"I treat you well!" Bai Jue thumped the table: "Once the big whale gets my black history, this shit will basically spread to the whole group, so the rumor that I was beeped by philosopher Uncle Hei in turn It's going to spread all over the world in no time! Do you want me to be obliterated on a social level! I'm just a child, you can't be so cruel!"

Altair snorted softly, of course she wasn't serious, just to frighten Bai Jue: "When you joked about Nasha, why didn't you consider my mood? Now I know it hurts? You know, the way of heaven is reincarnation, and the sky bypasses it." Who? Store Manager, if you don't change your habitual, cheap, and brain-deceiving character, you will be punished sooner or later."

"You don't want to be this young man, I'm still quite safe." Bai Jue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "After all, my black history and so on... There are actually quite a few in the group, for example, men should fuck men and so on. speech."

"... Men should... be men?" Jun Ji silently glanced at the fireproof woman, and asked cautiously, "You don't really have that kind of... hobbies, do you?"

"My original words are that a man should do what a man should do." Bai Jue spread his hands: "Is it my fault that it was taken out of context?"

...It's a good thing you didn't, otherwise the group of men who tried to bend you would probably be turned into kebabs by the spiral sword.

Altair changed her sitting position, her legs were crossed together, the Absolute Domain was quite eye-catching, she lightly tossed her hair, she was capable, refreshing and intellectual, in stark contrast to the quiet and pleasant Fireproof Girl beside her.

This unfamiliar silver-haired cat raised the corners of its lips: "Although this sounds awkward, it is indeed in line with your code of conduct... Well, I can roughly guess what you experienced in the singularity." what."

"It doesn't exist. The situation this time is complicated." Bai Jue sighed: "The kind that can't be finished in a few words."

The fireproof girl closed the tablet and said softly, "I want to hear it too. Can you tell us about Bai's experience?"

Her request was as gentle as water, but it was impossible to refuse.

"...Okay." Bai Jue is not willing to hide too much, and the experience in the singularity is not something worth hiding, but he doesn't want to take the initiative to boast about how great his actions are. He is not inflated at all, but somewhat Feeling that I am not capable enough.

The singular point this time is that it relied on Bai Di's support to complete the foundation of Humanity.

And, even if he didn't go there, maybe in the end, history will still follow the normal track, and the first emperor will watch for a thousand years with thousands of resentful spirits... On the surface, there seems to be no change, and what he changed is only The fate of a very small number of people.

This time, it was not the world that was saved, but some people.

When he thought of Bai Di, Bai Jue suddenly remembered something. He looked at the back of his hand, the crimson coat of arms had disappeared, the fire of the banner had dissipated, but... when he fell into the deepest part of the dead tide, As the flames of the banner burned, something awoke within him.

That is another spirit power different from the white tiger.

But it hasn't fully woken up yet.

"But before I talk, there is still something to do." Bai Jue repaired the second singularity, and also recovered the source of the singularity from the singularity. Not surprisingly, it was still a bookmark. He spread his palm , an indigo bookmark rose from the palm of his hand, it slowly floated into the air, and quickly blended into the space of the coffee shop, like sugar melting in hot water.

The rules contained in this bookmark are the materialization of the soul.

Based on it, someone blocked the passage between the present world and the inside of the world, built Ye Chang'an, and allowed a large number of undead to be born, which eventually led to the deterioration of the situation beyond imagination. In a hundred years, I am afraid that the singularity has already erupted.

With the integration of the second bookmark into the coffee shop, it also started the second upgrade.

The process was very fast, within a short burst of flashes, the upgrade was completed. It simply expanded the original functions and increased the application range of the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds. special projects.

[The upgrade is complete, the coffee shop has been upgraded to LV3, and new functions are enabled]

[Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds version updates are synchronized, corresponding functions have been enhanced]

[Traveling through the coordinate world, there is no need to pay additional book coin fees, it can be opened three times a day, and the time flow rate is solidified by ten to one]

[Inviting visitors from other worlds, the maximum limit has been increased to [-]... The list of book coins has opened the exchange of consumables, please confirm the list]

A row of virtual lists appeared in front of my eyes.

Bai Jue took a look at it, and his eyes were attracted immediately. This dazzling array... are all good things!

[Snickers: A Snickers, find yourself! —— HPMP recovered by [-]%!Exchange: fifty book coins]

[Xiandou: Come to my bowl quickly! ——The weak body is released!Status is full!Exchange: Three hundred book coins]

[Horse monkey shochu: Bitter wine hurts your throat, let's have another toast to the hero! ——After drinking, it enters the explosive state, and the treasure is fired continuously, and the damage is increased!It's done!Exchange: one hundred book coins] (There are many flavors to choose from)

[Apple-flavored coffee: Unknown...unknown effect, legendary treasure of creation...exchange: [-] million book coins]

There are not many consumables, about a dozen kinds, from HP recovery potions to detoxification potions and damage-enhancing potions, which are quite conscientious, and the price is not too expensive... Bai Jue looked at the list and wondered if he would There may continue to be some other types of items, such as exchange items such as weapons, armor, props, or artifacts.

"I don't know if I can buy Dragon Balls?" Bai Jue thought happily in his heart: "In this way, I can make a wish and turn myself into the Emperor of Europe, and the ten companies will be full of treasures directly. Now I don't have a single SSR from the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms." Take it out."

[New feature - Chaldea's Globe]

[I watch the stars at night, look, your death star is shining in the sky! 】

[This is a miniature version of the device used by Chaldea to observe human nature. Since the function of spirit transfer is not as good as the Gate of Myriad Worlds, this part of the function has been cancelled. It is only used as an observation device, and it will be displayed intuitively The current level of security in the world, once the human nature collapses, will display the corresponding time zone and location. There is no need for a hard-working clerk to work overtime as a background commentary. Moreover, when something from the outside of the world enters the world, it will also be displayed. A corresponding prompt will be given, if necessary, please go to eliminate it]

"I can finally open the full map." Looking at the fist-sized globe, Bai Jue felt a sense of reward after suffering, and now he was not afraid of someone messing up things. When he saw the map turn red, he flew over and smashed the group of people. dog head!In case my hometown was about to be demolished, I was still busy making soy sauce with a confused face.

Yes, it was the incident that ended the Shenhai crisis before. I thought it was just an accident, but I didn’t expect that someone was doing it. It’s incredible when I think about it carefully-I just took Lori out for a drive.

Ah, speaking of which, I don't know how Mary is doing now, but Lori is actually quite cute.

Bai Jue smiled to himself. The upgraded coffee shop is more classic and has a different charm. When he was in a good mood, he waved his hand: "Get ready, it will open at [-] pm, we want to earn book coins , krypton gold draw card."


ps1: I took a look at the blade, you are so fierce... Even if it is two hundred and five plus one chapter, I owe more than a dozen chapters in just one day, but it is not enough, if this month can make me owe forty chapters more , then I have to take the third shift from the middle of the month, and try to pay it off in the same month, and you can decide for yourself.

Just make sure to make the eating a little less ugly.

This volume of plot is still the main world, but to change the stage, there will be sugar, there is Shura Field, and two new group members, Bei Gao and Quincy, these two are heroic spirits, but they are a bit... different.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The cafe in the afternoon is very lively.

After a group of Cengfan came, it was very noisy for a while.

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