After Bai Jue finished serving the dishes, he chose a seat to sit down, and briefly talked about his experience in the singularity.

However, there are omissions. For example, sister Jianxian, Li Shiming and others have made corresponding deletions. The statement of nine truths and one falsehood does not sound like a big problem. A group of people are the same as curious babies, one on the left Question, right one question.

"The general situation is like this. In the end, I was inevitably burned to ashes." Bai Jue picked up the teacup: "But fortunately, the savior will not die, and a hero will be immortal for me."

"The specific situation is really complicated." Sakata Gintoki said solemnly: "Actually, I didn't understand Yinsang at all. I was only focused on eating strawberry sundaes. This is a rare life-saving dessert after the injury is healed. .”

"Yin-sang, don't be too messy, be careful that the wound will open again." Shimura Shinpachi pushed his glasses.

"That's right, I was slashing with that demon sword before, and I was almost killed by the opponent's final move of the White Emperor Sword." Kagura also nodded beside him.

"Who do you think is the dead wood Bai O!" Yin Shi rubbed the back of his head: "Don't mention him, my kidneys are hurting again, and he will make trouble for me everywhere. I opened a house of everything to live a peaceful life. , not here to fight, it’s a pity that the Shinsengumi, a group of unpaid police officers, are unreliable, alas, the world is going down.”

Bai Jue looked at the wound on Yinshi's waist and abdomen, touched his chin, and clapped his hands: "I remembered, you should be at the end of the red cherry chapter, right? The one that was remade by Xiaoli O..."

Yinshi's expression froze, he put down the empty cup, and dug his ears: "What, obviously that Xiaoli O is not as handsome as Yinsang and I, really... so it's really annoying to say that the live-action remake is something like that."

——Mom, you really made complaints across dimensions.

"The tail is almost up to the sky." Kagura smiled disdainfully: "My live-action actor is still the number one beautiful girl in Japan, Aru."

"Then his image was completely ruined in this movie, he spit and picked his nostrils... Poof..." Just as Shinpachi finished speaking, he was punched in the kidney and fell down on the table with a bang. On the case, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, rolled his eyes and passed out.

"What are you talking about, Xin Baji, I am also a rare beautiful girl, Aru, how can you say that the beautiful girl is ruined?" A joke.

Bai Jue silently distanced himself from the three of them, for fear of being infected with some kind of intelligence-reducing virus unique to the Gintama world.

"You have worked so hard, you have experienced so much in just half a month." Holo lay on the table, her tail wagging slightly, showing a sly smile, she drank rice wine, her cheeks turned red: "Do you want to?" Come to my world for a tour?"

"Travel?" Bai Jue thought for a while, "Traveling in the Middle World, I really want to go...Since you mentioned the reason, you should be free now. You have left the village that imprisoned you and set foot on the The journey is over."

The story of the wolf and the spices has officially begun. I don’t know if the traveling merchant is the same as the original.

"That's right." Holo closed one eye, and said playfully, "It is true that I met a traveling merchant, he was a rare good man, after a brief explanation, he actually believed our words and took us with him. Let's go on a trip together."

Clover Lawrence... is indeed a good old man like a fool. Such a good man is very shrewd as a businessman, but he fails.

With the occurrence of various events during the journey, the bond between the two continues to increase. In the end, he will be captured by the wolf girl. In the end, the two will enter the palace of marriage and spend their lives in happiness.

——Then should I bless her?

Bai Jue couldn't help feeling a little conflicted in his heart. In theory, he was the one who came first, so he couldn't help but fall silent.

Holo smiled even more intensely, she was clearly a wolf, but she smiled like a fox: "What's the matter? Congratulations, I have escaped from the four-hundred-year prison, and I am finally returning home."

"Yes, congratulations." Bai Jue pretended to smile casually, and picked up the teacup: "If there is a chance, I will visit your world."

And the smile on Holo's mouth grew stronger.

The idiot pretended to be calm when there was obviously no more tea in his cup, he must be thinking of something.

Holo is a virtuous wolf, not only cute, but also intelligent. She knew what Bai Jue was thinking from the very beginning, and she said this deliberately, just to test Bai Jue's reaction, and the result made her very satisfied.

Could not be more satisfied.

If Bai Jue didn't respond, it meant that she really had no chance of winning, but if Bai Jue showed a little unnaturalness, it proved that in his heart, Holo still occupied a part of the weight.

Thinking of this, the wolf girl grinned, with a joyful smile in her amber eyes, lying on the table, her cute expression was overwhelming, even Bai Jue couldn't help but look away, afraid that she would stare blankly.

For Holo, after seeing such a vast world, she is not so attached to her hometown, but she cares more about Baijue.

Even with bruises and bruises, he clumsily bears heavy responsibilities. Such a fool makes people feel distressed... Maybe it's inexplicable, maybe it has nothing to do with him, but Xian Lang likes such a good old man, a little fool, with a clumsy and cuteness.

It is too heavy to talk about love and not love, but Holo thinks that if it is Bai Jue, it is okay to comb her tail for him. If she can stay by his side, she will definitely be able to see more and get more. much joy.

That's enough... After she returns to her hometown, she will definitely come to join him, or simply abduct him?

That's all for later, the main question now is...

"If you are willing to come, my partner will definitely welcome you." Holo smiled lightly: "Although the child has a hard mouth, he is actually very soft-hearted. She is a girl. lover."

Bai Jue was at war with heaven and man in his heart, and he replied casually: "Well, she is indeed a good girl, although her nature as a businessman is very... huh?"

Someone Bai raised his voice an octave: "Girl?"

"Yeah, she's a very cute girl named Clover Lawrence. She's eighteen years old this year. Although she's very young, she's already a seasoned businessman." Holo joked, "Why, do you think my partner Is it a man? Why would I travel with a man casually..."

"Yes, is that so?" Bai Jue laughed a few times, silently crossing himself - I'm sorry, Lawrence, your dick is gone hahahaha hiccup!

"However...if I hadn't been summoned and met you back then, perhaps I would have really lost my loneliness and run away with someone else. No matter who the other party is, as long as they can take me away." Holo changed the subject. , hugged himself, buried his head in his knees, and Wolf Ear also fell down listlessly: "It's really scary to be alone...I hate being alone."

The lively environment in the cafe could not dispel her lingering loneliness at this time.

Bai Jue's heart trembled, and he realized that this virtuous wolf would be so fragile in the first place. Things that may seem ordinary to him are precious in her eyes. Even if it's just a one-day gathering, For her, it is also a spiritual sustenance.

A cat will die if it is too lonely, and so will a wolf.

"You can come anytime you want." Bai Jue said, "This Clover Cafe will always welcome you."

"As a guest?" Holo asked softly.

"...not a guest." Bai Jue paused: "It is..."

He was stuck, not knowing how to answer.

"What is it?" Holo asked, her ears pricked up, the wolf girl's ambition had been exposed.

"Yes..." Bai Jue touched the tip of his nose and said softly, "It's very important..."

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