a certain Kyoto purple..."

"Shut up, you can't say that name." Bai Jue rubbed his eyebrows: "It's [-] again, aren't you afraid of blowing it up? I thought Lao Xu was the conscience of the industry, but I didn't expect him to follow suit. This kind of thing can't be brought out For comparison, the higher the sales, the better the word-of-mouth, the more hype it doesn’t mean safety! EVA, Gundam is so miserable that you can’t even see it!”

"Personally, I think the world where the magical girl Sakura lives is very good. The magical girl in that world is not a high-risk occupation like Mami." Altair thought for a while: "As a fan creator, it may be possible to enter the second-dimensional world. A kind of happiness... I don't want her to experience too much suffering in this life, if she can be surrounded by happiness, that's the best."

She sighed faintly: "However, it is really difficult to make a choice. No matter which world it is, it is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface."

"That's for sure." Bai Jue spread his hands and poured himself a cup of hot tea: "But most of your thoughts are unfounded, everyone has their own life trajectory, maybe she doesn't want you to choose that way? Let her be free, if you are really worried, you can raise her by yourself... It’s fine to raise her in this world, identity or household registration, at worst, I’ll go find a shameful whale or someone Maid lovers handle it."

(By the way, at present, the identity cards of Fireproof Girl and Altair have been settled. After Bai Jue contacted Zhou Sangyu through Shijiri, he asked the other party to handle it. Zhou Sangyu also agreed for the sake of revolutionary friendship, and did not Inform Li Xiuning and others)

Altair hesitated and shook his head lightly: "It's hard to decide. Besides, I have no experience in raising a daughter. Obviously my creator is her, but raising the creator as a daughter...isn't it a mistake?"

It is rare to see Jun Ji shaken, she lays down on the table weakly: "If she really grows up, and she asks me who my father is, how should I answer? Girls from single-parent families will more or less have some psychological problems. Trauma, I can't let her lose at the starting line!"

"You really treat yourself like a child's mother, worry too much, be careful of gray hair... No, your hair was originally white."

Bai Jue had an expression on his face that he was not afraid of big things when he was watching a movie, and he said casually, "Actually, think about it, your mother...that is, your creator was lucky enough to pinch you out of thin air. It's easy, she hasn't had any negative distance contact with anyone, it's just a wave of meditation and practical operations, who said that singles can't have children? Even if there is no father, it is not difficult to fabricate one out of thin air, such as the old Wang next door I can recite dozens of jokes for you."

"..." Altair stared at Bai Jue.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Bai Jue took a sip of his tea, "I'm a straight-talking person, so how could I offend you..."

"Speaking of which, store manager." Altair changed the subject forcefully, narrowed his eyes, and his tone became strange: "Are you satisfied with your body and confident?"

"Huh?" Bai Jue thought for a while, then nodded, "I'm not dissatisfied with my body at all."

"Do you feel that your body is very good and you don't mind showing it to others?"

"This." Bai Jue rolled up his sleeves: "Although my arm muscles are not as muscular as Weigong Coyote's zero-destroyed unicorn arm, it's definitely not too bad. A cook's arm strength is not small, at least There's nothing wrong with showing some muscle."


Jun Ji elongated her tone: "Is that why you lie on the floor in the middle of the night?"

The light words came, but in Bai Jue's ears, it was no less than a magnitude [-] earthquake. He was shocked!He is incoherent!He made a fuss!

"You are talking nonsense! It's the biggest joke in the world! I don't know that someone has the bad habit of sleeping naked! He won't sleepwalk and lie on the floor!"

And what responded to him was a photo.

Altair turned on the phone, and she frantically set this picture as a screensaver!

Looking at the familiar body on the screen, the sleeping expression like a dead pig, and the mosaic... Bai Jue wailed like a groundhog.

Jun Ji said coldly: "Do you know how I felt when I came back from the outside world and the first thing I saw was you, not someone else?"

"Shut up, I don't want to hear it at all!"

Altair paused every word: "I almost called the police!"

Chapter 3.0 Cafe version [-] is online

"Fireproof girl! Tell me quickly, this is not true, this is made by PS of the four major magic arts in Asia!" Bai Jue stared at the fireproof girl beside him in grief, hoping to get a negative answer.

However, this gentle beauty who entered the water failed Bai Jue's expectations. She just tilted her head slightly and buried her head. Her fair cheeks seemed to be stained with the red of the sunset. The red spread from her cheeks to her neck. She was already flushed. ears.

Naturally, I saw something that I shouldn't have seen.

She coughed lightly, and continued to stare at the romance novel on the tablet, as if she was comprehending some philosophy of life.

"It's useless." Altair looked down at someone Bai, she put down the phone, and calmly added the knife: "This phone belongs to her."


Bai Jue felt that he was about to suffocate. It turned out that it was not someone else who took the screenshot as the screensaver, but this fire-proof girl who looked harmless to humans and animals?

"I, I'm not, I didn't..." The fire prevention girl lowered her head and didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Ah!!!" Bai Jue continued to growl like a groundhog.

"It's useless to growl, the evidence is overwhelming, what else can you say? Manager, I'm really curious, what exactly did you go through in the singularity, that you were stripped naked and left in the living room. "Altair squinted his eyes: "And there is no suspicious liquid on his body, and there is no weird smell... This is different from the picture in the Kyushu Rape Book."

"You seem to have mentioned a very extraordinary thing just now! Where did you see those things! I don't remember teaching you to be such a dirty woman!" Bai Jue covered his face: "Your cold Where did the boss pose go, why is the character set collapsed like this now... What about the dialogue that was so close to Zheye, the middle two to the explosion? I beg you, please go back to the original version."

"Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, why did Yu become what he is now." Altair sneered: "Don't you know it well?"

"You politely asked me if I have a B number in my heart, of course I do." Bai Jue took a deep breath and asked, "Have you peeked at the folder named Liu Bei in the F drive of my computer?"

Altair smiled disdainfully: "Change the subject? It's useless, you haven't answered my question yet, what happened to the joyful... tragic thing? Tell me about your experience in the singularity."

The corner of Bai Jue's mouth twitched slightly: "I said, can you delete this photo?"

"Of course...impossible." Altair's smile gradually became vicious. For some reason, Bai felt that this smile looked familiar... Isn't this the standard smile when he often does immoral things to deceive people!

"I'll give you a salary increase!" Bai Jue threw out his trump card: "A salary increase!"

"You'd better say it obediently." Altair smiled and said, "Before I send it out."

"Who do you want to send it to!" Bai Jue's words gradually frightened.

"You know the immoral things the store manager has done. There are not a few good friends who have been tricked by you. At least that lolicon surnamed Zheng is a fool with a lot of money. If you can get your black history , he will definitely do everything possible to turn back." Jun Ji smiled slightly: "Isn't that good?"

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